
In the 1970s-80s, deaf literature circulated in person and at meetings between the deaf. Where? Associations of the deaf, schools for the deaf an...

In the 1970s-80s, deaf literature circulated in person and at meetings between the deaf. Where?

Associations of the deaf, schools for the deaf and events in the area and had theatrical performances and/or deaf storytellers.
Churches, where the deaf sang in the choir with the interpreter.
Only schools for the deaf, with deaf storytellers.
Associations of the deaf, schools for the deaf and events in the area had theatrical performances and/or hearing storytellers.
Associations of the deaf and churches, with deaf storytellers.

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Educação Inclusiva Universidade Federal do Sul da BahiaUniversidade Federal do Sul da Bahia

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De acordo com a descrição da pergunta, a resposta correta é: "Associations of the deaf, schools for the deaf and events in the area had theatrical performances and/or deaf storytellers." (Associações de surdos, escolas para surdos e eventos na área tinham performances teatrais e/ou contadores de histórias surdos.)


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