
What is the definition of trans according to Jesus (2012)? I - A diverse group of people who, in different ways and to different degrees, do not i...

What is the definition of trans according to Jesus (2012)?

I - A diverse group of people who, in different ways and to different degrees, do not identify with the behaviors and/or roles expected of the gender that was determined for them.
II - Individuals who identify with the gender that was assigned to them at birth, but as a form of fun, entertainment or spectacle, etc., experience gender inversion, but in a momentary way, such as drag queens, drag kings, and crossdressers.
III - Individuals who, at some point in their lives, come into conflict with the sex that was assigned to them at birth, beginning to identify with another gender - men or women.
IV - Specifically, subjects who do not recognize themselves in the identity of the man assigned to them at birth, living the role of the female gender, but who do not identify themselves as either men or women.
a) I and II are correct.
b) II and III are correct.
c) III and IV are correct.
d) I and IV are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

GENERO - Falas Seminário
2 pág.

Educação Física Universidade Federal FluminenseUniversidade Federal Fluminense


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A definição de trans de acordo com Jesus (2012) é a alternativa I: "Um grupo diverso de pessoas que, de diferentes maneiras e em diferentes graus, não se identificam com os comportamentos e/ou papéis esperados do gênero que lhes foi determinado". Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra A.



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