
What is the history of education for the deaf in Brazil? I - The education of disabled children in Brazil began in an institutionalized form under...

What is the history of education for the deaf in Brazil?

I - The education of disabled children in Brazil began in an institutionalized form under the influence of liberal ideas in the late 18th century.
II - The liberal ideas were linked to the Brazilian elite, which corresponded to their particular aspirations, such as the struggle for the abolition of colonial institutions, criticism of dogmatism, defense of freedom of expression, and private property.
III - The Santa Casa de Misericórdia had a great importance in the history of disabled people in Brazil, as these institutions served and welcomed the needy and sick people.
IV - The Imperial Institute of the Deaf-Mute was an important milestone in the history of deaf education in Brazil, as it was a school concerned with the literary and vocational education of deaf boys aged between 7 and 14 years.
V - The Institute of the Deaf-Mute was created in 1854 by Dom Pedro II, and later became the National Institute of Deaf Education - INES.
a) I, II, III, IV, and V are correct.
b) I, II, III, and IV are correct.
c) II, III, IV, and V are correct.
d) III, IV, and V are correct.

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A história da educação para surdos no Brasil é marcada por diversos momentos importantes. Podemos destacar a criação do Instituto Imperial de Surdos-Mudos, em 1857, que foi um marco na educação de surdos no país. Posteriormente, em 1957, foi criado o Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos (INES), que é referência na educação de surdos no Brasil. Com relação às afirmativas apresentadas, a alternativa correta é a letra b) I, II, III, e IV são corretas. A afirmativa V está incorreta, pois o Instituto de Surdos-Mudos não se tornou o INES, mas sim o Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos (INES) que foi criado em 1957.


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