
What is the theory of conglobate typicality? Causalism Neokantism Finalism Functionalism The theory of conglobate typicality was created by Zaffaro...

What is the theory of conglobate typicality?
The theory of conglobate typicality was created by Zaffaroni.
The theory of conglobate typicality involves antinormativity.
The theory of conglobate typicality uses the formula: legal typicality - subsumption of the fact to the norm = conglobate typicality.
The theory of conglobate typicality was adopted in Brazil.

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A teoria da tipicidade conglobante é uma teoria jurídica criada por Zaffaroni que envolve a antinormatividade e utiliza a fórmula: tipicidade legal - subsunção do fato à norma = tipicidade conglobante. Essa teoria foi adotada no Brasil. A alternativa correta é "D) Funcionalismo".


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