
A quotative is ¿a word or grammatical device that introduces quoted words¿. Mark the option that best describes the differences between th...

A quotative is ¿a word or grammatical device that introduces quoted words¿. Mark the option that best describes the differences between the quotatives "say" and "tell". "Tell" is a two-place verb that omits the interlocutor within a particular discursive exchange. "Say" is a two-place verb that elicits the interlocutor within a particular discursive exchange. "Tell" is a three-place verb that omits the interlocutor within a particular discursive exchange. "Say" is a two-place verb that omits the interlocutor within a particular discursive exchange. "Say" is a three-place verb that elicits the interlocutor within a particular discursive exchange.


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A alternativa correta é: "Tell" é um verbo de dois lugares que omite o interlocutor dentro de uma troca discursiva específica. "Say" é um verbo de três lugares que evoca o interlocutor dentro de uma troca discursiva específica.


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