
What is the correct statement about the Centro Esportivo e de Lazer Geração? a) It is located in a densely populated district, close to the city ce...

What is the correct statement about the Centro Esportivo e de Lazer Geração?
a) It is located in a densely populated district, close to the city center.
b) It has a large heated swimming pool.
c) It is located next to a business center.
d) It is a new sports center in the region.
e) It is not accessible to people with special needs.
1- The Centro Esportivo e de Lazer Geração is located on the way to a sparsely populated district, nine kilometers from the city center. Weakness (difficult access)
2- There is a medium-sized pool without heating (the city has a temperate climate). Weakness (winter is cold)
3- It is located next to a business center. Opportunity (potential customers)
4- It is one of the oldest sports centers in the region and needs reform. Weakness
5- Due to an increase in the average standard of living in recent years, local residents have more financial conditions for leisure. Opportunity (more customers)
6- The birth rate has fallen considerably in recent years. Threat
7- In general, people are living longer and there are a large number of local residents over the age of 50. Opportunity (develop a program for the elderly)
8- There is a leader of a respected diving club who had a disagreement with another club and is looking for a new location for his business. Opportunity (attract the leader and his followers)
9- The city hall is studying the construction of a public leisure center in the vicinity of the Centro Esportivo e de Lazer Geração. Threat (competition to steal customers)
10- Recently, a media campaign announced that the Centro Esportivo e de Lazer Geração was certified with the ISO standard. Strength
11- A joke among employees says that if you want a day off, spend it in the sports center's cafeteria, which has not generated any profit to date. Weakness
12- A new system of extreme sports is being offered on site. Strength (will attract new customers)
13- The sports center is equipped with ramps and changing rooms for people with special needs. Strength (accessibility)
a) a
b) b
c) c
d) d
e) e

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Estratégia Empresarial - Módulo 04_A - P2
8 pág.

Administração Universidade Cândido MendesUniversidade Cândido Mendes


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The correct statement about the Centro Esportivo e de Lazer Geração is option "d) It is a new sports center in the region."



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