
What is the consequence of non-compliance with the obligations of the FGTS agent collector? a) The bank depositary is subject to a fine equivalent...

What is the consequence of non-compliance with the obligations of the FGTS agent collector?

a) The bank depositary is subject to a fine equivalent to 10% of the employee's account amount.
b) The employer is subject to a fine equivalent to 10% of the employee's account amount.
c) The FGTS agent collector is subject to a fine equivalent to 10% of the employee's account amount.
d) The employee is subject to a fine equivalent to 10% of their account amount.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Apostila Unificada - CEF
451 pág.

Cursos Livres Biológicas / SaúdeBiológicas / Saúde


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A consequência do não cumprimento das obrigações do agente arrecadador do FGTS é que o agente arrecadador do FGTS está sujeito a uma multa equivalente a 10% do valor da conta do empregado. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra C.



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