
A Culpa é das Estrelas: Uma História de Amor e Superação

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I really like to assure the fault is the star that tells the story of two guys who struggling
against cancer and that by coincidence is in a support group and falling in love this film
makes me cry. NATCA VI closely a story of a person a rich guy passionate about a poor
person else always watch in film and taste very much at a romantic movie. I am going to tell
a little of the story of the movie The Romance narrates the story of Hazel Grace, a
16-year-old teenager, diagnosed, from 13, with a rare cancer and thyroid terminal with
metastasis in the lungs. As a consequence, she leaves the school and needs to carry a
oxygen cylinder for all sides, since the disease has no cure and she does not know how long
it remains of life. The weight of the diagnosis and its effects resulted in low self-esteem for
the girl. Therefore, Hazel is placed by the parents in a group of support to people with
cancer. However, in a turnt, Hazel know Augustus Waters, a 18-year-old patient in a
remission of a cancer (Osteosarcoma). It uses prosthesis in the leg due to the
consequences of the disease in the bones. Together, they are going to travel and if they
discover in love, all gradually, without randomization of the disease or something that looks
forced. It is a love story that is born in the middle of the pain and the feeling that they need to
live everything at once, without time to the later. This film calls my attention to two people
who have cancer that are very advanced if they fall in love and live life as if it is not heard
tomorrow and an example of a warrior person struggling to tell the disease even more so the
can be happy. The best thing that has in the film that counts a story of two warriors who fight
against a cancer she is afraid of diex her mother alone and he is afraid of anyone I missed
him He wants everyone to remember him to be recognized around the world, I recommend
this very much film and I speak soon to prepare a scarf to fill his tears.