
Indicate the inadequate option regarding technical language. a. The direct order is recommended in technical texts. b. The author should be direc...

Indicate the inadequate option regarding technical language.

a. The direct order is recommended in technical texts.
b. The author should be direct when presenting the idea with objectivity.
c. Technical text should contain only ideas relevant to the proposed subject.
d. The language should be clear, concise, coherent, cohesive, and grammatically correct.
e. The author should prefer the passive voice and negative sentences.

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A opção inadequada em relação à linguagem técnica é a letra "e". O autor não deve preferir a voz passiva e frases negativas, pois isso pode tornar o texto mais difícil de entender e menos objetivo. A voz ativa e frases afirmativas são mais recomendadas na escrita técnica.



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