
What were the main characteristics of the European overseas expansion and the discovery of Brazil? I - The European overseas expansion was motivat...

What were the main characteristics of the European overseas expansion and the discovery of Brazil?

I - The European overseas expansion was motivated by economic, political, and religious factors, such as the search for new trade routes, the expansion of the territories, and the spread of Christianity.
II - The discovery of Brazil occurred in 1500, when the Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral arrived on the coast of Bahia, and it was marked by the exploitation of natural resources, such as wood, sugar, and gold.
III - The discovery of Brazil was followed by the colonization process, which was marked by the enslavement of the indigenous population and the importation of African slaves.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) I and II are correct.
e) I, II, and III are correct.

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Conteúdos P3 - 1 Série (2 etapa)
1 pág.

Português Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A alternativa correta é a letra "d) I and II are correct." A expansão ultramarina europeia foi motivada por fatores econômicos, políticos e religiosos, como a busca por novas rotas comerciais, a expansão dos territórios e a propagação do cristianismo. A descoberta do Brasil ocorreu em 1500, quando o navegador português Pedro Álvares Cabral chegou à costa da Bahia, e foi marcada pela exploração de recursos naturais, como madeira, açúcar e ouro.



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