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1a Questão (Ref.:201801828474)
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	Some historians believe that it is possible to talk about the development and spread of distinctive religious traditions in England. What was the basic difference between the interest of the Celtic Church and that of the Roman one in England? 
	The Roman Church was more spiritual, friendlier to women, more connected with nature and wanted things to be like that. The Celtic one, on the other hand, was much interested in keeping authority to iself and men were the only ones who could rule with their help. 
	The two Churches seemed to get along well, until they reached a crisis as they disagreed over the date of Christmas. For the Roman Church it was more interesting to keep it on December 25th, while the Celtic one wanted to change the date of Christmas to January 15th. In both cases there were political interests involved.
	Some bishops of the Roman Church denied the authority of the Pope and were interested in spreading reading and writing while the Celtic Church wanted to keep this knowledge to itself.
	The Celtic Church was interested in the ordinary people while the Roman Church was interested in authority and organization.
	The bishops from the Celtic Church lived at the courts with the kings and wanted to keep it that way so as to be able to maintain their privileges while the bishops of the Roman Church were more committed with their spiritual power over ordinary people.
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	2a Questão (Ref.:201801202073)
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	Read the alternatives and choose the one that is correct in relation to the epic Beowulf:
	The characters in the poem are all people of noble birth, who came from France to try to defeat Grendel (the monster) who had been ruling the country for a few months. 
	Pagan elements as well as Christian ones can be found in the poem.  Beowulf is seen as a superhero who came to the country to try to save the people in danger from the ruling of Grendel. 
	 Since it was the longest piece of literature to come down to us, it was regarded as the best chivalry poem to exemplify that period of time. 
	In the battle against Grendel, Beowulf is able to win the fight by ripping Grendel's arm with a knife. 
	It was written by the monks who were interested in developing the pagan beliefs and vanishing the Christian ones. 
	3a Questão (Ref.:201801202075)
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	In 1066, the Anglo-Saxon history of England came to an end. In that year, William the Conqueror and his Norman warriors invaded England and overcame the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. As a result of this fact...(Choose the alternative that expresses this result.) 
	The Norman conquest lasted for a whole century. 
	The Normans got along very well with the Anglo-Saxons. 
	The Norman army, as it was a very big one, was able to conquer other European countries. 
	The Normans destroyed all the houses between Durham and York. 
	The Norman religion was established in the country.
	4a Questão (Ref.:201801828021)
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	The English country went through different sort of attacks in Medieval times. Taking into account the Norman invasion, which of the following statements IS NOT TRUE ? 
	The Norman army, though small, marched from village to village, destroying places that they could not control.
	The Normans remained in the country for over a hundred years and were able to become the great rulers of England in Medieval times.
	By 1086, over 4,000 Saxon landlords were replaced by 200 Normans ones.
	The Norman army was mainly concerned with land occupation and in the north not a single house was left standing.
	The Norman army was a true army of occupation for over twenty years.
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	5a Questão (Ref.:201801202085)
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	Which alternative explains the term DOOMSDAY ? 
	It is a book which tells the story of the Romans. 
	It is a gospel book of the Christian culture.
	It is the only source that reflects British society at the time of the Normans, compiled in 1086-87 so that Wlilliam the Conqueror might know better the resources of his new kingdom. 
	It is a piece of art found in the Sutton Hoo ship burial. 
	It is a law which was created by William the Conqueror by means of which ordinary people needed to pay a fine if they killed a Norman. 
	6a Questão (Ref.:201803900464)
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	Think about the characters and elements belonging to the stories of King Arthur. Then, match the names innumbered colum to the observation preceed by letters:
1- Lancelot ( ) the name of the legendary headquarter of Arthur's government
2- The Graal ( ) King Arthur's famous sword.
3- Caladfwick ( ) the most famous knight from the Round Table.
4- Camelot ( ) a magical pot whose theme dates from the Celtic legends.
	4- 3- 2- 1 
	2- 1 - 3 - 4 
	1 - 2- 3- 4 
	4 - 3- 1 - 2 
	3 - 4- 2- 1 
	7a Questão (Ref.:201801309937)
	Acerto: 0,0  / 1,0 
	Which characteristic presented below cannot describe the Englishmen in the 16th century: 
	conscious of the social status 
	did not respect authority 
	had the right to ascend in a social mobility scale 
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	8a Questão (Ref.:201804050635)
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	Englishmen in the sixteenth century presented their own characteristics as any other in different centuries.
Which of the following IS NOT applicable to Englishmen in the sixteenth century?
	They were great respecters of authority .
	They  proclaimed their human right as men to ascend in a social mobility scale.
	In the 16th century, Englishmen were avid readers, very creative and were always looking for some sort of different activities mainly if it involved new recipes for cooking.
	They were superstitious enough to believe in witches and all kinds of sorcery.
	Englishmen in the 16th century were devoutly religious.
	9a Questão (Ref.:201801201648)
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	In the process of Independence, what did the colonists fear to lose? 
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	10a Questão (Ref.:201804050705)
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	There were several purposes of the Declaration of the Independence.
Which one was not included in it?
	The Declaration of Independence had both a utilitarian and patriotic purpose. It declared war on the founder of the colonies, King George, and Great Britain. It also listed a series of abuses the revolutionaries felt the King had subjected them to.
	The Declaration of Independence was a way of telling everybody what the King of England had done to them, which were in violation to the rights of the colonists. After several attempts to resolve their differences with England, all of which failed, to declare themselves free from England.
	The Declaration of Independence highlighted the importance not only of their need for freedom, but also for establishing marrital rules so as to create a sounding society  in which all citizens would follow the rules, including the ones about marriage .
	The main purpose was for the colonists was  to let Great Britain and the rest of the world know that  they were free from  British rule.
	The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to state to everybody  they considered themselves  free from England and were open to new agreementswith other countries.

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