
With regard to the final destination of health service waste, choose the correct alternative: a. The landfill is the most commonly used method fo...

With regard to the final destination of health service waste, choose the correct alternative:

a. The landfill is the most commonly used method for final disposal, and septic tanks can be temporarily used.
b. According to CONAMA, this stage should be carried out according to the capacity and needs of the generating source.
c. The responsibility of the generating source ends from the moment the waste is collected by the contracted company.
d. Hospital food waste can be used for animal feeding, and the reuse of organic solid waste through composting is allowed according to national legislation.
e. Only those that can cause cutting or perforation risks should occur after prior treatment.

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7 pág.

Análises Ambientais Universidade do Oeste PaulistaUniversidade do Oeste Paulista


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A alternativa correta é a letra B: "De acordo com o CONAMA, essa etapa deve ser realizada de acordo com a capacidade e necessidades da fonte geradora". A Resolução CONAMA nº 358/2005 estabelece critérios e procedimentos para o tratamento e a disposição final dos resíduos dos serviços de saúde. A responsabilidade pela gestão dos resíduos é da fonte geradora, que deve realizar o gerenciamento de acordo com a sua capacidade e necessidades.



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