
According to Plato, what is the best way to ensure a just government? I - By putting wise people in power. II - By selecting people based on their...

According to Plato, what is the best way to ensure a just government?

I - By putting wise people in power.
II - By selecting people based on their social status.
III - By allowing only men to participate in the selection process.
IV - By relying on the democratic process.
a) I and II are correct.
b) I and III are correct.
c) I and IV are correct.
d) II and III are correct.

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scribd vpdfs com_unidade-i-o-desenvolvimento-da-filosofia-politica-na-grecia-antiga
22 pág.

Enem Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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De acordo com Platão, a melhor maneira de garantir um governo justo é colocando pessoas sábias no poder. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra A) I e II estão corretas.



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