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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Grupos Nominais – Prof. Cynthia Pichini 
Word Order and Compounds 
Em inglês é muito comum usarmos adjetivos para qualificar um substantivo. O 
que veremos aqui é como esses adjetivos são ordenados e como, ás vezes, se agrupam 
para formar novas palavras. 
Você provavelmente sabe que há milhares de adjetivos em inglês, mas....como 
traduzir uma sentença quando há vários deles juntos qualificando um substantivo? 
É importante observar que, nos textos com os quais lidamos, possivelmente há 
dois ou três adjetivos modificando um substantivo. Quando deparar-se com tais 
expressões tente lê-las do final para o início: você verá como ficarão mais fáceis de 
serem entendidas: 
 1 2 3 3 1 2 
Ex: a low-risk investment = um investimento de baixo risco 
 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 
 a single-dose beauty treatment= um tratamento de beleza de dose única 
Os substantivos também podem ter uma estreita relação uns com os outros, 
frequentemente formando um composto, em inglês. A expressão state-of-the-art, por 
exemplo, é um substantivo composto. 
Os compostos muito comuns são geralmente escritos como uma única palavra: 
timetable, fingerprint, roadside, treetop, etc. Alguns são escritos como duas palavras, 
com ou sem hífen: alarm clock , swimming pool, father-in-law, make-up. Quanto 
mais duas palavras são usadas em conjunto, maior a tendência para que elas venham 
a ser escritas como um só elemento. 
1-Como você traduziria as seguintes expressões? 
1- A cross-eyed lion 
2- A two-room apartment 
3- A long-sleeved blouse 
4- Dust-covered mountain climbing boots 
5- A bad-tempered tennis player 
6- A computer-controlled car 
7- A dark-skinned ballerina 
8- A cold-blooded animal 
9- A red-haired lawyer 
10- A well-dressed teacher 
11- A three-hour programme 
12- A free-fire zone 
13- A third-class restaurant 
14- A time-consuming discussion 
15- A high-resolution image 
16- The one-per-cent-a-year-growth food business 
17- A high-ranking official 
18- Preservative-free food 
19- Free-range eggs 
20- State-of-the-art technology 
2-Translate into English the following noun phrases: 
1- administração municipal- 
2- aterro sanitário- 
3- imposto de renda- 
4- balcão nobre- 
5- bilheteria- 
6- caixa coletora de correspondência- 
7- caminhão de lixo- 
8- cano de esgoto- 
9- comprovante de depósito bancário- 
10- alistamento militar- 
11- cotonete- 
12- depósito de lixo- 
13- UTI- 
14- faixa de pedestre- 
15- moedor de carne- 
16- rodovia de pista dupla- 
17- tabela de horário- 
18- tv educativa- 
19- tribunal de pequenas causas- 
20- Sistema Nacional de Habitação- 
21- INSS- 
22- IPC- 
23- Imprensa marrom- 
24- Cursos de graduação- 
25- Escola naval- 
26- Escola da aeronáutica- 
27- ENEM- 
28- Conselho Monetário Nacional- 
29- Confederação Brasileira de Futebol- 
30- Organização das Nações Unidas- 
31- DUI/DWI- 
33- Organização Mundial da Saúde – 
34- NHS (British)- 
35- CPF- 
3-Underline the noun phrases in the following text: 
Many people are taking up Capoeira as one of the latest fads in the fitness craze. 
Capoeira, which originated in Brazil, integrates the newest aerobic techniques with 
traditional combat styles. These new workout opportunities offer excellent cardiovascular 
conditioning, elastic flexibility and superb muscle tone. Capoeira involves working every 
muscle in your body. The strong kicks help to get the muscles popping. The masters of 
this sport understand why capoeira is becoming so popular. People appreciate the 
infectious rhythms, the beautiful sense of balance, and the deeply spiritual element. 
Definition of Journalism 
Journalism in its most basic sense is the process of gathering and presenting factual 
information. This information is used to transmit a story to the public and to create a 
record for archival purposes. This can be by print, digital, broadcast, photography, or 
through alternative medias. 
Typically a piece of news journalism will be fact-based and not opinion-based, written in 
a third-person style (meaning no use of "I" or "you"), and is usually governed by a style 
guide of conventions for word usage, capitalization, spelling, and such. 
One of the essential elements of journalism is that it relies on first-hand accounts, 
quotations, and research for its factual basis. Reporters and other creators of journalistic 
work conduct investigations by searching for primary source material and talking to 
eyewitnesses and others involved in the story. They then construct a finished work that 
makes a coherent whole out of the information they have gathered. 
Journalism covers news from several different angles. Events happen that news editors 
know their readership would want to be informed of, such as catastrophic fires or 
accidents. There are regular events and planned activities that are considered 
newsworthy, too, such as county Commissioners' meetings and local football games. 
Coverage is often assigned to report on these types of stories. 
The public also supplies news items. Organizations are permitted to send press releases 
to the media to announce developments that the news outlets might want to publish. 
Best practices for press releases require that they must be fact-based, not promotional, 
and releases are often edited to fit size constraints. Readers may send photos and 
notices in for publication as well. 
Throughout the ages, journalism has vastly changed not only lives, but entire countries 
and society in general, just by making sure people are informed and know the truth. In 
some countries, the government controls all means of news and journalism, but in most 
others, it is a free entity allowing access to important information to all who seek it. 
When trying to differentiate journalism and any other form of communication, it is 
important to note that journalists devote their career to reporting the truth. They focus on 
bringing the verified facts to the readers, steering away from any expressly influenced 
thoughts. People crave the specifics and the entire story, so not only do journalists write 
about the realities, but they also research and delve deep for the hidden essentials that 
not a lot of people can find 
Disponível em: (https://www.openschoolofjournalism.com/resources/about-
1- A que tipo de gênero pertence o texto acima? Justifique. 
2- Encontre 3 palavras cognatas: 
3- Encontre 3 grupos nominais: 
4- Construa um mapa textual sobre o texto acima, pode ser: gráfico, infográfico, 
mapa conceitual ou mental, etc. Use sua imaginação!!!!!!!! 

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