
Alexander Fleming was an English doctor who stood out for a very important feat: the discovery of penicillin. The substance, which was discovered b...

Alexander Fleming was an English doctor who stood out for a very important feat: the discovery of penicillin. The substance, which was discovered by chance, is produced by a fungus and is capable of killing bacteria. Thus, the first antibiotic in human history emerged, which is still used today to treat some bacterial diseases, such as syphilis. The relationship established between the fungus that produces penicillin and the bacteria is a case of:

a) Cannibalism.
b) Commensalism.
c) Amensalism.
d) Parasitism.
e) Colony.
c) Amensalism.

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Biologia Centro Universitário do NorteCentro Universitário do Norte


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A relação estabelecida entre o fungo que produz a penicilina e as bactérias é um caso de amensalismo. O fungo produz uma substância que inibe o crescimento das bactérias, sem ser afetado por elas.



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