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Aluno(a): MAURÍCIO DE OLIVEIRA 202102298253
Acertos: 2,0 de 2,0 26/10/2023
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Pensando sobre o desenvolvimento cultural de diferentes grupamentos humanos ao redor do planeta, é correto
a�rmar que:
Todos as sociedades humanas possuem um padrão de desenvolvimento e podemos atestar isso através da
história registrada em livros por culturas milenares.
As sociedades humanas localizadas em regiões mais frias do planeta se desenvolvem de forma mais
acelerada no sentido tecnológico, mas só alcançaram desenvolvimento na cultura erudita, e não na cultura
 Embora o desenvolvimento social e cultural humano tenha pontos em comum, cada sociedade se
desenvolve em ritmos e caminhos diferentes sem que isso signi�que que uma é mais avançada do que outra.
Não existem pontos de contato entre o desenvolvimento cultural e social dos diversos grupamentos
humanos. Cada sociedade se desenvolve de forma completamente diferente.
A sociedades humanas localizadas em regiões tropicais do planeta abriram mão do desenvolvimento
tecnológico e, por consequência, não puderam desenvolver sua cultura erudita. A baixa cultura foi o que
Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:47:29
A resposta correta é: Embora o desenvolvimento social e cultural humano tenha pontos em comum, cada sociedade se
desenvolve em ritmos e caminhos diferentes sem que isso signi�que que uma é mais avançada do que outra.
Acerto: 0,2  / 0,2
People of different cultures share basic concepts but view them from different angles and perspectives, leading
them to behave in a manner which we may consider irrational or even in direct contradiction of what we hold
sacred... Given the size of the world, its long history and immeasurable variety, it is remarkable how many common
concepts are rooted so �rmly in a similar manner in very different societies. What we often overlook is the fact that
everyone has different notions of these concepts that appeal to so many cultures. (LEWIS, Richard D. When
cultures collide. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2006, p. XVI)
An important Celtic festival called SAMHAIN was held around November 1st and marked the beginning of winter
and of the Celtic year. This festival is strongly connected to a present-day festival in Britain. Which one?
Saint Patrick¿s Day
Independence Day
Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:49:56
A resposta certa é: Halloween
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Even though The Seafarer was written in Old English, the tradition it established lives on even in more
contemporary texts. What is this tradition?
It introduces the theme of sea travels, which will reappear time and again.
It introduces the use of head-rhyme, making the verse sound lighter.
 It introduces a �rst-person perspective that will be recurring in English Literature: the �gure of the sage
pondering in solitude.
It introduces the use of kennings as a literary innovation.
It establishes a heroic tradition, based on the glorious deeds of the past
Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:51:51
A resposta correta é: It introduces a �rst-person perspective that will be recurring in English Literature: the �gure of the
sage pondering in solitude.
Acerto: 0,2  / 0,2
Ballads are sung in dialects of common people, concentrates on a single episode, do not explain context or details,
are impersonal and have 2 important features which characterize them:
heroic couplets, iambic pentameter
�xed rhyme scheme and briefness
noble characters, elevated tone
 repetition and refrain
fourteen lines, topics of revenge
Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:54:16
A resposta certa é: repetition and refrain
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Match the following descriptions with their corresponding parts from Macbeth.
(1) Thirsty for power, this character spares no effort to achieve her plan.
(2) Responsible for rather riddling prophecies towards other character¿s destinies.
(3) Betrayed by Macbeth, this character ends up being murdered.
(1) Lady Macbeth/ (2) The Witches/ (3) Malcolm
(1) Macbeth/ (2) The Witches/ (3) Lady Macbeth
 (1) Lady Macbeth/ (2) The Witches/ (3) King Duncan
(1) King Duncan/ (2) The Witches/ (3) Lady Macbeth
(1) Macbeth/ (2) The Witches/ (3) Banquo
Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:55:56
A resposta correta é: (1) Lady Macbeth/ (2) The Witches/ (3) King Duncan
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Não há qualquer relação entre esses dois conceitos sendo a pretofagia um corte total com o passado.
Há apenas uma relação de nomenclatura técnica e não um pensamento cultural que possa conectar os dois
Oswald de Andrade já havia previsto esse movimento Pretofágico e ele está incluído, mesmo que de forma
implícita, em seu manifesto antropófago.
 Algumas das ideias antropofágicas de Oswald de Andrade estão presentes na Pretofagia de Yhuri Cruz, mas
há uma nova camada de fala nessa deglutição uma vez que ouvimos a voz vindo de outros corpos e
Não há qualquer relação entre esses dois conceitos sendo a pretofagia um corte total com o passado.
As ideias antropofágicas de Oswald de Andrade excluem qualquer mistura e, por isso, se afastam da
Pretofagia, de Yhuri Cruz.
Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:58:14
A resposta correta é: Algumas das ideias antropofágicas de Oswald de Andrade estão presentes na Pretofagia de Yhuri
Cruz, mas há uma nova camada de fala nessa deglutição uma vez que ouvimos a voz vindo de outros corpos e
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The oldest of the great long poems written in English may have been composed more than twelve hundred years
ago, in the �rst half of the eighth century, although some scholars would place it as late as the tenth century. As is
the case with most Old English poems, its title has been assigned by modern editors, for the manuscripts do not
normally give any indication of title or authorship. (Source: GREENBLATT, Stephen.; ABRAMS, M. H. The Norton
Anthology of English Literature - Volume I. London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2006, p. 29)
Which Old English Epic Poem does the text refer to?
The Seafarer
 The Legend of Beowulf
The Wanderer
The Canterbury Tales
The Dream of the Rood
Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:58:47
A resposta certa é: The Legend of Beowulf
Acerto: 0,2  / 0,2
Choose the alternative that highlights the importance of Thomas Malory's Le Morte D¿Arthur:
It provides the �rst historical glimpse into the Arthurian myth.
It made the Arthurian myth more accessible to a wider population, using Modern English.
 It provides a compilation of previous Arthurian romances and presents them in one continuous history.
It gives great prominence to its mythical foundations.
It gives great prominence to magical and fantastic elements.
Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:59:45
A resposta correta é: It provides a compilation of previous Arthurian romances and presents them in one continuous
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John Wycliffe, Oxford professor and theologist, was responsible for the �rst translation of the Bible into Middle
English in 1382. Why was this important?
People could check which version of the Bible �t them better: Latin or English. 
 Because common people could read the scriptures in their own language.
As Latin and English were present in the Bible people could learn Latin from it.
The corruption of the clergy led them to make alterations in the Latin scriptures.
The �rst translation of the Bible summarized and interpreted all the gospels.Respondido em 26/10/2023 15:59:59
A resposta certa é: Because common people could read the scriptures in their own language.Because common people
could read the scriptures in their own language.
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When it comes to the following interrogation, which the Fool addresses to King Lear in the homonymous play, which
option contains a proper analysis? "can you make no use of nothing, nuncle?" (1.4.115).
In this excerpt, the Fool resorts to a rhetorical question to adulate the king.
 Both the double negation in "no use of nothing" and the vocative "nuncle" help convey the Fool¿s audacious
mockery of Lear's arrogance and refusal of diagnosing his own foolishness.
The coexistence of acid humor and drama in the line are evidence that the play cannot be unequivocally
de�ned as a tragedy.
The motif of nothing is used in this excerpt to address the Fool's lack of intellect.
The vocative "nuncle" is a prelude of the King¿s tragic madness, in�icted by Cordelia¿s apathy towards her
own father.
Respondido em 26/10/2023 16:00:17
A resposta correta é: Both the double negation in "no use of nothing" and the vocative "nuncle" help convey the Fool¿s
audacious mockery of Lear's arrogance and refusal of diagnosing his own foolishness.

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