
What are the properties of exponentiation? I- Every power of base zero is equal to zero. II- Every power of base one is equal to one. III- Every n...

What are the properties of exponentiation?

I- Every power of base zero is equal to zero.
II- Every power of base one is equal to one.
III- Every number raised to zero is equal to one.
IV- Every number raised to one is equal to itself.
V- Every base raised to a negative exponent can be rewritten with the same exponent being positive, however, the base must be inverted.
VI- We can multiply powers of the same bases by repeating the base and adding the exponents.
VII- We can divide powers of the same bases by repeating the base and subtracting the exponents.
VIII- A power raised to another exponent is called a power of power, and it is solved by multiplying the exponents.
a) I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII are correct.
b) I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII are correct.
c) II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII are correct.
d) I, II, III, IV, VI, VII and VIII are correct.

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A alternativa correta é a letra "b) I, II, III, IV, V, VI e VII estão corretas". A propriedade I está incorreta, pois qualquer número elevado a zero é igual a 1, exceto quando a base é zero. A propriedade VIII também está incorreta, pois a potência de uma potência é resolvida multiplicando os expoentes.


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