
Analysing stoichiometrically, once the molar mass of 1 mol of carbon dioxide (CO2) is 44g/mol, what will be the mass of 120 mol of this gas? The m...

Analysing stoichiometrically, once the molar mass of 1 mol of carbon dioxide (CO2) is 44g/mol, what will be the mass of 120 mol of this gas?

The molar mass of carbon dioxide is 44g/mol.
120 mol of carbon dioxide will have a mass of 5280g.
A) 5280g
B) 0.37g
C) 164g
D) 44g

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A resposta correta é A) 5280g. Para calcular a massa de 120 mol de dióxido de carbono (CO2), basta multiplicar o número de mols pela massa molar do CO2: Massa = número de mols x massa molar Massa = 120 mol x 44 g/mol Massa = 5280 g Portanto, a massa de 120 mol de CO2 é de 5280g.



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