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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Choose the right option to complete the following sentence, taking in consideration that you are in an interview and want to make a good first impression: "To begin with, you should firmly shake the interviewer's hand while _____________ him or her with a smile. Be sure to ____________ eye contact, especially when listening to the interviewer.
	to greet / keeping
	greeting / keep
	to greet/ keeps
	greets / keep
	greeting / keeping
		Among the following sentences which one would you use to greet a friend?
	Are you Portuguese or not?
	What's up?
	Where are you from?
	What's your favorite dish?
	Pleased to meet you, Laura.
		You say yes, I say no
You say stop but I say go, go, go
Oh no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello, hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello (...)"
Hello, goodbye is a song from The Beatles. Thinking about the words goodbye and hello, they can be used:
	To greet people you' re close to ando someone who is not so close. They' re versatile expressions.
	Only to greet people from your family.
	Only to greet someone you' re very close.
	To greet people formally, only.
	To greet people on the streets. Indoors we use another expressions.
		Jane: Well, George, I have to go now.
George: What's the hurry?
Jane: I have an appointment at 9.30. It's already five past six.
George: It was nice talking to you.
Jane: ..................
George: Bye. Jane!
What is the best option to complete the dialogue above?
	None of the answers above.
	I was talking to George yesterday.
	What time is it?.
	She will never go there.
	I'll meet you again soon. Bye!
		Keeping a conversation going with someone you don' t know very well is really an action of class, of elegance. You cannot be too formal or too informal to talk and keep talking to people you' re not very close. Choose the best phrase to keep a conversation going between the options below:
	What do you think about my clothes? 
	How old are you?
	None of the answers above.
	Do you often travel to France?
	How much money do you make at work?
		Complete the end of this dialogue: Jim: See you around! Thinh and Lan: ________________
	e) Don¿t bother.
	d) Good-bye, Jim!
	c) I hope not.
	b) Never mind.
	a) If you say so
		It is 5 pm, you are leaving your office, you say to your colleague: See you on Monday, have a nice weekend. He answers: ___________
	a) Who knows?
	c) I hope not.
	d) Yeah.
	b) You too.
	e) So-so.
		In what kind of situation do you say this? "For those of you who don't know me, my name's Tom Stotter."
	a) To welcome the audience
	b) To introduce yourself
	e) To conclude a presentation
	d) To state how you want to deal with questions
	c) To state the purpose of the presentation

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