
Literatura Norte-Americana ll

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Peso da Avaliação1,50
Qtd. de Questões10
1Consider the excerpt bellow: "An honest man has hardly need to count more than his ten fingers, or in extreme cases he may add his ten toes, and lump the rest. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail. In the midst of this chopping sea of civilized life, such are the clouds and storms and quicksands and thousand-and-one items to be allowed for, that a man has to live, if he would not founder and go to the bottom and not make his port at all, by dead reckoning, and he must be a great calculator indeed who succeeds. Simplify, simplify" (THOREAU, 1854, p. 49). Read the following sentences and mark T for true and F for false: ( ) It refers to the experience the author had about living in the woods. ( ) It is related to the individualism, which characterizes the period. ( ) It is a Strong example of the transcendentalismo. ( ) It is the work of Whitman that best represents the individualism during that period. Check the CORRECT sequence: FONTE: THOREAU. Walden. 1854. Disponível em: http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br/download/texto/gu000205.pdf. Acesso em: 1º jul. 2019
T - F - F - F.
F - T - F - F.
F - F - T - T.
T - T - T - F.
2Consider the following poets: Walt Whitman and Herman Melville. Whitman was a proeminent name of poetry who actually "invented" the mith of a democratic America. Melville, on the other hand, was concerned about knowledge and even ways of writing down mental processes that occur during the literary creation. Considering the qualities as writers of these two men, analyze the following sentences and relate them to each one of the writers, according to what is stated: I- Walt Whitman. II- Herman Melville. ( ) Used a very accecible vocabular and style in his works. ( ) His poem "Leaves of grass" is a masterpiece about nature and life. ( ) What would have been of America without the adventures of Moby Dick? ( ) Whales and liberty were his subjects. Check the CORRECT sequence:
II - I - II - I.
II - II - II - I.
I - I - II - II.
I - II - I - II.
3Read the following excert of poema: IN 1 May, when sea-winds pierced our solitudes, I found the fresh Rhodora in the woods, Spreading its leafless blooms in a damp nook, To please the desert and the sluggish brook. The purple petals, fallen in the pool, Made the black water with their beauty gay. What does it refer to, preciselly? Check the CORRECT answer: FONTE: https://www.bartleby.com/370/15.html. Acesso em: 1º jul. 2019.
It refers to one of the characteristics of romanticism, which is the moon.
It refers to the north-american poets.
It refers to a flower, but also to discuss the beauty of nature
It refers to a flower in the woods.
4We all know how to tell a story, as narrative is one of the faculties we seem to be born with. Since childhood, the first thing toddlers know to do all the time is telling parents what they have or what they have not been through all day long. When it comes to the literary gender, the novel, we are also faced to stories and telling, but some proceedings are to be applied. Order the steps of a novel and narrative bellow, in an order that corresponds to the perfect plot: I- The conflict/edge. II- The solution(s). III- Tension and conflict growing. IV- Situation. Check the CORRECT sequence:
I - III - IV - II.
IV - III - I - II.
IV - II - I - III.
II - IV - III - I.
5America represented for many pillgrims the accomplishment of a dream, the search of a place where a new life could be started, away from oppression and the harrash conditions of life that they fled in Europe. This new life and way of living they were allowed to start on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean provided them with some feelings and manners to conceive the world. Check the CORRECT answer, among the possibilities given bellow, the one best suits this new way:
A more natural way of life, as human beings are nature oriented in their everyday´s life.
Being romantic because of the great amount of poets in England.
A symbolic way of life, because for each impression corresponds an image.
Individualism which is not exactly focused on being selfish and egoistic, but independent.
O Romantismo foi um movimento artístico e intelectual com raízes na Europa Ocidental e que chegou aos Estados Unidos no começo do século XIX. Nele, destacam-se obras como “A Letra Escarlate” e “Moby Dick”, que podem ser consideradas obras essenciais da literatura universal. Sobre o movimento, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I- Ceticismo e razão eram altamente valorizados, pois as emoções eram um empecilho para alcançar a liberdade apregoada pelos princípios românticos de base europeia.
II- Os românticos americanos utilizavam símbolos para aludir algumas verdades ou conhecimentos que existem além da racionalidade.
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
I é uma proposição verdadeira e II é uma proposição falsa.
I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e II completa ou justifica I.
I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e I completa ou justifica II.
I é uma proposição falsa e II é uma proposição verdadeira.
O Classicismo foi um movimento literário voltado à racionalidade humana como centro de atenção. O movimento pode ser relacionado com o Romantismo, já que as características românticas promovem uma visão de mundo centrada no indivíduo e exaltam a liberdade do sujeito como principal pilar. Com base no exposto, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I- O Romantismo norte-americano marcou um período na história do país que conhecia mudanças relacionadas ao processo de independência em relação à Inglaterra.
II- O movimento Romântico norte-americano, exatamente como o movimento europeu, centrava-se em uma forte ideia de autoritarismo.
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e II completa o sentido de I.
I é uma proposição verdadeira e II é uma proposição falsa.
I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e I completa o sentido de II.
I é uma proposição falsa e II é uma proposição verdadeira.
O movimento romântico surgiu na Alemanha. Rapidamente, espalhou-se pela Inglaterra e pela França, chegando aos Estados Unidos por volta de 1820. Essa nova visão de literatura tomava conta dos grupos intelectuais e artísticos.
Sobre o movimento romântico, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Simbolismo e primazia da racionalidade.
 Natureza morta e ausência de imaginação.
O movimento continha temas otimistas, que incluíam beleza milagrosa da natureza e verdades espirituais por trás do mundo físico.
Ausência de emoção e exaltação da divindade poética de cada indivíduo.
9In a literary mouvement, different values and aspects of life are usually presented. In the American literature, two works get some attention: "Walden" and "Rhodora". Both works show as main subject the beauty and values of nature. They are thus good examples of Romanticism. Associate the following sentences to the right piece: I- Walden. II- Rhodora. ( ) The beauty of the surface of water is a way to measure the depth of our own nature. ( ) Flowers and their petals are so enchanted that there´s even no need one sees them. ( ) A lake is compared to a mirror which reflects the human nature. ( ) Is it really necessary to stop by and admire beauty? Check the CORRECT sequence:
II - I - I - I.
I - I - II - II.
II - I - II - II.
I - II - I - II.
10Romanticism was a literary mouvement that occured in North-America after its begining and spreading out through Europe. It actually started in Germany and quickly reached England and France, arriving around 1820 in the USA. It is the result of a rising of national identities and idealism. In the United States, two groups of writers coexisted: the so called pessimistics and the optimistics. Read the followingstatements and check T for true and F for false, according to what is stated in relation to the romantic mouvement in the north-american literature. ( ) The pessimistic authors were also called "light" writers. ( ) The optimistic authors were called "somber" writers. ( ) Emily Dickingson was neither optimistic nor pessimistic. ( ) The wonders and the perfection of nature was one of the main topics for north-american romanticism. Check the CORRECT sequence:
T - F - F - T.
T - T - F - F.
F - F - T - T.
F - T - F - T.
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