
In the 1980s, in Brazil and in the other signatory countries of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), cult...

In the 1980s, in Brazil and in the other signatory countries of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), cultural heritage is no longer solely understood and managed through the architectural bias and undergoes an anthropological turn, valuing widely the subjective and immaterial aspects emanated by cultural assets, and the reasons for their making, knowing, existing, and/or celebrating gain more prominence than their material supports. Analyze the fragment below and correctly fill in the blanks indicating the statement that best suits the presented context.

Archeological; materials; making; knowing; existing; immaterial.
Conceptual; architectural; space; design; creative; singular.
Memorable; intrinsic; value; concept; details; antiquated.
Anthropological; human; making; knowing; existing; materials.
Strategic; voids; work; dedication; concept; technical.

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Colaborar - Av2 - Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural
3 pág.

Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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O fragmento apresentado destaca a mudança de perspectiva em relação ao patrimônio cultural na década de 1980, valorizando os aspectos subjetivos e imateriais dos bens culturais. Nesse sentido, a alternativa que melhor se adequa ao contexto apresentado é a opção "Anthropological; human; making; knowing; existing; materials." (Antropológico; humano; produção; conhecimento; existência; materiais).


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