
Identify the need, desire, and what is necessary to generate demand for a product or service in the following scenario: After an exhausting day of ...

Identify the need, desire, and what is necessary to generate demand for a product or service in the following scenario: After an exhausting day of work, you arrived home hungry and decided to order something to eat. You wanted something different that cost 2.00, so you looked at the advertising flyers you had at home and evaluated the options: pizza, sandwiches, pastries, and a potato place. You got hungry when you saw the advertisement for baked potatoes, picked up the phone to call, but saw that the flyer said they only delivered in the central region of Campos dos Goytacazes and you live in a remote location from the center, so you opted for the traditional pizza. Need: to eat. Desire: to eat baked potatoes. To generate demand for a product or service, it is necessary to identify needs and turn them into desires at the right time, at the right price, and efficiently.

a) The need is to eat.
b) The desire is to eat baked potatoes.
c) To generate demand for a product or service, it is necessary to identify needs and turn them into desires at the right time, at the right price, and efficiently.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

apos um dia - necessidade
1 pág.

Marketing Universidade Cândido MendesUniversidade Cândido Mendes


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A necessidade identificada na situação é a fome após um dia exaustivo de trabalho. O desejo é comer batatas assadas, mas a opção não está disponível para entrega na região onde o cliente mora. Para gerar demanda por um produto ou serviço, é necessário identificar as necessidades do cliente e transformá-las em desejos, oferecendo o produto ou serviço certo no momento certo, a um preço justo e de forma eficiente.



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