
Some patients need to move the table away to be able to read. The best near visual acuity can be noted this way, remembering to also note the dista...

Some patients need to move the table away to be able to read. The best near visual acuity can be noted this way, remembering to also note the distance at which it was obtained. What is this test called?

I- Buraco estenopeico
II- Refração
III- Hemangioma periocular
IV- Miopia
a) I and II are correct.
b) II and IV are correct.
c) I and IV are correct.
d) III and IV are correct.

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9 pág.

Fisiologia I UNIME de Lauro FreitasUNIME de Lauro Freitas


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O teste descrito na pergunta é chamado de "Buraco estenopeico". Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "a) I e II estão corretas".



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