
Dell Hymes critiques Chomsky's approach to Linguistic Theory, since, in his view, diverse linguistic phenomena are excluded by such a narrow view o...

Dell Hymes critiques Chomsky's approach to Linguistic Theory, since, in his view, diverse linguistic phenomena are excluded by such a narrow view on linguistic competence. From a sociolinguistic perspective, it is correct to affirm that: a) education programmes benefit from purely linguistic approaches to language teaching that spotlight grammatical accuracy. b) ideal speakers and the rules that govern meaning-making are the basis for any type of language study and teaching. c) linguistic studies should focus on innate categories and mechanisms so that the so-called Universal Grammar can be comprehensively described. d) gender, socioeconomic background, communities' shared norms, among other contextual clues have decisive influence on the shifting definitions of language appropriateness. e) natural speech is full of imperfections - distractions that should be disregarded by Linguistic Theory for they do not provide revealing clues on the operations of innate mechanisms.


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A perspectiva sociolinguística de Dell Hymes critica a abordagem de Chomsky à Teoria Linguística, pois, em sua visão, diversos fenômenos linguísticos são excluídos por uma visão tão estreita da competência linguística. A alternativa correta é a letra d) gênero, origem socioeconômica, normas compartilhadas pelas comunidades, entre outras pistas contextuais, têm influência decisiva nas definições em constante mudança da adequação linguística.


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