
exerc Est culturais em LI Aula 3

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1a Questão 
	Choose the only option which does NOT describe culture according to sociological action:
	It´s something that individuals do
	It´s a process but not a fluid one.
	It´s a collective set of meanings
	It´s produced by individual consciousness.
	It´s a dynamic and fluid process
	Ref.: 201604792235
	 2a Questão 
	When people consider the influence of security policies developed by the police in their daily lives we can say that they are studying society
	at a macro level
	in a wrong way
	as it really is
	at distance
	a micro level
	Ref.: 201604397425
	 3a Questão 
	Jean Baudrillard's philosophy centers on the twin concepts of 'hyperreality' and 'simulation'. 
What do these terms refer to? 
	To the virtual or unreal nature of contemporary culture in an age of mass communication and mass consumption.
	To the absurdities we need to deal with in modern society.
	To the simulation of reality philosophers research about in their every day routine.
	To the reality and fiction contemporary movie directors work with.
	To the ability philosophers have of bringing hyperreality and simulation to life.
	Ref.: 201604792254
	 4a Questão 
	For Weber, people make sense of what they do when they understand 
	culture is created by humans through the meanings and motives they hold
	culture is not important
	culture is a set of rules to be followed
	culture is created by theorists
	culture depends logic
	Ref.: 201604397032
	 5a Questão 
	Weber´s was the type of mind which was continually developing throughout his intellectually productive life. His system of ´sociological theory´ was not meant to stand alone. We dare say that his work may be conceived rather as an introduction to the institutional foundations of the modern economic and social order. For Weber, what is the difference between behavior and action? 
	Behavior is an automatic response that occurs with little thought, whereas action is the result of a conscious process in which people give meaning to their actions and the world around them.
	Weber´s behavior theory is associated with the institutionalization of authority and corporate groups while the action theory deals with the process of systematic development of modern theoretical social sciences.
	Weber regarded action and behavior basically as synonyms, as one was a consequence of the other. Action, in his opinion, would lead to behavior.
	According to Weber, behavior takes account of the attitude other people have in relation to us and is thereby oriented in its course. Action is for him unmotivated.
	Weber´s action theory would take into consideration the way someone was raised, the family relationships, the human values while behavior is meant to designate the independent significance of the human beings.
	Ref.: 201604792309
	 6a Questão 
	Action theory describes the -------------------- that influence action and serve as the foundation for society. In developing his theory, Weber distinguished between the concepts of behavior and action.The option which best completes the previous statement is
	dynamic factors
	explicit reality
	subjective factors
	limited factors
	collective factors
	Ref.: 201604332323
	 7a Questão 
	Which theoretical perspective on cultural development rests on the logic of evolution?
	none of the above
	Ref.: 201604332328
	 8a Questão 
	What is meant by multiculturalism?
	Culture drawing on multiple influences undermining patriarchal culture
	Eating a big Mac in India
	None of the above
	Culture drawing on many influences but still within the patriarchal framework
	Listening to world music 
	1a Questão 
	Jean Baudrillard's philosophy centers on the twin concepts of 'hyperreality' and 'simulation'. 
What do these terms refer to? 
	To the ability philosophers have of bringing hyperreality and simulation to life.
	To the absurdities we need to deal with in modern society.
	To the reality and fiction contemporary movie directors work with.
	To the virtual or unreal nature of contemporary culture in an age of mass communication and mass consumption.
	To the simulation of reality philosophers research about in their every day routine.
	Ref.: 201604332323
	 2a Questão 
	Which theoretical perspective on cultural development rests on the logic of evolution?
	none of the above
	Ref.: 201604792309
	 3a Questão 
	Action theory describes the -------------------- that influence action and serve as the foundation for society. In developing his theory, Weber distinguished between the concepts of behavior and action.The option which best completes the previous statement is
	explicit reality
	collective factors
	subjective factors
	limited factors
	dynamic factors
	Ref.: 201604792254
	 4a Questão 
	For Weber, people make sense of what they do when they understand 
	culture is a set of rules to be followed
	culture is created by theorists
	culture is not important
	culture depends logic
	culture is created by humans through the meanings and motives they hold
	Ref.: 201604397032
	 5a Questão 
	Weber´s was the type of mind which was continually developing throughout his intellectually productive life. His system of ´sociological theory´ was not meant to stand alone. We dare say that his work may be conceived rather as an introduction to the institutional foundations of the modern economic and social order. For Weber, what is the difference between behavior and action? 
	Weber´s action theory would take into consideration the way someone was raised, the family relationships, the human values while behavior is meant to designate the independent significance of the human beings.
	According to Weber, behavior takes account of the attitude other people have in relation to us and is thereby oriented in its course. Action is for him unmotivated.
	Weber regarded action and behavior basically as synonyms, as one was a consequence of the other. Action, in his opinion, would lead to behavior.
	Behavior is an automatic response that occurs with little thought, whereas action is the result of a conscious process in which people give meaning to their actions and the world around them.
	Weber´s behavior theory is associated with the institutionalization of authority and corporate groups while the action theory deals with the process of systematic development of modern theoretical social sciences.
	Ref.: 201604346672
	 6a Questão 
	Choose the WRONG alternative 
	Humans are not passive victims of the social structure. 
	Micro level correspond to the bigger picture: what people actually do, andwhat they think about what they do.
	Social life ¿makes sense¿- it is meaningful to those involved in its day-to-day creation. 
	Sociology and sociologists can only study the reality of society by looking at the micro level 
	¿Society¿ does not exist as a ¿thing¿, but rather as a series of actions and interactions by individuals. 
	Ref.: 201604346674
	 7a Questão 
	Choose the WRONG alternative 
	Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is isolate a society of thinking, creative, conscious and active individuals
	Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is not to take place amongst a society of thinking, creative, conscious and active individuals 
	Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is to take place amongst a society of thinking, creative, unconscious and active individuals 
	Identity is not essential if meaningful interaction is to take place amongst a society of thinking, creative, conscious and active individuals 
	Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is to take place amongst a society of thinking, creative, conscious and active individuals 
	Ref.: 201604332328
	 8a Questão 
	What is meant by multiculturalism?
	Eating a big Mac in India
	Listening to world music 
	Culture drawing on many influences but still within the patriarchal framework
	Culture drawing on multiple influences undermining patriarchal culture
	None of the above

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