
Prova 1

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Prova 1
	   » de 50 min.
	Matrícula: 201402063768
	Disciplina: CEL0554 - FUND.CULT.LIT.L.INGL 
	Período Acad.: 2014.3 - EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu EXERCÍCIO DE FIXAÇÃO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha (3).
Após a finalização do exercício, você terá acesso ao gabarito. Aproveite para se familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
		Read the alternatives and choose the one that is correct in relation to the epic Beowulf:
		Quest.: 1
	It was written by the monks who were interested in developing the pagan beliefs and vanishing the Christian ones.
	The characters in the poem are all people of noble birth, who came from France to try to defeat Grendel (the monster) who had been ruling the country for a few months.
	 Since it was the longest piece of literature to come down to us, it was regarded as the best chivalry poem to exemplify that period of time.
	Pagan elements as well as Christian ones can be found in the poem.  Beowulf is seen as a superhero who came to the country to try to save the people in danger from the ruling of Grendel.
	In the battle against Grendel, Beowulf is able to win the fight by ripping Grendel's arm with a knife.
		Mark the only question which is true in relation to Beowulf. Beowulf typifies the Anglo-Saxon ideals of personal conduct. These ideals include:
		Quest.: 2
	to be handsome
	to be a good singer
	to help people and become famous.
	to have powerful arms
	to be an advocate of freedom and justice
		In the story of Beowulf, there is a noticeable struggle between Christianity and Paganism, and the characters personal battle between the two. Mark the question which expresses what Beowulf means to the people:
		Quest.: 3
	the responsible for horrific events
	the promoter of wars
	the pagan leader for all mankind.
	the owner of vast lands
	the epitome of good and beneficent
		What was the importance of Roman Church in relation to the maintenace of The Anglo-Saxon King´s political power over the people?
		Quest.: 4
	The Anglo-Saxon kings, who were once pagan, accepted the new faith in order to go to heaven when they died.
	The Church members blessed the kings and queens at wedding ceremonies as God¿s representatives on earth and contributed for the spreading of pagan beliefs throughout the country.
	King´s authority was guaranteed by God's approval
	The Church helped the kings because they had the ability of unifying the country without a war.
	The kings were interested in learning how to read and write, which was a privilege of the Church members.
		Choose the alternative that is incorrect in relation to the time Christianity arrived in Britain:
		Quest.: 5
	Merchants from all over the empire settled there and soldiers from many countries served there so we will never know who first introduced Christianity to England.
	The native people were Celts. They were polytheists (they worshiped many gods). The Romans too were polytheists and they were willing to allow the Celts to worship their old gods.
	The first evidence of Christianity in England is from the late 2nd century AD. Roman Britain was a cosmopolitan place.
	At that time England and Wales were ruled by the Romans.
	Christianty was never accepted by its native population.
		When did Christianity become firmly established across Britain?
		Quest.: 6
	In the last hundred years of Roman government.
	When the Greeks were ruling the country.
	In 1200 AD, when the Middle Ages were over.
	About a century ago.
	When Jesus Christ was born.

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