
60. No segundo parágrafo, o termo it em – “Right now, everything that goes into making it is from relatively expensive, nonrenewable carbon sources...

60. No segundo parágrafo, o termo it em – “Right now, everything that goes into making it is from relatively expensive, nonrenewable carbon sources.” – refere-se a

a) chemistry.
b) research.
c) carbon sources.
d) acrylate.
e) propylene.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prova DCTA - VUNESP - 2013 - para Técnico - Técnico I - Química.pdf
33 pág.


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No segundo parágrafo, o termo "it" em – “Right now, everything that goes into making it is from relatively expensive, nonrenewable carbon sources.” – refere-se a "acrylate". Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "d".



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