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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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	Tipo de Avaliação: AV
	Nota da Prova: 8,0        Nota de Partic.: 1,5        Data: 08/11/2013 14:30:39
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201201658955)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
1. Spoken language  
2. Written language   
(    ) It is more restricted and generally follows a standardised form of grammar, structure, organization, and vocabulary.
(    ) It  has dialect variations that represent a region.
(    ) It is planned and can be changed through editing and revision before an audience reads it
(   ) It is often spontaneous and unplanned
(   ) It is more formal and compact. It progresses more logically With fewer explanations and digressions.
(   ) It is usually informal and repetitive
	d) 1 -1 -2 -2 -1 -2
	a) 1 -2 -1 -2 -1 - 2
	b) 2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1
	c) 2 -2 -2 -1 -2 -2
	e) 1 -2 -1 -1 -1 -2
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201201656615)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	What alternative has the correct order to the following: German / old / yellow / car / an?
	d) an old yellow German car
	b) an old German yellow car
	c) a German yellow old car
	a) a German old yellow car
	e) a yellow old German car
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201201656608)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	In each of the following sentences the highlighted word is an adjective?
	c) The Prime Minister is a close friend of mine. (close)
	a) Life insurance is not cheap. (Life)
	e) The family car is parked outside. (family)
	b) Our patient records are confidential. (patient)
	d) The car key is in the drawer. (car)
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201201656557)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	Complete with the proper preposition:
I. I haven't smoked ______ ages.
II. You can look up the word ______ a dictionary.
II. She is allergic ______insect stings.
IV. My friend is good ______ playing volleyball.
V. She complains ______ bullying.
	b) in - in - in - at - about
	d) for - in - in - at - of
	a) in - in - to - at - about
	e) for - in - to - at - of
	c) for - in - to - at - about
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201201656576)
	Explain the use of OF',FROM' and WITH'∈thefollow∈gsentences:
The table is made of wood.
Wine is made from grapes
The cake was made with flour, butter, eggs, sugar and fruit.
Resposta: Of - the wood was the unique material used. From - The grapes were the main ingredient used. With - the cake was made with a combined ingredients, there is no main ingredient used.
Gabarito: If something keeps its form, we use 'made of'. If the form is changed during the process of making, then we use 'made from'. The cake was made with flour, butter, eggs, sugar and fruit. (a number of different ingredients)
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201201664276)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	A ________variation refers to variants and even historical stages follow each other on the diachronic axis.
	c) Diatopic variation
	e) Diachronic variation
	a) Diaphasic or stylistic variation
	b) Diastratic variation
	d) Diamesic variation
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201201663545)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	Choose the best alternative: I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back, we are home and dry.
	(c) have got no water
	(a) have not got wet
	(e) have got home safe
	(b) have been successful
	(d) have got home dry
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201201656542)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	Which sentence is completed with the preposition IN?
	a)My cousin lives _____ the country.
	e)Open your books _____ page 10.
	c)I stay _____ my grandmother's.
	d)The teacher wrote a sentence _____ blackboard.
	b)When she was a little girl people saw unrealistic cowboy films _____ television.
	 9a Questão (Ref.: 201201621445)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	What do adjectives modify?
	only other adjectives
	linking verbs
	 10a Questão (Ref.: 201201667574)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	Choose the one figure that is most clearly illustrated by the short passage.
The ocean looks like
A thousand diamonds strewn
Across a blue blanket.'(Incubus, WishYouWereHere')
	(e) euphemism
	(d) simile
	(c) onomatopoeia
	(b) synecdoche
	 11a Questão (Ref.: 201201656571)
	Pontos: 0,8  / 0,8
	Identify the prepositional phrase(s) in each sentence.
a) 'What we do in life echoes in eternity.'(Gladiator, 2000)
b) 'Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.'(The Godfather, 1972)
c) 'Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids.' (Up in the Air, 2009)
Resposta: a)in eternity b)with the fishes c)by jumping dogs and squealing kids
a) 'What we do in life echoes in eternity.'
b) 'Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.'
c) 'Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids.'

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