
According to the text, what was the landmark that made Great Britain stand out among its European neighbors and opened the way for major geopolitic...

According to the text, what was the landmark that made Great Britain stand out among its European neighbors and opened the way for major geopolitical changes that characterized solid and liquid modernity?

a) In the pre-industrial view of wealth, land was an activity almost entirely linked to those who cultivated and plowed it.
b) The emancipation of labor from its limitations and of the workforce from its hereditary character occurred mainly in the 19th century.
c) The race for spatial expansion and task maximization turned towards the elimination of unproductive time that was not part of the 'instrumental rationality' of solid capitalism.
d) In the hardware of capitalism, whoever traveled faster would claim more territories, map them out, and supervise them.
e) Reality was ready to take on a new form, based on the mutual involvement of capital, labor, and local ties.

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A alternativa correta é a letra D) In the hardware of capitalism, whoever traveled faster would claim more territories, map them out, and supervise them. (No hardware do capitalismo, quem viajasse mais rápido reivindicaria mais territórios, os mapearia e os supervisionaria.) Essa é a resposta que se encaixa na pergunta feita.


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