
What is the recommended granulometric range for the pebble used in grout? The recommended granulometric range for the pebble used in grout is pres...

What is the recommended granulometric range for the pebble used in grout?

The recommended granulometric range for the pebble used in grout is presented in Table 10.
a) Table 10 shows the recommended granulometric range for sand used in grout.
b) The recommended granulometric range for the pebble used in grout is not presented in the text.
c) The recommended granulometric range for the pebble used in grout is presented in Table 9.
d) The recommended granulometric range for the pebble used in grout is presented in Table 11.

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374007 Apostila Alvenaria Estrutural
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A alternativa correta é a letra d) A faixa granulométrica recomendada para o seixo usado em argamassa é apresentada na Tabela 11.


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