
What is the main objective of the report presented in the text? I - To describe the symptoms of the Marburg virus. II - To present the methodology...

What is the main objective of the report presented in the text?

I - To describe the symptoms of the Marburg virus.
II - To present the methodology for developing an effective vaccine against the Marburg virus.
III - To analyze the effectiveness of the treatment of patients infected with the Marburg virus.
IV - To discuss the potential use of the Marburg virus as a biological weapon.
a) Only I and III are correct.
b) Only II and IV are correct.
c) Only II is correct.
d) Only III is correct.
e) Only II and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Relatório 1
11 pág.

Bioquímica I Biológicas / SaúdeBiológicas / Saúde


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O objetivo principal do relatório apresentado no texto é apresentar a metodologia para desenvolver uma vacina eficaz contra o vírus Marburg. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra C: "Apenas a II está correta".



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