
eia o excerto a seguir: The other boys watched Tom. All wished that they, too, had enough tickets for a Bible. Some boys suffered more deeply, bec...

eia o excerto a seguir: The other boys watched Tom. All wished that they, too, had enough tickets for a Bible. Some boys suffered more deeply, because they had sold Tom their tickets. They were able to understand what had happened. Tom had become rich by letting other boys whitewash the fence. He had been rich enough to buy their tickets. And now anger filled them. They saw clearly what fools they had been. TWAIN, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Connecticut: Hartford, 1876, p. 13. As línguas em geral possuem mecanismos específicos que lhe permitem situar de maneira precisa as ações ou possibilidades. Assim, o indicativo é o tempo do real, da concretude. Mas o condicional pode introduzir nuances, resultando em ações menos evidentes. Avalie as afirmativas quanto aos conditional tenses em língua inglesa: I- All wished: if I had not sold Tom my tickets I would now get a Bible too. II- If some boys did not sold their tickets they were able to become a Bible now. III- If the boys had not whitewashed the fence they would have saved enough tickets to get a Bible. IV- If the boys had not been so fooled in the past they would not be filled with anger now. É correto apenas o que se afirma em: A) I e II. B) II e IV. C) I, III e IV. D) II, III e IV.


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Vamos analisar cada alternativa: I- "All wished: if I had not sold Tom my tickets I would now get a Bible too." - Correto. Expressa uma condição hipotética no passado. II- "If some boys did not sold their tickets they were able to become a Bible now." - Incorreto. A construção gramatical está errada. Deveria ser "If some boys had not sold their tickets, they would be able to get a Bible now." III- "If the boys had not whitewashed the fence they would have saved enough tickets to get a Bible." - Correto. Expressa uma condição hipotética no passado. IV- "If the boys had not been so fooled in the past they would not be filled with anger now." - Correto. Expressa uma condição hipotética no passado. Portanto, a resposta correta é: C) I, III e IV.


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