
What is the range of joint amplitude for hip flexion with the knee flexed? The joint amplitude for hip flexion with the knee flexed occurs in the ...

What is the range of joint amplitude for hip flexion with the knee flexed?

The joint amplitude for hip flexion with the knee flexed occurs in the sagittal plane between the head of the femur and the acetabulum of the ilium.
The joint amplitude for hip flexion with the knee flexed is 0°-125° according to Marques (2003) and Palmer & Epler (2000), and 0°-135° according to Magee (2002).

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Avaliaçao goniométrica
40 pág.

Cinesiologia e Biomecânica Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A amplitude articular para flexão do quadril com o joelho flexionado ocorre no plano sagital entre a cabeça do fêmur e o acetábulo do ílio. De acordo com Marques (2003) e Palmer & Epler (2000), a amplitude articular para flexão do quadril com o joelho flexionado é de 0°-125°, enquanto Magee (2002) afirma que é de 0°-135°.


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