
What are the causes of the drop in performance related to gastrointestinal symptoms in athletes? a) Mechanical agitation of the intestine, fluid ch...

What are the causes of the drop in performance related to gastrointestinal symptoms in athletes?
a) Mechanical agitation of the intestine, fluid changes, reduced blood flow, dehydration, increased sympathetic and parasympathetic tone, endotoxemia, intestinal transit changes, and hormonal changes.
b) Mechanical agitation of the intestine, fluid changes, increased blood flow, dehydration, increased sympathetic and parasympathetic tone, endotoxemia, intestinal transit changes, and hormonal changes.
c) Mechanical agitation of the intestine, fluid changes, reduced blood flow, hydration, increased sympathetic and parasympathetic tone, endotoxemia, intestinal transit changes, and hormonal changes.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A) Mechanical agitation of the intestine, fluid changes, reduced blood flow, dehydration, increased sympathetic and parasympathetic tone, endotoxemia, intestinal transit changes, and hormonal changes. Esses fatores podem levar a sintomas gastrointestinais em atletas, como náusea, vômito, diarreia e dor abdominal, o que pode afetar negativamente o desempenho esportivo.


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