
What were the results of the study? The results concatenate characteristics of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy from the Brazilian Associ...

What were the results of the study?

The results concatenate characteristics of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy from the Brazilian Association of Muscular Dystrophy, offering data such as population age, most frequent clinical complications in relation to functionality, characterizing the functional diversity of patients.
The total number of adolescents was higher than the number of children and adults, which suggests that children with DMD seem to be referred late to services that provide multidisciplinary assistance for these cases.
The age of death does not seem to be related to the age of onset of the disease, but with the age at which the child becomes confined to a wheelchair.
The study reinforces the imminent need for physiotherapeutic assistance, minimizing the effects of the immobility syndrome.

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Os resultados do estudo mostraram que a maioria dos pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) no Brasil são adolescentes, seguidos por crianças e adultos. Isso sugere que as crianças com DMD são encaminhadas tardiamente para serviços que oferecem assistência multidisciplinar para esses casos. A idade em que a criança se torna confinada a uma cadeira de rodas parece estar relacionada à idade em que ocorre a morte, e não à idade de início da doença. O estudo reforça a necessidade iminente de assistência fisioterapêutica para minimizar os efeitos do síndrome de imobilidade.



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