
Considering the accounting of a leasing operation for a new car, indicate below the alternative that best represents the accounts to be debited and...

Considering the accounting of a leasing operation for a new car, indicate below the alternative that best represents the accounts to be debited and credited:

Account to be debited: Leasing payable (Current Liability) Account to be credited: Vehicles (Fixed Asset)
Account to be debited: Vehicles (Fixed Asset) Account to be credited: Leasing payable (Current Liability)
Account to be debited: Machinery and equipment (Fixed Asset) Account to be credited: Expense with leasing payable (Result)
Account to be debited: Vehicles (Fixed Asset) Account to be credited: Current account banks (Current Asset)
Account to be debited: Machinery and equipment (Fixed Asset) Account to be credited: Leasing payable

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Exame Final Contabilidade Intermediária II
10 pág.

Contabilidade / Ciências Contábeis Faculdade Dom BoscoFaculdade Dom Bosco


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A alternativa que melhor representa as contas a serem debitadas e creditadas em uma operação de leasing para um novo carro é:

Conta a ser debitada: Leasing payable (Passivo Circulante)
Conta a ser creditada: Vehicles (Ativo Fixo)



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