
18) A 6-year-old female child was seen at a Basic Health Unit with complaints of epigastric abdominal pain associated with episodes of watery, foul...

18) A 6-year-old female child was seen at a Basic Health Unit with complaints of epigastric abdominal pain associated with episodes of watery, foul-smelling, and greasy diarrhea without blood. On physical examination, the physician observed that the patient was emaciated and had hypochromic mucous membranes. The family lives in a neighborhood in the municipality of Vassouras that has no paving and deficiencies in the sewage system. In addition, the mother reported that the child did not attend daycare and there was no treated water at home. For diagnosis, a parasitological examination of feces was requested. In the laboratory, the microscopic analysis of the material showed the presence of tetranucleated cysts in the sample. Based on this finding, it is possible to say that the cysts found belonged to:

A) Entamoeba coli.
B) Cryptosporidium parvum.
C) Giardia lamblia.
D) Entamoeba dispar.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

P2 - PARASITO - 105
4 pág.

Parasitologia Humana Universidade Severino SombraUniversidade Severino Sombra


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Com base nos sintomas apresentados e no resultado do exame parasitológico de fezes, é possível afirmar que os cistos encontrados pertencem à Giardia lamblia (alternativa C). A Giardia lamblia é um protozoário que pode causar diarreia, dor abdominal, náusea e vômito, e é comum em áreas com más condições sanitárias e higiênicas, como a descrita no caso da criança atendida na Unidade Básica de Saúde.



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