
A literatura fantástica em língua inglesa

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	Acertos: 9,0 de 10,0
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	Os movimentos literários denominados "Realismo Mágico" e "Real Maravilhoso" foram mobilizados por um grupo de intelectuais latino-americanos, tendo como ponte de partida os seguintes autores:
	Julio Cortázar e Arturo Uslar Pietri.
	Arturo Uslar Pietri e Alejo Carpentier.
	Gabriel García Marquez e Alejo Carpentier.
	Jacques Cazotte e Charles Perrault.
	Arturo Uslar Pietri e J. J. Veiga.
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:34:37
Arturo Uslar Pietri e Alejo Carpentier estavam a frente dos movimentos que revolucionaram a literatura latino-americana do século XX. Pietri cunhou o termo realismo mágico e Carpentier a expressão real maravilhoso. Ambos movimentos procuraram representar a história e a cultura dos povos da América Latina através da mística que se expressava no real.
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	O fenômeno fantástico pode ser entendido de diversas formas na teoria da literatura. Em seu livro Introdução à Literatura Fantástica Tzvetan Todorov afirma:
"Há um fenômeno estranho que se pode explicar de duas maneiras, por meio de causas naturais e sobrenaturais. A possibilidade de se hesitar entre os dois criou o efeito fantástico" (TODOROV, Tzvetan. Introdução à literatura fantástica. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1992. p. 31). 
Também nesse livro, Todorov discorre a respeito de dois gêneros limítrofes, que advém da escolha pela causa natural ou sobrenatural, interrompendo a hesitação. Que são, respectivamente, os gêneros:
	estranho e fantástico maravilhoso.
	real maravilhoso e realismo fantástico.
	realismo mágico e real maravilhoso.
	realismo fantástico e estranho.
	fantástico-estranho e fantástico-maravilhoso.
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:37:44
O gênero fantástico perdura apenas durante o tempo da hesitação; quando esta é solucionada, por narrador e leitor, seja para abraçar o sobrenatural ou desfazê-lo a partir de uma explicação racional, o fantástico se desfaz. A esses gêneros que partem de uma hesitação e finalizam em uma solução, Todorov classificou de gêneros limítrofes. O fantástico-estranho adviria da escolha natural, enquanto o fantástico-maravilhoso optaria pela incorporação do insólito.
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	Irene Bessière, crítica francesa e defensora do fantástico como modalidade, discorda de Todorov quanto à resolução e dissolução do fenômeno fantástico no momento da decisão narrativa pelo sobrenatural ou pela explicação natural. Assinale a alternativa que contém a(s) afirmativa(s) correta(s) acerca da tese defendida pela autora.
i.  A escolha pelo sobrenatural ou pela racionalidade deve ser efetivada somente pelo leitor.
ii. O objetivo principal do fantástico é produzir a incerteza, não devendo evanescer mediante resolução.
iii. A narrativa fantástica pode abraçar, ao final, todas as possibilidades, naturais e insólitas.
iv. O fantástico não deve se limitar à temporalidade da dúvida.
	Apenas I, III e IV estão corretas.
	Apenas II, III e IV estão corretas.
	Apenas II e IV estão corretas.
	Apenas I e II estão corretas.
	Apenas I, II e III estão corretas.
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:34:54
Uma das críticas à teoria de Todorov se dirige à sua dissolução. Para Bessière, o fantástico permanece após a escolha natural ou sobrenatural, que poderá ser feito por leitor ou narrador, não estando limitado ao tempo da hesitação. Justifica ainda por obras que não se resolvem ou sequer oferecem esta possibilidade.
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	Every magical realism novel is different, but there are certain things they all include, such as:
· Realistic setting. All magical realism novels take place in a setting in this world that's familiar to the reader.
· Magical elements. From talking objects to dead characters to telepathy, every magical realism story has fantastical elements that do not occur in our world. However, they're presented as normal within the novel.
· Limited information. Magical realism authors deliberately leave the magic in their stories unexplained in order to normalize it as much as possible and reinforce that it is part of everyday life.
· Critique. Authors often use magical realism to offer an implicit critique of society, most notably politics and the elite. The genre grew in popularity in parts of the world like Latin America that were economically oppressed and exploited by Western countries. Magic realist writers used the genre to express their distaste and critique American Imperialism.
Source: Neil Gaiman's Masterclass on "The Art of Storytelling". Available at . Access on July 22, 2022.
After reading the contextualization above and the affirmatives below, mark the only option indicating the correct set of affirmative(s).
I. Magical Realism is not related at all to fantasy novels like Neil Gaiman's American Gods.
II. Magical Realism might be interpreted as a version of Low fantasy.
III. Magical Realism is intended to be capable of criticizing the social reality by using fantastic means to communicate this.
	I, only.
	I, II and III.
	II, only.
	II and III, only.
	I and III, only.
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:40:36
Magical Realism as a subgenre of novels is interestingly close to the concept of Low Fantasy, in which the Primary World is still the setting for the novel's plot, yet Magic and the Fantastic have space to develop into an everyday element of this reality - affecting the way people see the political and social aspects of life. Since American Gods is an example of low fantasy, only options II and III are correct.
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	Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in 1817, famously elaborated on the difference between "fancy" and "imagination". Bearing this information in mind, assess the following statements:
I. His discussions on "fancy" and "imagination" were fundamental for the establishment of fantasy as a genre.
II. They paved the way for a different take on fantasy.
	Affirmatives I and II are true, II is a correct justification of I.
	Affirmatives I and II are false.
	Affirmatives I and II are true, but II is not a correct justification of I.
	Affirmative I is true, and II is false.
	Affirmative I is false, and II is true.
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:39:42
Coleridge's discussions on "fancy" and "imagination" found in his Biographia Literaria helped, alongside the Romantics who followed his thoughts, pave the way for a distinct conceptualization for fantasy fiction and the role of the fantastic in narratives. Prior to his thoughts, fantasy was perceived as a form of "escapism". Coleridge and the other romantics, therefore, elevated the status of fantasy. Nevertheless, it was not merely the creation and defense of the concepts of "fancy" and "imagination" that resolved the problems that critics had with the fantastic in literature, but it definitely paved the way for a new take on fantasy.
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	The Hobbit by Tolkien was published in 1937 and received wide critical acclaim. Choose the alternative that contains a true statement about the novel.
	Briefly, the story of The Hobbit is about Gandalf's adventures and how the wizard was intercepted by the warlike hobbits.
	The novel is a clear example of a low fantasy novel, since the setting is our ordinary world.
	The novel as a whole does not relate to the genre of high fantasy as it does not entail a quest.
	The novel fails to account for the epic nature demanded by high fantasy as a genre.
	Tolkien collects a series of symbolic and cultural references of the Western world to compose his secondary world.
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:38:50
	Explicação:The only correct answer is:"Tolkien collects a series of symbolic and cultural references of the Western world to compose his secondary world", as the novel is full of mythological recoveries, as exemplified by Smaug, the dragon. The other alternatives, however, do not conceive the novel as an example of the genre of high fantasy when, in fact, it contains all the elements required by the genre: a quest, a fully developed secondary world, it is epic in nature. What's more, The Hobbit, as the title suggests revolves around a hobbit: Bilbo Baggins.
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	"The Monkey's Paw" is a classic "three wishes story" written by W. W. Jacobs. Considering the discussions regarding Jacobs' "The Monkey's Paw", mark the option which correctly indicates the broadness of its influence in pop culture.
	"The Monkey's Paw" was not meant for every reading audience to read it.
	"The Monkey's Paw" was conceived as a novel, but Jacobs decided later on to make it into a short story.
	"The Monkey's Paw" is, first of all, the materialization of the consequences of defying fate.
	"The Monkey's Paw" was adapted into more than fifty different adaptations ranging from literature to films.
	"The Monkey's Paw" was not a very popular short story, so there is not much to say about its influence.
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:37:08
In 1902, William Wymark Jacobs published for the first time his famous short story, "The Monkey's Paw", which has been anthologized in collections of short stories around the world almost from the moment it first came out. It is significant how deep into United States' cultural manifestations "The Monkey's Paw" has been since its publishing. Its pop culture references include a 1991 episode from The Simpsons special "Treehouse of Horror II", in which the plot of the short story is adapted into the small screen, a 1973 episode of "Orson Welles Great Mysteries", an episode of supernatural series "The X-Files", as well as episodes from cartoons such as "Adventure Time" and "Rick and Morty".
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	Now all their cares were at an end, and they lived happily together.
My tale is done, 
A mouse has run.
And whoever catches it can make for himself from it a large, large fur cap.
Source: GRIMM, Wilhelm & Jacob. "Hansel and Gretel". Access at: https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/grimm015.html. Access on: September 22nd, 2022.
Based on the quote above, assess the following statements and the relationship between them.
I. The Brothers Grimm collected folk tales in their search for the essence of the German identity.
II. They believed in an idealized image of the hardworking nation's countryfolk as the true German citizen.
	I is false, and II is true.
	I and II are true, II is a correct justification of I.
	I and II are false.
	I is true, and II is false.
	I and II are true, but II is not a correct justification of I.
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:36:56
The Grimms (and Jacob particularly) believed that the hardworking people living in German's countryside were supposed to be idealized for the means through which they guided their lives. Even though both sentences are correct, the fact that the idealization of the countryfolk was part of their intent, it does not explain their search for the essence of the German identity. Because their searched for the essence of the German identity was that they could idealize the hardworking countrymen.
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	Alice¿s Adventures in the Wonderland is divided into twelve brief chapters, each one divided into isolated episodes. Alice has wonderful and bizarre adventures with strange creatures. What is a possible metaphorical meaning of Alice¿s adventures in Alice¿s Adventures in the Wonderland?
	The fight against reality
	The curiosity for the future. 
	The wish to overcome boredom
	The search for experience
	The need for excitement
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:36:22
Alice is a child, but the experiences she goes through teach her how to behave and make decisions in different situations, some of them potentially dangerous. She grows more mature throughout the novel
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	In Lewis¿ stories elements of fairy tales, medievalism, and Christian allegory are combined to create the magical land. Which biblical figure does the lion Aslan represent in The Chronicles of Narnia?
	Respondido em 26/05/2023 18:36:26
Aslan is a divine being, representing God/Jesus Christ. He is the founder of Narnia, the creator of its creatures, and its King. What¿s more, Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace find a lamb, who transformed into Aslan, in an obvious allusion to Jesus Christ

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