
What are the main differences between the theories of Marx and Weber? I - Marx believed that the apex of human development was positivism, while W...

What are the main differences between the theories of Marx and Weber?

I - Marx believed that the apex of human development was positivism, while Weber believed that the development of rationality was the highest point of human development.
II - Marx believed that the dynamics of social relations were defined by the socioeconomic framework, while Weber believed that the dynamics of social relations were defined by the political panorama.
III - Marx believed that the conflicts caused by the market production scenario would create the conditions for structural change in societies, while Weber believed that the rationalization of society would lead to the development of bureaucracy and the emergence of new forms of power.
IV - Marx believed that the accumulation of capital depended on the exploitation of the workforce, while Weber believed that the accumulation of capital depended on the rationalization of production processes.
a) I and IV are correct.
b) II and III are correct.
c) I, II, and III are correct.
d) II, III, and IV are correct.

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A principal diferença entre as teorias de Marx e Weber é que Marx acreditava que a dinâmica das relações sociais era definida pelo quadro socioeconômico, enquanto Weber acreditava que a dinâmica das relações sociais era definida pelo panorama político. Além disso, Marx acreditava que os conflitos causados pelo cenário de produção de mercado criariam as condições para mudanças estruturais nas sociedades, enquanto Weber acreditava que a racionalização da sociedade levaria ao desenvolvimento da burocracia e ao surgimento de novas formas de poder. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra d) II, III e IV estão corretas.


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