
What is the Katch & McArdle bench test and how is the maximum oxygen consumption estimated from it? The Katch & McArdle bench test consists of th...

What is the Katch & McArdle bench test and how is the maximum oxygen consumption estimated from it?

The Katch & McArdle bench test consists of the task of going up and down a 41 cm bench for three minutes. The maximum oxygen consumption is estimated from the heart rate measured at the end of the test, using a specific formula.
The Katch & McArdle bench test consists of the task of going up and down a 41 cm bench for three minutes. The maximum oxygen consumption is estimated from the distance covered during the test, using a specific formula.
The Katch & McArdle bench test consists of the task of running on a treadmill for a certain amount of time. The maximum oxygen consumption is estimated from the heart rate measured at the end of the test, using a specific formula.
The Katch & McArdle bench test consists of the task of running on a treadmill for a certain amount of time. The maximum oxygen consumption is estimated from the distance covered during the test, using a specific formula.

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O teste de banco Katch & McArdle consiste em subir e descer um banco de 41 cm de altura durante três minutos. O consumo máximo de oxigênio é estimado a partir da frequência cardíaca medida no final do teste, utilizando uma fórmula específica. Portanto, a alternativa correta é: "O teste de banco Katch & McArdle consiste na tarefa de subir e descer um banco de 41 cm por três minutos. O consumo máximo de oxigênio é estimado a partir da frequência cardíaca medida no final do teste, utilizando uma fórmula específica".


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