
eia o trecho abaixo e responda à questão: "Sarah had been anxiously waiting for the call all morning. When her phone finally rang, she answered wi...

eia o trecho abaixo e responda à questão: "Sarah had been anxiously waiting for the call all morning. When her phone finally rang, she answered with a racing heart. As she heard the words on the other end, a smile spread across her face. She was feeling happy after receiving the good news. The weight of uncertainty lifted off her shoulders, replaced by a sense of relief and joy. She shared the news with her family, who were equally delighted by her success." Qual é a classe gramatical da palavra "happy" na frase: "She was feeling happy after receiving the good news." ? Assinale a alternativa correta. a. Pronome. b. Advérbio. c. Adjetivo. d. Verbo. e. Substantivo.


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A palavra "happy" é um adjetivo na frase "She was feeling happy after receiving the good news." A resposta correta é a alternativa c.



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