
Consider the action of connecting an electric hydraulic pump to capture water from a well and store it in a water tank located a few meters above t...

Consider the action of connecting an electric hydraulic pump to capture water from a well and store it in a water tank located a few meters above the ground. The steps followed by energy between the hydroelectric plant and the user's residence can be divided as follows:

I. In the plant: water flows from the dam to the turbine, which drives the generator to produce electrical energy;
II. In transmission: on the way between the plant and the user's residence, electrical energy flows through electrical conductors;
III. In the residence: electrical energy drives a motor whose shaft is coupled to a hydraulic pump and, when rotating, performs the task of transferring water from the well to the tank.
a) In step I, the gravitational potential energy of the water stored in the dam is transformed into potential energy of the moving water in the pipeline, which, when launched into the turbine, causes the rotation of the electric generator shaft and the corresponding kinetic energy, giving rise to the appearance of electric current.
b) In step I, part of the heat generated in the plant is transformed into potential energy in the pipeline, in the turbine shaft, and inside the generator; and also by Joule effect in the internal circuit of the generator.
c) In step II, electrons move in the conductors that form the circuit between the generator and the resistance; in this step, part of the electrical energy is transformed into thermal energy by Joule effect in the conductors and part is transformed into gravitational potential energy.
d) In step III, the electric current is converted into thermal energy, necessary for the operation of the hydraulic pump shaft, which converts it into kinetic energy by making the water flow from the well to the tank, with a gain of gravitational potential energy by the water.
e) In step III, part of the energy is transformed into heat due to dissipative forces (friction) in the pipeline; and also by Joule effect in the internal circuit of the motor; another part is transformed into kinetic energy of the water in the pipeline and gravitational potential energy of the water in the water tank.

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A alternativa correta é a letra "a". Na etapa I, a energia potencial gravitacional da água armazenada na barragem é transformada em energia potencial da água em movimento no encanamento, que, ao ser lançada na turbina, causa a rotação do eixo do gerador elétrico e a correspondente energia cinética, dando origem à aparição de corrente elétrica.


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