
What is the purpose of the NBR 8404 standard in technical drawings? A - To standardize the sizes of standardized sheets according to ISO. B - To e...

What is the purpose of the NBR 8404 standard in technical drawings?

A - To standardize the sizes of standardized sheets according to ISO.
B - To establish the conventional representation of threaded parts in technical drawings.
C - To indicate the surface condition in technical drawings.
D - To establish the system of tolerances and fits in technical drawings.
E - To execute technical drawings of machines and metal structures.

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Apostila Desenho Tecnico
108 pág.

Geometria Universidade Estácio de Sá - EADUniversidade Estácio de Sá - EAD

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O objetivo da norma NBR 8404 em desenhos técnicos é padronizar a forma de indicar tolerâncias e ajustes em desenhos técnicos. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra D.


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