
What are the different approaches to the study of personality discussed in the book? a. Only the psychoanalytic and behavioral approaches are dis...

What are the different approaches to the study of personality discussed in the book?

a. Only the psychoanalytic and behavioral approaches are discussed.
b. The book only discusses the approach of the life cycle.
c. The book discusses various approaches, including the psychoanalytic, behavioral, life cycle, trait, humanistic, and cognitive approaches.

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5 pág.

Psicologia Escola Superior Batista do AmazonasEscola Superior Batista do Amazonas

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A resposta correta é a alternativa c. O livro discute várias abordagens para o estudo da personalidade, incluindo as abordagens psicanalítica, comportamental, do ciclo de vida, de traços, humanística e cognitiva.


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