
What is the name of the phylum that includes the golden algae, also known as diatoms? The golden algae are also known as diatoms. The golden algae...

What is the name of the phylum that includes the golden algae, also known as diatoms?

The golden algae are also known as diatoms.
The golden algae are unicellular and have a silica shell.
The golden algae are all photosynthetic and reproduce by binary division.
Phylum Crysophyta
Phylum Pyrrophyta
Phylum Phaeophyta
Phylum Euglenophyta
Phylum Rhophyta

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O nome do filo que inclui as algas douradas, também conhecidas como diatomáceas, é o Filo Bacillariophyta. As diatomáceas são um grupo de algas unicelulares que possuem uma parede celular de sílica e são importantes produtores primários em muitos ecossistemas aquáticos.


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