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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Interbits – SuperPro ® Web 
Animal personality is now taken seriously.
	We name them, raise them, clothe them and spoil them. We describe them as manipulative, grumpy, sensitive and caring. And they're not even human - they're our pets. It's in our nature to ascribe human characteristics to animals even if they don't really exist. For this reason, in the interests of remaining objective observers of nature, scientists have taken pains to avoid anthropomorphizing animals. To talk about a dog's having a swagger or a cat's being shy would invite professional sneers.
	In recent years, however, evidence has begun to show that animals have personalities after all. Chimps, for example, can be conscientious: they think before they act, they plan and they control their impulses, says Samuel Gosling, a Texas-based psychologist. Research has identified similar personality traits in many other species.
	The implications of these findings for research on human personality are powerful. Scientists can look to animal studies for insight into humans the same way they now look to animal testing for insight into drugs. Animal research has already begun to shed light on how different sights of people respond to medications and treatments - aggressive and passive rats respond differently to antidepressants, for example. The hope is that animals can help illuminate the murky interplay of genes and the environment on people's personalities. The research may even lead to predictions about what people will do, based on their personalities, when they're stressed out or frightened. Putting personality testing - already a thriving business - on a firm footing could uncover a wealth of knowledge about where personality comes from.
(Newsweek, June 18, 2007)
1 [ 78585 ]. (Fatec 2008) Assinale a alternativa que contém o uso correto do tempo verbal "present perfect", como no exemplo - "evidence has begun to show that animals have personalities after all" -, no segundo parágrafo do texto. 
a) Brazil has won the world cup in 2002. 
b) When America was discovered, Indians have lived in the land for a long time. 
c) Her grandfather has won the lottery. 
d) They have finished their assignment before the end of class. 
e) The president has arrived from Europe the previous night. 
	The results of the nutrition program in France have been spectacular. 1The number of obese French kids has doubled from 6% to 12% over the past decade. But the increase in obese students in northern France, where the nutrition program runs, has been of merely 1%, one of the lowest rates in the country.
	The program has been so successful that it now runs in schools in 10 other towns across the country and the doctors and nutritionists behind the program are trying to find funding and support to expand the program nationwide and to the rest of Europe. Other countries are picking up on the trend. In Germany - where up to 16% of kids are overweight - healthy eating for kids is a hot topic. This month, the government released the first nationwide criteria for school menus, calling for more vegetarian meals, fewer fatty and sweet foods, and fresh fruit at least two to three times a week.
	Of course, there are limits to the school-lunch approach to obesity. In many parts of Europe, children still eat their lunches at home, beyond the reach of nutritionists and reforming administrators. Most experts agree that regular exercise is also a crucial factor in weight control (many of the nutrition classes also point out the benefits of exercise). And even improved education and government restrictions on junk food won't keep all kids from sometimes eating unhealthy food. At first glance, the playgrounds of St. Joan of Arc look filled with active, healthy and energetic kids. But on a recent day, a group of friends - hiding from the teachers in a far corner - could be seen eating sweets and chocolates with guilty delight. "Balance is the key," says Agnes Lommez, coordinator for the school district's food program. "Kids understand this. They can and should eat junk food. Just not every day."
ROBINSON, Simon. A is for apple. Time, Amsterdam, v. 165, n. 22, May 30, 2005. p. 45. Adaptado.
2 [ 82710 ]. (Ufba 2007) "The number of obese French kids has doubled from 6% to 12% over the past decade." (ref. 1)
Justify the use of the Present Perfect Tense "has doubled" rather than the Simple Past Tense "doubled" in this sentence. 
O "Present Perfect" está sendo usado, porque a ação expressa pelo verbo ocupa um período de tempo que se estende do passado até o momento presente. A ação não acaba no passado nem está desvinculada do presente. O "Simple Past" geralmente se refere a uma ação concluída num passado determinado, portanto, não poderia ser empregado neste caso. 
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(Reader's Digest)
3 [ 73470 ]. (Mackenzie 2007) The verb forms that correctly fill in blanks I, II and III in the text are: 
a) has happened - works - has changed 
b) is happening - does work - has been changed 
c) had happened - worked - will be changing 
d) happened - is working - hasn't changed 
e) will happen - has been working - changed 
	In the global-warming debate, there's a big gap between public rhetoric (which verges on hysteria) and public behavior (which indicates indifference). People say they're worried but don't act that way. Greenhouse emissions continue to rise despite many earnest pledges to control them. Just last week, the United Nations reported that of the 41 countries it monitors (not including most developing nations), 34 had increased greenhouse emissions from 2000 to 2004. These include most countries committed to reducing emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.
	Why is this? Here are three reasons. First: With today's technologies, we don't know how to cut greenhouse gases in politically and economically acceptable ways. Second: In rich democracies, policies that might curb greenhouse gases require politicians and the public to act in exceptionally "enlightened" (read: "unrealistic") ways. Third: Even if rich countries cut emissions, it won't make much difference unless poor countries do likewise - and so far, they've refused because that might jeopardize their economic growth and poverty-reduction efforts.
	Unless we develop cost-effective technologies that break the link between carbon-dioxide emissions and energy use, we can't do much. Anyone serious about global warming must focus on technology - and not just assume it. Otherwise, our practical choices are all bad: costly mandates and controls that harm the economy; or costly mandates and controls that barely affect greenhouse gases. Or, possibly, both.
(Adapted from "The Worst of Both Worlds?" NEWSWEEK November 13, 2006, page 45.) 
4 [ 72920 ]. (Ufpe 2007) In the phrase "34 had increased greenhouse emissions from 2000 to 2004" (in paragraph 1), the verb tense HAD INCREASED refers to 
( ) ( ) an action that began in the past and continues up to now.
( ) ( ) an indefinite time in the past.( ) ( ) an action that happened in the past before another past action.
( ) ( ) an action that is habitual.
( ) ( ) two simultaneous actions in the past.
F F V F F 
Blame male trees for your allergies
Scientists think they have found what causes people to sneeze and suffer runny noses and itchy eyes. Tom Ogren, a California horticulturalist, suggests that we may suffer allergies because in cities, we plant male trees along streets. Male trees are chosen over females because the latter produce seed pods and fruits that need to be cleaned up. Male plants don't require such maintenance, but they produce great amounts of pollen, and the pollen is what causes the hay fever reactions in many people.
BLAME male trees for your allergies. Speak up magazine. São Paulo: Camelot, Feb. 2001, p. 37. 
5 [ 51324 ]. (Ufrrj 2003) The sentence "Scientists think they have found what causes people to sneeze...", is equivalent to 
a) what causes people to sneeze is founded by scientists. 
b) what causes people to sneeze were found by scientists. 
c) what causes people to sneeze has been found by scientists. 
d) what causes people to sneeze was found by scientists. 
e) what are the causes of sneezing by people. 
The International English Language Testing System
	The IELTS is an increasingly valuable worldwide test to assess your proficiency in English. It tests all four skills - Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. There are two options offered - Academic and General Training. The Academic option is for those who wish to undertake undergraduate or postgraduate studies in an English-speaking country, whereas the General Training option is for emigration purposes, to take a secondary course or a professional training course.
	Universities in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a growing number in the USA and Europe ask for the IELTS as proof that a foreign student is able to study and live in an English-speaking country. In Brazil, when applying for a grant, it is one of the English language tests applicants are asked to present to CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP and other funding institutions, including The British Council. Not only for study purposes but also for those who wish for funding to present papers at conferences, do training courses or training programmes abroad.
	A candidate may take the test more than once, however, there must be a three-month interval between one test and the next. Additionally there is no expire date, but a University or agency may ask for a more recent result if the test was taken a long time ago.
(Eddie Edmundson, R. Turner, M. Hermens, A. Francis. New Routes, nº 10, July 2000.)
6 [ 36075 ]. (Unesp 2001) As the IELTS tests all four skills, it ___________ worldwide to assess proficiency in English. 
a) is 
b) has used 
c) had been used 
d) has been using 
e) has been used 
During the nineteenth century Britain was transformed from a mainly AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY into an industrial one. This change has been called the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION because of the dramatic effect 1it had on the British way of life. People moved to the rapidly EXPANDING TOWNS and cities, RAILWAYS were developed to transport goods around the country and 2by 1900 Britain had become a major WORLD POWER.
The Industrial Revolution in Britain was built on the use of MACHINE in factories. Since the 1950s Britain's manufacturing industries have replaced the machine operators with computers, and this 'automation' has led to a decline in the number, of employees in manufacturing industries. More manufactured goods are bought and used than ever before but 4a lot of these goods are imported. By the beginning of the twentieth century other industrial countries, like the USA, were competing with Britain's exports, and countries in the Far East 3have been able to provide cheaper products since the 1970s. Areas where HEAVY MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES are located have suffered high UNEMPLOYMENT.
LAVERY, Clare. Focus on Britain Today, MacMillan Publishers. p. 98-99. 
7 [ 39839 ]. (Ufsm 2001) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente os espaços no trecho a seguir.
Britain __________ been an industrialised nation for two centuries. It _________ a variety of industries __________ can be divided __________ three main categories. 
a) has - has - which - into 
b) have - has - who - in 
c) has - have - which - in 
d) have - has - who - into 
e) has - has - who - in 
Resumo das questões selecionadas nesta atividade
Data de elaboração:	01/12/2021 às 12:14
Nome do arquivo:	2 ANO
Q/Prova = número da questão na prova
Q/DB = número da questão no banco de dados do SuperPro®
Q/prova	Q/DB	Grau/Dif.	Matéria	Fonte	Tipo
1	78585	Não definida	Inglês	Fatec/2008	Múltipla escolha
2	82710	Não definida	Inglês	Ufba/2007	Analítica
3	73470	Não definida	Inglês	Mackenzie/2007	Múltipla escolha
4	72920	Não definida	Inglês	Ufpe/2007	Verdadeiro/Falso
5	51324	Não definida	Inglês	Ufrrj/2003	Múltipla escolha
6	36075	Não definida	Inglês	Unesp/2001	Múltipla escolha
7	39839	Não definida	Inglês	Ufsm/2001	Múltipla escolha
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