
37 Yoshida Y. (2000)

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Shear Reinforcement for Large Lightly Reinforced Concrete Members 
Yoichi Yoshida 
A thesis submitted in conformîty with the requirements 
for the Degree of Master of Applied Science 
Graduate Department of Civil Engineering 
University of Toronto 
O Copyright by Yoichi Yoshida, 2000 
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Shear Reinforcement for Large Lightly Reinforced Concrete Members 
Master of Applied Science, 2000 
Yoichi Yoshida 
Graduate Department of Civil Engineering 
Universisr of Toronto 
To obtain expenmental data about the shear capacity of very large concrete members, 
four tests invofving 2m deep beams, which are believed to be the largest bearn-type specimens 
tested in North Amerka were conducted. The four sections studied contained various arnounts 
of shear reinforcement. 
The following conclusions were arrived at fiom this study. 
The specimen not containing transverse reinforcement failed at a shear which was only 
47% of the failure load predicted by the shear provisions of the curent AC1 Building 
Providing a small amount of shear reinforcement greatly enhanced the response of the 
beams in terms of shear capacity and ductility. For the same total amount of stimps the 
shear capacity increased as the spacing of transverse reinforcement decreased. 
The procedures in the CSA code based on The Modified Compression Field Theory yield 
generally good estimates of failure for al1 of the specimens. 
First and foremost I would like to thank my s u p e ~ s o r , Professor Michael P. Collins for 
giving me a chance to study and to do research with him on such an interesting research topic. I 
also appreciate his expertise and guidance he has given me throughout this research. 
1 want to express my appreciation to my fellow graduate students here at the University 
of Toronto for their fnendship, their suggestions on vanous aspects of rny research, and their 
generous assistance dunng the tests. Among them I name here only my roommates: 
Evan C. Bentz, Almila Uzel, Young-Joon Kim, and Cao Sheng. 
The experimental project wouldn't have succeeded without the help of the staff at the 
Mark Huggins Structural Laboratory. 1 would like to take this opportunity to express al1 my 
gratitude for their professional expertise and kind support. 1 also thank Mr. Peter Leesti for his 
constant care regarding my research. 
My stay at Toronto as a graduate student was made possible by Obayashi Corporation, 
which 1 really thank for giving me the chance to study in Canada for two years and for providing 
continuous financial support dunng my stay. 
Table of Contents 
Table of Contents 
List of Tables 
List of Figures 
List of Appendices 
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................... I 
1.2 Research Objectives and Layout of Work ....................................................................... 3 
2 Review of Related Work and Code Provisions .................................................................... 4 
................................................................................................. 2.1 Review of Related Work 4 
................................................................ 2.1.1 Effect of Member Size on Shear Strength 4 
2.1.2 Effect of Minimum Shear Reinforcement on Shear Strength ................................... 6 
2.1.3 Modified Compression Field ïheory ....................................................................... 7 
2.1.4 Large Bearn Tests at the University of Toronto .............................................. 10 
. . 2.2 Review of Code Provisions ........................................................................................... 1 3 
2.2.1 AC1 3 18-99 ............................................................................................................ 13 
2.2.2 C SA-A23 . 3-94 (Generai Method) ........................................................................ 14 
2.3 Brief Introduction of Analysis Program ......................................................................... 18 
2.3.1 Response-2000 ...................................................................................................... -18 
3 Experimental Test Program ............................................................................................... 20 
3.1 Specimen Details ......................................................................................................... 20 
3.2 Matenal Properties ....................................................................................................... -24 
3.2.1 Concrete Properties ................................................................................................ 24 
3.2.2 S tee1 Properties ..................................................................................................... -26 
3 -3 Specimen Construction .................................................................................................. 2 7 
3.3.1 Form-work ................................................... ..............,,,...................... ............. -27 
3 .3 .2 Concrete Pour and Cure ..................... ... ........ ..... ................................................... -30 
3.3.3 Specimen Transportation ...................................................................................... 3 1 
3.4 Test Rig Details ............................................................................................................. 34 
3.4.1 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition .................................................................... 34 
........................................................................... 3 .4.2 Strain Gauges on Reinforcement -37 
...............*.. ..*.*..*..........................*..*.....-..-.......................*. 3 -5 Load Procedure. ................... 3 9 
3 -6 Reinforcement afker Test ................................................................................................ 39 
4 Test Results and Analysis .................................................................................................. 42 
........................................................................... 4.1 Overview of Result of YB2000 Series 42 
................................................................ 4.2 Effect of Member Depth on Shear Strength -49 
.................................................. 4.2.1 Effect of Member Depth Observed in Test Result 49 
..................................... 4.2.2 Prediction of Beam's Shear Strength Using Design
Codes 5 1 
....................................... 4.3 Effect of Minimum S heu Reinforcement on Shear Strength - 3 5 
4.3.1 Effect of Minimum S hear Reinforcemcnt in Test Results ...................................... .55 
4.3.2 Prediction of Beam's Shear Strength ................................................................. 60 
Table of Contents (Cont'd) 
.................................................................................. 5 Conclusions and Recommendations -62 
................................................................................................................... 5.1 Conclusions 62 
........................................................................................................ 5.2 Recomrnendations -63 
List of Tables 
Table 2.1 Properties of BN Series Specimens ............................................................................ 11 
Table 2.2 Values of ,û and @ for Section Not Containing Transverse Reinforcement .................. 16 
Table 2.3 Values of and 0 for Section Containing Transverse Reinforcement ......................... 17 
Table 3.1 Dimensions of Anchor Heads of T-headed bars ......................................................... 22 
Table 3.2 Test S pecimen Details .............................................................................................. -22 
Table 3.3 Concrete Properties ................................................................................................... -24 
Table 3.4 Properties of Reinforcing Bars ................................................................................... 26 
Table 4.1 Expenrnental Resuit for Bearns of YB Series and BN Series ..................................... .48 
Table 4.2 Expenmental Result for Beams not containing shear reinforcement ........................... 49 
Table 4.3 Prediction for Specimens without Transverse Reinforcement using AC1 3 18-99, CSA- 
................................................................................... A23.3-94, and Response-2000 53 
Table 4.4 Experimental Result for Beams of YB Senes ............................................................. 55 
Table 4.5 Prediction for Specirnens of YB series using AC1 3 18-99, CSA-A23.3-94, and 
Response-2000 .......................................................................................................... 61 
List of Figures 
Figure 1.1 Example of Liquid Natural Gas Tanks Constructed in Japan ...................................... 2 
Figure 1.2 Example of Box Structure of Tokyo Highway Underpass .......................................... 2 
Figure 2.1 Relationship between Shear Strength and Shear Span-Depth Ratio (Adapted from 
Re f 9) ...................................................................................................................... 4 
....... Figure 2.2 Influence of Member Depth on Shear Strength at Failure (Adapted fkom Re f 9) 5 
Figure 2.3 Size Effect Curves Suggested by Researchers (Adapted from Re f 3) ........................ 6 
Figure 2.4 Modified Compression Field Theory ........................................................................ 8 
Figure 2.5 Liuence of Mmber Dspth on Shear Stress at Failure (tests by Shioya) (Adapted 
from Ref. 3) ................................................. .. ..................................................... 9 
Figure 2.6 Geometric Details of BN Senes ................................................................................ 12 
Figure 2.7 Values of Crack Spacing Parameter (Adapted fkom ReE 9) ...................................... -15 
Figure 2.8 Values of P and 8 for Section Not Containhg Transverse Reinforcement (Adapted 
from Ref. 9) ............................................................................................................ 16 
Figure 2.9 Values of ,O and 6 for Section Containing Transverse Reinforcement (Adapted fkom 
Ref. 9) .................................................................................................................... -17 
Figure 2.10 Examples of the Screens of Response-2000 ............................................................ 19 
Figure 3.1 
Figure 3.2 
Figure 3.3 
Figure 3.4 
Figure 3.5 
Figure 3.6 
Figure 3.7 
Figure 3.8 
Figure 3.9 
T-headed bars ........................................................................................................... 21 
Geometric Details of YB2000 Series Specimens ....................................................... 23 . 
Strength Development of Concrete ........................................................................... 25 
S hrinkage Strain Development ................................................................................ -25 
Longitudinal Rebars in YB2000/4&6 .............................. .. .................................... 26 
Cross-sectional View of Form-work ......................................................................... 2 7 
Bottom Rebar Cage .................................................................................................. 2 8 
Form-work ............................................................................................................ -29 
Rollen used to move the specimens ..................................................................... 31 
Figure 3.10 Transportation Set-Up ............................................................................................ 32 
Figure 3.11 Support ................................................................................................................... 32 
Figure 3.12 Transporiation of Specimen .................................................................................... 33 
Figure 3.13 Experirnental Test Set-Up ....................................................................................... 34 
................................................................. Figure 3 .14 Layout of LVDT's for Beam DeBedon 35 
Figure 3.15 Gnds of LVDT's .................................................................................................... 36 
.............................................................................................. Figure 3.16 Zurich Target Layout 36 
Figure 3.17 Measurement using Zurich Gauges ......................................................................... 3 7 
Figure 3.18 Strain Gauges in Specimens .................................................................................... 38 
............................................................... Figure 3.19 FaiIed End Reinforced by Dywidag Bars -40 
.......................... Figure 3.20 Collapsed FIemiral Compression Zone on the Side of YB2000/6 ..41 
Figure 3 -2 1 Repaired Portion .............................................................................................. 41 
........ Figure 4.1 Load-Deflection Curves for YB2000/0, YB2000/4, YB2000/6, and YB2000/9 -43 
................. ........................... Figure 4.2 Crack Pattern at the Final Load Stage of YB200010 .. 45 
................................................. Figure 4.3 Crack Pattern at the Final Load Stage of YB2000D 46 
Figure 4.4 Crack Pattern at the Final Load Stage of YB200016 .................................................. 47 
Figure 4.5 Crack Pattern at the Final Load Stage of YB2000/4 ............................................... -47 
Figure 4.6 Cornparison of Crack Patterns .................................................................................. 50 
Figure 4.7 S hear Force-Deflection Curve for YB2000/0 ........................................................... -52 
List of Figures (Cont'd) 
Figure 4.8 Variation of failure shear stress ratio with beam depth .............................................. 54 
...................................................................... Figure 4.9 Load-deflection curve for YB2000/4
3 6 
...................................................................... Figure 4.10 Load-deflection curve for YB2000/6 56 
..................................................................... Figure 4.1 1 Load-deflection curve for YB2000/9 -57 
Figure 4.12 Crack Pattern o f YB2000/4&6 at Load Stage Close to Failure ................................ 58 
................................................ Figure 4.13 Crack Pattern o f YB2000/9 at Failure of YB2000/0 59 
............................................................. Figure 4.14 Shear force-deflection curve for YB2000/4 60 
List of Appendica 
Appendu A Calculations of AC1 3 18-99 and CSA423.3-94 (General Method) Code 
Predictions ................................................................................. 65 
Appendix B Output of Experiment ..................................................................... 74 
Appendk C Matenal Properties ........................................................................ 140 
1 Introduction 
1.1 Background 
In recent years, some very large structures, containing members whose depth is more than 
lm, have been constmcted. Some examples include iiquid natural gas tanks, one of which 
contains a 9.8m deep bottom slab as shown in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.2 shows another example, 
which is a box structure of a Tokyo highway underpass containing a 1.25m deep member as its 
roof slab. These deep members usually have smaiî or sometimes no transverse reinforcement and 
hence rely on the large contribution of concrete to shear strength of the members. However the 
fact that the shear stress at failure decreases for members with larger depths has been known for 
several decades and in 1967 Kani warned of the imporiance of this effect of member depth on 
shear strength with his paper entitled "How safe are our large reinforced concrete beams?'. Since 
then research on shear strength of concrete members has been one of the most active research 
topics and as a result of it some theones have been deveioped and they afEord a capability to 
explain shear behaviour rationally and also provide relatively precise estimates of shear capacity. 
However the applicability of these theories for very deep members, say ones more than 2rn deep, 
has not actually been assured by very many experiments due to the practical ditfinilty of 
constructing and testing such large specimens. Hence a reliable shear design method for deep 
memben with or without transverse reinforcement is still a significant need in current praaice. 
The additional concern is that in the afiermath of some major earthquakes such as 
Northridge Earthquake in California in 1994 and Hyogoken Nanbu Earthquake in Japan in 1995 
design loads for earthquake in many design specifications have been increased. This change has 
caused a need to retrofit existing concrete structures designed with old design codes especially 
for shear capacity. One of the reinforcing methods for these deep slabs is the addition of 
transverse reinforcement. While it is cost effective to minimire the number of reinforcing bars 
placed as shear reinforcement, most design codes require a rather small spacing for such shear 
reinforcement (e.g. In the AC1 and CSA codes this spacing may not exceed 600m even for very 
deep members). Although wider spacing is believed to decrease the shear strength of members, it 
is not clear how much and what kind of disadvantages sparsely reinforced memben really have. 
Hence the eKea of spacing of shear reinforcement in large members also needs to be 
investigated for a feasible repair scheme. 
Figure 1.1 Example of Liquid Natural Gas Tanks Constmcted in Tapan 
Figure 1.2 Example of Box Structure of Tolqo Highway Underpass 
1.2 Research Objectives and Layout of Work 
Considenng the situation briefly descnbed in the previous section, the following 
objectives were set at the beginning of this research. 
1. Foiiowing the series of l m deep beam tests done at the University of Toronto during the 
last several years, obtain reliable experimental data about shear strength of 2m deep 
bems using normal mength concrete :O investigate the vdidity of exisîLing analytical 
models and design provisions 
2. Xnvestigate the effect of minimum shear reinforcement on shear strength of such deep 
3. Examine the effect of spacing of shear reinforcement on shear strength and behaviour of 
deep concrete members 
This thesis consists of the following chapters. Chapter 2 deals with previous work in 
pursuit of sirnilar objectives as this research in order to give a background. Chapter 2 also 
includes b k f explanations of shear provisions of some design codes and an analytical program, 
which were later examined with experirnental results. Then Chapter 3 describes details of the 
experimental program including design, construction, and instrumentation of the 2m deep beam- 
type specimens. Test results and verification of the code provisions and the analytical program 
are shown in Chapter 4. Finally Chapter 5 concludes this report with some recomrnendations for 
fiiture research. 
2 Review of Related Work and Code Provisions 
2.1 Review of Related Work 
In this section, previous research results are summarized about the topics related to this 
research. It must be noted first that memben considered in this reseatch have relatively large 
shear-span-to-depth ratios, a/d, so that they can be designed using sectional analysis ( d d > 2.5 
according to Figure 2.1). For shorter members compression struts fom between the loading 
point and the supports and the shear is carried by arch action. The behaviour of these short 
members can be dealt with based on the strut-and-tie mode1 and hence this type of member, 
which has no significant size effect, is not treated in this thesis. 
Figure 2.1 Relationship between Shear Strength and Shear Span-Depth Ratio 
(Adapted f?om Ref. 9) 
2.1.1 Effect of Member Ske on Shear Strength 
Member size plays a significant role in determinhg the failure shear stress of memben 
without web reinforcement. This effect means that the shear strengui of members doesn't 
increase iineariy as the member depth increases. In other words, for deeper members, the shear 
stress at failure is smaller than it is for smaller members. 
This "size effect" in shear was investigated by Kani who conducted a series of beam tests 
with specimens varying in depth f?om 200mm to 1200mm. More recently, Kani's observations 
were extended by Shioya (shown as Shimizu in Figure 2.2) up to a member depth of 3000mm. 
Figure 2.2 shows the infiuence of member depth observed by previous researches. 
Figure 2.2 Infiuence of Member Depth on Shear Strength at Failure (Adapted from Ref. 9) 
The cause of the size effect is mostly agreed among many researchers as being the wider 
cracks which form in larger members. Since beams usualiy have longitudinal reinforcement only 
at the top and the bottom, their capability to control crack distribution is very limited around the 
mid-depth of the beams. From the observation of crack patterns in specirnens he tested, Shioya 
suggested that the spacing of diagonal cracks was approximately the effective depth of the 
specirnens. Some other researchers assume the crack spacing to be half of the effective depth or 
0.7(d - c) where c represents depth of compression zone. As can be seen, crack spacing is nearly 
always related to member depth. 
Shce the crack width is estimated as a produd of crack spacing and concrete strain, a 
larger crack spacing results in wider cracks. One of the consequences of wider cracks is a 
reduction of interface shear transfer, which is one of the mechanisms carrying shear in reidorced 
concrete members. For normal strength concrete, the interface shear transfer is known as 
addition, spacing requirement for shear reinforcement
assures srna11 crack width at the s e ~ c e 
load level for durability of the members. 
Yoon et al tested 750mm deep specimens with various concrete strength to investigate 
the concern that minimum shear reinforcement in cunent design codes rnay not be enough for 
members made fiom high strength concretes. As a part of their project, normal strength concrete 
specimens were also tested for cornparison. These exhibited very ductile behaviour afker the 
formation of diagonal cracks and also the crack widths in the spechens were limiteci to very 
smali values. They concluded that current requirements are reasonable for members having 
normal concrete strength. 
Although test results with regard to minimum shear reinforcement for large-size 
specimens are very limiteci, current requirements may be conservative for deeper beams as long 
as they are constructed with normal strength concrete. Since the required arnount as minimum 
shear reinforcement is constant regardless of member sire, shear carried by stirrups increases as 
d does (See Y, terms in Eqn.2.1 and Eqn.2.3) while shear carried by concrete doesn't increase 
due to the size effect. Consequently there is sufficient reserve strength provided by the shear 
reinforcement required by the current requirements. This conservative aspect of the existing 
codes, in tum, leads to a possibility of smaller minimum reidorcement and larger spacing than 
ones the design codes demand for these larger members. 
2.1.3 Modified Compression Field Theory 
With the aim of developing a rational shear design method, extensive research has been 
done at the University of Toronto. With many results of membrane specimens tested with the 
Panel Tester and the Shear Element Tester, the Compression Field Theory and Iater the Modified 
Compression Field Theory (hereafler MCFT) were developed. In this section, a brief explanation 
of the MCFT is presented. 
MCFT considen not oniy equilibrium but also compatibility and stress-strain 
relationships for cracked concrete element as shown in Figure 2.4. Assuming that angle of crack 
inclination is equal to angle of principal compressive stress in the elements, MCFT determines 
the angle of crack inclination satisfjring compatibility requirement. Concrete tension stsening 
and compression softening are included in its stress-strain relationships as show in Figure 2.4. 
Aithough MCFT mainly deds with average values for strain and stress as representative values 
of stress and strain States, it aiso checks the capability of shear transfer across the cracks by 
calculating shear stress acting on crack surfaces. 
A shear design method based on MCFT has been adopted by sorne design codes in North 
Amenca; the Ontario Highway B d g e Design Code, the Canadian Standards Association 
Concrete Design Code (CSA-A23.3-94), and the AASHTO LRFD specifications. 
Stresses ut Cracks: 
pXf- =&+I mi6+ v,.eotO 
p, f'& =/, + v tan8 - vd tan8 
Geomelrlc Conditions: 
Crack Widths: 
Average Stress-Average Stmin 
i\ltowable Shear Slress on Crack 
Figure 2.4 Modified Compression Field Theory 
MCFT explicitly accounts for the effect of member depth as follows. Since MCFT 
assumes wider crack spacing for deeper beams, it Ieads to larger crack width, which is obtained 
as a product of the crack spacing and average concrete strain. Consequently it becomes more 
likely that the specimen's shear strength will be Iimited by the capacity of diagonal cracks to 
transfer shear across the cracks. The wider the crack width becomes, the smaller the shear 
transfer capability becomes. 
Size effect predicted with MCFT is s h o w in Figure 2.5 with the experimenta.1 resrilts 
done by Shioya. The curve indicated as Generai Method Prediction is based on the MCFT. As 
show in this figure, actual shear stress at failure for the 3m (about 10 feet) deep barn member 
was ody one-third of the shear stress at failure of the 200mm (8 inches) deep bearn. 
2a ln. 
0.6 12 In. (500 mm) 
2.5 Influence of Member Depth on Shear Stress at Failure (tests by Shioya) 
(Adapted fiom ReE 3) 
2.1.4 Large Beam Tests at the University of Toronto 
M e r the development of design procedures based on the MCFT, an experimental 
program was initiated at the University of Toronto in order to ve* the applicability of the 
theory to members having depths up to lm. The largest specimens tested in the program were lm 
deep, 0.3m wide, and 6m long. The beam properties varied in tenns of member sue, concrete 
strength, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, the presence of distributed reinforcernent over the 
depth of the beam, and the presence of minimum qriantities of shear reinforcement. Most of the 
specimens had approximately 1% of longitudinal reinforcement. Details of this project can be 
found in Ref. 2 and 13. 
Conclusions deduced fiom this senes of tests related to objectives of this research are as 
1. Tests of Iightly reinforced specimens with no transverse reinforcement exhiited a 
significant size effect. The effect was related to the beam's capability to control crack 
width and crack spacing rather than the absolute depth of the mernbers. 
2. The amount of longitudinal reinforcement had a significant influence on shear 
capacity. More longitudinal reinforcement resulted in larger shear capacity of beams 
without transverse reinforcernent due to better ability to control crack width. 
3. Providing a small amount of transverse reinforcement resulted in significant gains in 
terms of reserve strength and ductility. 
4. The shear design method based on MCFT, known as "the General Methoà" or "Beta 
Method" (explained briefly in 2.2.2), yielded generally good predictions for the bearns 
and it represented the trend of the effixts of member size and the amount and 
distribution of longitudinal reinforcement which were found in the tests. 
5. On the contrary, a considerable number of the specimens failed at loads lower than 
those predicted by the procedures of the AC1 code (descnbed in 2.2.1). This was 
prominent especially for members without transverse reinforcement where the size 
effect was dominant. 
Among the beams tested in the program, four beams in BN senes were selected to 
compare with the results acquired in this 2m beam deep experirnental program. Their properties 
and the cross-sectional details are given in Table 2.1 and Figure 2.6 respeaively. 
Table 2.1 Properties of BN Series Specimens 
Series 1 BN Senes 
s pecimen / ~ ~ 1 2 . 5 j ~ ~ 2 5 j BNSO 1 BNIOO 
- -. 
Beam Dimensions 1 1 - 1 1 
Cross Sectionai Dimensions 
Width, k ( m m ) 
Shear Span Ratio, I ald 1 3.07 1 3.00 1 3.00 1 2.92 
Shear Span 
a (mm) 
~oncrete Cylinder Strength 
W a ) - 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 
Height, h(mm) 1 125 
Longitudinal Reinforcemen t 1 1 1 
500 1000 
( A = ~ o o ~ ) 
( A = ~ o o ~ ' ) 
2-M20,l - M X 
( A 4 ~OOIIUII~) 
( ~ = 2 1 00m2) 
BN50, BN25, and EN1 2 have dimensions 50%, 25%, and 12.5% of BNl O0 
Figure 2.6 Geometric Details of BN Series 
2.2 Review of Code Provisions 
In this section, shear provisions in two codes are briefly reviewed. They are AC1 
(American Concrete Institute) 3 18-99, CSA (Canadian Standard Association) 4 2 3 . 3 -94. 
2.2.1 AC1 318-99 
AC1 318-99 predicts that the shear strength of a concrete member is provided by the 
concrete web and, if the member has shear reinforcement, by the sh= reinforcement. The s h w 
strength provided by concrete, V,, is taken as the same value for beams with and without shear 
reinforcement and was denved empiricdy from many experirnental data. The shear 
reinforcement contribution, V,, is calculated based on the 45'
tmss d o g y . As a result, for non- 
prestressed concrete members with normal strength concrete and transverse reinforcement is as 
[mm and MPa] (Eqn. 2.1) 
AC1 3 18-99 requires that minimum shear reinforcernent have to be provided in members 
where factored shear force exceeds one-half of V,. However slabs and footings are excluded 
from this requirement. 
42 A, = 0.33- [mm and MPa] (Eqn. 2.2) 
When shear reinforcement is placed, the spacing has to be less than 610rnm (24") and 
2.2.2 CSA423.3-94 (General Method) 
CSA423.3 ado pted the General S hear Design Method (hereafter cded General Method) 
that is based on MCFT as one part of its shear provisions. 
The expression of the General Method for shear capacity consists of the concrete 
contribution and shear reinforcement contribution in the same manner as AC1 3 18-99. However 
both contributions are computed based on MCFT satisfjmg cornpatibiiity and stress-strain 
relationship of cracked concrete. As a aeesult, General Method has the ability to consider some 
factors which AC1 doesn't such as strain in longitudinal reinforcement, maximum aggregate size, 
crack spacing, and so on. 
The expression is as foUows. 
v = v, + Y, =p + 4f,dv cote 
[mm and MPa] (Eqn. 2.3) 
p is a measure to represent the ability of the concrete member to carry tensile stresses 
across potentid diagonai cracks. Since P determines the magnitude of concrete contribution, this 
General Method is also called Beta Method. The angle of diagonal cracks, 0, is assumed to be 
the angle of principal compressive stress in cracked concrete with respect to longitudinal 
For members without web reinforcement, Table 2.2 or Figure 2.8 provides P and 0 with 
respect to strain in longitudinal reinforcement and the crack spacing parameter, %, which is 
determineci by the layout of longitudinal reinforcement as show in Figure 2.7. The values in the 
table and the figure were denved for a maximum aggregate size of 19mm. However the values 
can be used for other 
inaead of using st. 
aggregate sizes using an equivalent spacing parameter, s, by Eqn. 2.4, 
[mm] (Eqn. 2.4) 
where a refers to a maximum aggregate size. 
A table and a graph are also prepared for members with at least minimum web 
reinforcement (See Table 2.3 and Figure 2.9). In this case, average shear stress induced at the 
specific section should be referred to instead of the crack spacing parameter. 
After the determination of and B, the strain in longitudinal reinforcement, E, has to be 
checked if'its assumed value in detennining P and 6 is larger than the one calculated by Eqn. 2.5. 
Othenvise the values for ,8 and 8 should be revised using the ones for a higher E, 
[mm and MPa] (Eqn. 2.5) 
For members subjected to relatively low shear stress levels, the spacing of transverse 
shear reinforcernent shall not exceed 0.7d or 600mm. 
(II) Mmmkr wlthout atlrrups and wlth cont.ntrmted longltudinil nlnlorwment 
(III) Mmikrrrtth0ul8ürrtIpr butwtth ml( dlrtrlbuld longltudlnil mlntorcmnent 
Figure 2.7 Values of Crack Spacing Parameter (Adapted f?om Ref. 9 ) 
Table 2.2 Values of 1 and 0 for Section Not Containing Transverse Reinforcement 
Longitudinal ~train, t; 
< < s < 
0.ooos o.oo10 0.001s 0.0020 
0.263 0.214 0.183 0.161 
32" 34. 36O 38" 
0.235 0.183 0.156 O. 138 
370 4 1" 43" 45" 
Figure 2.8 Values of and 0 for S edon Not Containing Transverse Reinforcement 
(Adapted f?om Ref 9 ) 
Table 2.3 Values of ,û and 8 for Section Containing Transverse Reinforcement 
Figure 2.9 Values of p and û for Section Containing Transverse Reinforcement 
(Adapted nom Ref. 9) 
2.3 Bnef Introduction of Analysis Program 
Among the many programs for the analysis of reidorced concrete structures developed at 
the University of Toronto based on the MCFT, a sectional anaiysis program was used for 
analysis in this research. 
2.3.1 Response-2000 
Response-2000 has been devrlcped by Bentz as a part of his Ph.D. research project under 
the supervision of Collins. This is a two-dimensionai sectional anaiysis program for beams and 
columns. In this program, cross-sections are discretized into concrete layers and longitudinal 
reinforcing bar elements. Longitudinal strain in each of the layers and elements follows the 
comrnon assurnption of "plane sections remain plane". 
The program finds out a satisfactory state for the longitudinal strain distribution and the 
shear stress distribution across the cross-section based on MCFT. Even though it was developed 
based on MCFT, it is capable of using some other concrete matenal models suggested by other 
researchers in tenns of compressive stress-strah curve, tension stiffening, and compression 
sofiening of concrete. In this research, default selection automatically chosen by the program 
was used throughout the analysis, which are: Popovicsmiorenfeldt/Collins for compressive 
stress-strain curve, Vecchio-Collins 1986 for compression sofiening, Bentz 1999 for tension 
stiffening. Tensile strength of concrete was calculated using 0.33JfC; rather than using the 
value the program automatically gives. 
In spite of being a sectional analysis program, Response-2000 is able to predict full 
member response such as deflected shapes and the Ioad-deflection curve of a span by perforrning 
sectional analysis for a number of sections dong the span and then integrating the calculation 
results. In this research this &naion was fully used to analyze experimental results. However, 
since Response-2000 can't take into account a combination of a dead load and an applied load, 
the analysis was undertaken by considenng only the applied Ioad. 
Response-2000 and its manual are available fieely for use fiom the World Wide Web at 
the address of http://www.ecf utoronto.ca/-bentz/rîk-htm. 
 heu on Cnek 
-. - . .- - - 
Figure 2.10 Exarnples of the Screens of Response-2000 
3 Experimental Test Program 
As descnbed in 2.1.1, the data accumulation of shear strength of deep beams, especiaiiy 
ones with over l m in depth, is very limited. Therefore an experimental project involving tests of 
2m deep beams was initiated as a part of this research. The details of this test program are 
explained in this chapter. 
5 . Specimen Detaiis 
Two lightly reinforced beam specimens were constmcted and tested in the Mark Huggins 
Stmchiral Laboratory at the University of Toronto. Table 3.2 sumrnarizes the properties of the 
specimens and their geometric properties are given in Figure 3.2. 
The dimensions of the specimens were 12m in length, 2m in depth, and 300mm in width. 
The size of the specimens was determined considenng the laboratory layout and the capacity of 
the indoor Crane. The length of shear span is 5 . 4 ~ which resulted in a shear-span-to-effective 
depth ratio of 2.86. 
Both specimens contained 0.74% of bottom longitudinal reinforcement provided by six 
M30 rebars. Three M20 rebars at the top were placed in order to provide some bending strength 
against unexpected loads dunng moving of the large beams. Ail of the covers and the spacings of 
longitudinal reinforcement satisfied the requirements of the CSA code. 
Shear reinforcement was provided not by usual stirrups but by T-headed bars (as shown 
in Figure 3.1). T-headed bars have a round head at each end and the heads are designed to work 
as anchors. More importantly this anchorage syaem is easy to place for deep slabs which these 
specimens were intended to represent. The round heads had an area equal to about 7 t h e s the 
bar area and the dimensions of the heads are shown in Table 3.1. The length of the bars was 
about 1890mrn fiom inside to inside of the heads. Headed Reinforcement Corp. in California 
manufactured the bars used for this project. 
Each end of the two specimens was designed to have
a dEerent configuration of shear 
reinforcement with the intention of obtaining a total of four different test regions. The fust 
specirnen had no shear reinforcement in one of the ends and one USA #9 T-headed bar at the 
middle of the other end. The other specimen contained USA #6 T-headed bars at a spacing of 
1350mm in an end and USA #4 T-headed bars at a spacing of 590mm in the other end. The site 
of the bars and their corresponding spacing were determined so that each end has the minimum 
shear reinforcement ratio required in AC1 3 18-99, which is - - - 0.33MPa. 
The target concrete strength was 30MPa and it had a maximum aggregate size of 10mrn. 
The four test regions were narned according to their depth and the size designation of the 
rebars used for the T-headed bars ("0" was used for non-shear-reinforced end). For example 
YB2000!9 contained #9 T-hendet! bar in it. The beans ncre identified by a combinadon of the 
names of both ofits ends, such as YB2000/0&9. 
Figure 3.1 T-headed bars 
Table 3.1 Dimensions of Anchor Heads of T-headed bars 
. . . - . - . 
Table 3.2 Test Specirnen Details 
1 Beam 1 YB2000/0&9 YB2000/4&6 
S pecimen 
T-headed bar 
USA #9 
1 East End 1 West End 1 East End 1 West End 
Diameter (mm) 
Thickness (mm) 
USA #6 
1 Shear Spm 1 cAnn 
USA #4 
Cross Sectional Dimensions 
Width, b, (mm) 
Height, h (mm) 
Beam Dimensions 
1 Shear Span Ratio, 
( e 1 9 . lmm) . (+12.7mm) I 
I t 1 
Longitudinal Reinforcement 
I I 
Transverse Reinforcement 1 1 1 1 
d (mm) 
Bar Designation 
Yield Strength 
fi W a ) 
S hear Reinfo r- 
cernent Ratio 
f , A A s ma) 
6-M3 O 
6-M3 O 
USA #9 
( ~ ~ 4 5 r n r n ' ) 
USA #6 
(A,-285 mm2) 
USA #4 
(A*= 1 27mm2) 
Beam ~~2000/0&9 fi 
Beam YB2000/4&6 
Beam YB2000/0&9 Beam 
Figure 3.2 Geometnc Details of YB2000 Series Specirnens 
3.2 Material Properties 
3.2.1 Concrete Properties 
Dufferin Concrete, a local ready-mi. concrete plant, provided the concrete for this 
projea. Concrete cylinders were made at the pouring. Since a total of two tmcks were needed to 
cast the two specimens sirnultaneously, concrete cylinders were taken fiom each truck to 
determine the properties of each of the concretes. The volume of the concrete ftom the fkst 
truck, dled batch ttl, was 9m3 and one h m the second tmclg called batch #2, was 6Sm3. 
Theoretically the amount of 14.4m3 out of the total 15.5m3 was used to cunstnict the two 
The development of the compressive strength was observed by testing the cylinden at the 
age of 7 days, 14 days and 28 days ( a h 21 days for batch #2) using a load controlled test 
machine. The strengths at the age of the tests were obtained using a 4,448kN high stifniess test 
machine (MTS) with its stress-strain responses. Properties of the concrete are shown in Table 
3.3. The stress-strain curves are presented in Appendk C. 
In addition to the strength properties, the s W a g e strain for the specimens was 
monitored dunng the maturing process by recording the readings of three strain gauges on the 
longitudinal reinforcernent in each bearn. Figure 3.4 shows the shrinkage strain development. 
Final values were listed in Table 3.3. 
Table 3.3 Concrete Properiies 
S pecimen 1 YB2000/0 1 YB200019 1 YB2000/6 1 YB2000/4 
Cast Date 1 - c t . 13, 1999 1 Oct. 13, 1999 
YB2000/4&6 B eam 
Test Date 1 Dec. 16, 1999 1 Dec. 17, 1999 1 Feb. 2,2000 [ Feb. 11,2000 
Age at Test Date 1 64 1 65 1 112 1 121 
' Shrinkage Strain on 
Test Date 
f c o n 
Test Date 
w a ) 
1 The average of the readings of the three strain gauges on longitudinal reinforcement 
Batch #l 
Batch #2 
3 1.8 
3 5.4 
3 1.8 
56 84 112 
Age of Concrete (Days) 
Figure 3.3 Strength Developrnent of Concrete 
-300 ' 
Figure 3.4 Shrinkage Strain Developrnent 
3.2.2 Steel Properties 
The stress-strain responses of steel coupons taken from the rebars were obtained using a 
1,000kN universal dynamic test machine (MTS). The properties are s u d e d in Table 3.4. 
M30 and M S O rebars were used as longitudinal reinforcernent and USA #9, #6, and #4 rebars 
were placed as shear reinforcement. The stress-strain responses for the reinforcing bars are given 
in Appendix C. 
The stress-strain results for the M30 longitudinal rebars hdicated that the bars may have 
corne f b m different heats (named as type A and type B). Therefore additional tensile tests were 
undertaken for coupons cut f?om YB2000/4&6 afker its tests so as to identify the strength of each 
longitudinal rebar. The identified location is shown Ui Figure 3.5. 
Table 3.4 Properties of Reinforcing Bars 
South 1 
USA #4 
USA #6 
USA #9 
Figure Longitudinal Rebars in YB2000/4&6 
IM301xI 29.9 ( 700 
a ) 
W a ) 
68 1 
63 8 
( d m ) 
129 200000 
W a ) 
3.3 Specimen Construction 
3.3.1 Form-work 
The construction of form-work was commenceci at the end of June, 1999 after design 
calculations were done so that it would hold the pressure of fksh concrete safely during the pour. 
The form-work was also designed so that the two spechens could be cast sirnultaneously. The 
forrn-work was presented schematically in Figure 3.6 and in more detail in Figure 3.8. 
2*6 lumber 
Threaded steel rods 
ma. 0.0 
O Q O 0 0 0 
Figure 3.6 Cross-sectional New of Fom-work 
Shce the form-work was very long, it was designed to wnstnict it as a series of five 
panel cornponents. Four of the five panels were 8 feet (2438rnrn) long and the last panel 
measured 2247m.m. Ail walls were constmcted fiom ?4 hch sheets of plywood specially 
processed to be able to be reused for future pouring. The extenor walls were stiffened by two-by- 
sixes running vertically, while the rniddle walls, which were shared by both specimens, were 
reinforced by two-by-fours. The extenor waiis were supported laterally at three points: a sheet of 
plywood screwed to the base sheets at the bottom of the fom-work, and doubled channels at the 
middepth and aiso at the top. Threaded steel rods were used to tie the both sides of the channels 
together. To cut the fiction between concrete and the threaded steel rods at the middepth, the 
rods were covered by PVC pipes in the fonn-work 
The construction of the fom-work consiaed of the following procedures. 
Firstly, a layer of base sheets was laid on the laboratory floor by adjusting its elevation to 
keep them nearly level throughout the entire length of the forni-work. Then two rows of 3OOmm 
wide plywood were screwed to the base sheets so that they would provide a groove to hold the 
bottom side of the middle walls. Then the middte waiis were built on the base sheets. 
After strain gauges were applied to longitudinal rebars, bottom rebar cages were 
assembled on the base sheets (Bearns YB2000/0&9 on the south side and Beam YB2000/4&6 on 
the north side). The location of each rebar was secured by means
of many sets of a 50mm hi& 
plastic chair and a 5rnm thick plastic plates, 50mm concrete cubes, and Ml0 bars as show in 
Figure 3.7. After the T-headed bars were hooked and tied to the longitudinal rebars the exterior 
walls and end walk were built with the aid of the indoor Crane. Then the doubled channels were 
attached to the form-work with the threaded steel rods and the plywoods were screwed at the 
bottom as weI1. 
Findly the top rebats, which were prefabricated with 300m long Ml0 bars on the floor, 
were hung nom the top threaded steel rods with wires. 300mm long wood spacen were dso 
placed in both beam forms at the top to keep the width unifonn during the cast. AU surfaces of 
the plywood contacting the concrete were oiled prior to their installation. 
In case of unbalanced lateral force by fiesh concrete pressure, some support pipes were 
placed outside of the form-work in order to provide extra lateral raistance. The support pipes 
were used to adjust the plumbness of the form-work as well. 
\ Base Plywood 
Figure 3.7 Bottom Rebar Cage 
3.3.2 Concrete Pour and Cure 
Concrete was cast on October 13th 1999. Since the total volume required to cast two of 
the beams was about 14.4m3, two 9m3 tmcks were used to transport the concrete from the 
concrete plant. On the arriva1 of the trucks, the slump of the concrete was checked and 
superplasticizer was added to the rnk to ensure an appropriate placement of the concrete. 
A large concrete bucket with the capacity of 0.9m3, maneuvered by the 10-ton Crane in 
the labor;itory, was used for the connete pour. Concrcte was evenly distributed h t o tha two 
molds in the fom-work to avoid laterai displacement of the form-work. As a result, when the 
batch #1 concrete was poured both beams were cast up to almost the same height. Hence the 
batch #1 concrete was located at the bottom part of the two beams, which was assumed to be 
approximately 1.1 to 1.2m deep, and the rest of the beams was made fkom batch #2 concrete (0.8 
to 0.9m deep). 
On the south side of the fom-work, a fïxed scaffolding covering east side of the fom- 
work was built in advance and the rest was covered by a rolling tower so that people could climb 
up on the fon-work. A 3m long vibrator was employed fiom the top side of the forrn-work to 
fulfill concrete in the form-work. The wooded spacen placed at the top of the forrn-work were 
removed when the pour was near completion. The pour started at 9 o'clock in the rnoming and 
finished at approximately 1 o'clock. 
M e r the initial setting of concrete, the specimens and cylinders were covered with moist 
burlap and plastic sheets to rninimize the moisture loss during the cure. The beams were kept 
under this condition for a week. M e r that the exterior walls were split ofFfiom the specimens, 
which were then cured in air dry condition until their tests. 
From shortly after the completion of the pour, three of the strain gauges on longitudinal 
reinforcement in each bearn were kept measured with a main indicator for the purpose of 
obtaining their shrinkage strain. 
3.3.3 Specimen Transportrtion 
Because each beam weighed almost 17 ton, the 10-ton crane of the laboratory couldn't 
carry the whole beam. Therefore the following procedure was taken utilizing a total of four sets 
of rollen (See Figure 3.9) in order to transport the beams from the construction area to the 
testing area under the Baldwin loading machine in the laboratory. 
Firstiy one of the ends of the specimen in the fom-work was lifted by the crane and 
shifted to the side of the form-work with the other end remaining in the form-work. Then the 
other end was lifted and shifted in the sarne way. Then each end was set on a steel pedestal and 
fastened to two bracing stnits of the pedestal with bolts. Pnor to the transportation the laboratory 
floor was cleaned and some lines were drawn on the floor as guides. M e r two sets of rollers 
were placed under each steel pedestal (See Figure 3-10), the crane dragged the specimen laterally 
to the testing position under the loading machine (See Figure 3.12). 
M e r settling the specimen to the right position, the specimen was unfastened from the 
bracing stnits and supports (See Figure 3.1 1) were placed under the specimen. 
Figure 3.9 Rollers used to move the specimens 
Figure 3.10 Transportation Set-Up 
Figure 3.11 Support 
Figure 3.12 Transportation of Specirnen 
3.4 Test Rig Detrils 
Because of the magnitude of force required for the tests and the size of the specimens, a 
5,400kN Baldwin universal test machine (load-control actuator) was chosen for the tests. The 
specimens were tested under the condition of three point loading. Between the Baldwin jack and 
the specimen, a rocker type support was placed in order to allow only rotation there. Anticipating 
large bearing stress under the loading jack, a steel plate (1 1.5" long, 12" wide, and 1" thick) was 
placed undemeath the suppon. At each end of the specimens, a steel rollet support was placed on 
the steel holder providing free rotation and longitudinal displacements. Mixed plaster was placed 
at al1 supports in order to create tight comection; thereby minimiUng stress concentrations due 
to irregularities of the surface of the concrete. 
3.4.1 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition 
Figure 3.13 shows a photograph of the test set-up. Ail of the sides of the specimens w 
painted white with Bat latex paint to emphasize crack patterns. 
Figu ire 3.13 Experimental Test Set-Up 
Ten LVDT's (Linear Varying Displacement Transfomiers) were placed as shown in 
Figure 3.14 to measure the deflected shape of the specimen. Two of the LVDT7s, which were 
able to measure î50mm, were mounted on each side of the specimen at the midspan to see ifany 
tilting occurs dunng testing and aiso to obtain more accurate midspan deflection by taking the 
average of both readings. The other eight LVDT's (A25mm) were placed directly under the 
centre-line of the beam. 
Measured midspan deflettion at the second test of each b a n (Le. Specimen YB200019 
of Bearn YB2000/0&9, Specimen YB2000/4 of Beam YB2000/4&6) was modified in the 
following way. For those specimens the acquired data of midspan deflection were replaced with 
the deflection data of the first specirnen up to the maximum load attained at the first test. And the 
following data were shifted to make a load-deflection curve. This adjustment was done to 
counter the effects of cracks formed during the fint test. 
Figure 3.14 Layout of LVDT's for Beam Deflection 
On the nonh side six grids of LVDT's were located in order to provide average shear 
strain of the grids (See Figure 3.15). For compression stmt of the grids, LVDT's measuring 
*15mm were mounted and for tension struts LVDT's measuring k25rnrn were employed. At the 
rniddle of each bar, a d e r support was glued on the concrete to prevent the bar from sagging. 
L 1 
1750 1500 1 500 1250 . 1250 1500 -- 1500 1750 A 
1900*1900rnm grid 
Figure 3.15 Grids of LMT' s 
On the south side, a total of 164 mrich targets were giued to capture the strain 
distribution of the concrete surface. Hand-held mnch gauges were used to measure the length of 
horizontal, vertical, and diagonal spacings of the grids. Pnor to the test, initial readings were 
taken and strains in following load stages were cdculated by subtracting the reading obtained at 
the load stage from the initial reading. The meamred concrete strains in d m units are 
presented in Appendix B. 
Dunng the tests, nirich reading was perfonned ody for the end expected to fail at the test 
except for the test of YB2000/6. At the test of YB2000/6, both ends were measured because 
there was a small possibility that YB2000/4 might fail first. With the help of three people the 
time taken to measure the grids in an end was
about 25 minutes at each load stage. 
-- - 
Figure 3.16 Zurich Target Layout 
Figure 3.17 Measurement using Zurich Gauges 
3.4.2 S train Gauges on Rein force ment 
Reinforcement in the beam specimens was instnimented with many strain gauges as 
shown in Figure 3.18. S train gauges wit h 1Om long leadwires in 3-wire syaem, FLA-5- 1 1- 1 OLT, 
produced by Tokyo Sokki Kenkyujo Co. Ltd. were used for the project. The leadwires were tied 
to rebars with reinforcing tapes and they ail came out fiom the top of the specimen in the vicinity 
of the centre support. For longitudinal rebars two strain gauges were attached at the sarne 
location on both sides of the rebar because of an expectation that some of the strain gauges 
would be destroyed dunng the pour. If both gauges s u ~ v e d the strain at the location was 
calculated by taking the average of the two gauges. 
Strain Gauaes on Lonaitudinal Reinforcernent 
Strain Gaucies on Transverse Reinforcement 
Figure 3.18 Strain Gauges in Specimens 
T'-heoded bar 
3.5 Load Procedure 
The tests were done by applying a venical downward load at the bearn's midspan until 
ultimate conditions were attained. In order to keep the area under the loading jack intact and to 
test the other half span, Ioading was done very carefully especially near failure. During the tests, 
load stages were taken for measurement of crack width, crack pattern, and zurich reading. The 
applied load was leveled off at each load stage and decreased by approximately 10 % of the load 
for the salie of çafety duRng the load stage. 
3.6 ReinforcementafterTest 
Since each end contains a difEerent configuration of shear reinforcement, &er the fks t 
test of the beam, the failed end had to be reinforced to recover the strength for the next test for 
the other end. Five sets of Dywidag high-strength bars with a diarneter of 1" were employed and 
the failed end was strapped with them as shown in Figure 3.19. During the test, width of major 
cracks in the previously failed end was observed to confirm that the reinforcing system was 
working well. 
At the fint test of Bearn YB2000/4&6, the fiexural compression zone on the side of 
YB2000/6 collapsed severely due to the siippage of a major shear crack (See Figure 3.20). Hence 
the cmshed zone was repaired in the following way. Firstly the crushed zone was chipped off 
and al1 unstable concrete was removed. Then a fast hardening mortar, EMACO S88 CI, produced 
by Master Builders Inc. was used to fil1 up the void. Two days later two 4" mortar cyünders, 
which were taken at the pour, were tested and the strength was found to be more than the 
strength of the original concrete. A % inch thick steel plate was placed on the portion and it was 
clamped to the specimen by two of the five sets of prestressing bars. The portion after the repair 
is s h o w in Figure 3.2 1. 
Figure 3.19 Failed End Reinforced by Dywidag Bars 
Figure 3.20 Collapsed Flexural Compression Zone on the Side of YB200016 
6 . d 
Figure 3.21 Repaired Portion 
4 Test Results and Analysis 
In this chapter, the test results are discussed. In addition, some analysis was performed 
and the results are compared to the expenmental results. The validity of the code provisions for 
shear strength is also investigated. 
The shear forces shown in this chapter were calculated at the cntical section for shear, 
which is d, away from the applied load, considenng the effect of the self-weight of the beam. 
The shear force due to the self-weight of the beam, Va is 
Vd = y.h*w*d,, = y-hw0.9d = 23.5kN/m3x2mx0.3mx0.9x1.89m = 24.0kN 
This Vd was added to the half of the applied load to obtain the shear force at the critical section. 
4.1 Overview of Result of YB2000 Series 
Table 4.1 shows main result obtained fiom the tests of YB2000 senes beams. To 
investigate the effect of member depth on shear strength, four beams in the BN series (See Table 
2.1 for details of these beams) are listed in the table as well. The Ioad-deflection curves acquired 
fiom the tests are shown in Figure 4.1. 
Beam YB2000/0&9 containhg Specimen YB2000/0 and YB2000/9 was tested on 
December 16th and 17th 1999. Specimen YB2000/0, with no transverse reinforcement, 
undenvent a very bnttle failure. Pnor to the fdure, flexural cracks, which initially propagated 
vertically, inclined their directions towards the loading point as the load increased. Finaliy at a 
load of 461 kN, the plot of load-deflection curve showed its peak and went into the post-peak 
stage. At the maximum load the defection was only 8.0mm at midspan. That is the failure 
deflection was 1/675th of the span. 
M e r reinforcing the failed end, Specimen YB2000/9 was tested on the following day. 
The end showed a big improvement due to the addition of only one bar of USA $9 and finally 
carried an applied load of 897kN before the compression mne near the loading point was pushed 
up to collapse. 
The next two tests were done in February 2000. Beam YB2000/4&6 demonstrated a good 
distribution of cracks than Beam YB2000/0&9. A similar failure mode as Specimen YB2000/9 
o c m e d on the side of Specimen YB2000/6 when a load of 1053kN was applied. At failure of 
YB2000/6 Specimen YB2000/4 seemed to be very close to failure judghg from the high strains 
in the transverse reinforcement and the very wide shear cracks. 
M e r the repair was done as explained in 3.6, SpecimenYB2000/4 was tested ten days 
later. At an applied load of approximately l25OlcN (midspan deflection of 45mm), the specimen 
showed flexural yielding of longitudinal reinforcement and the deflection continued to increase. 
The magnitude of the load was almost the sarne as an estimate by Response-2000 (it prediaed 
that a load when the longitudinal reinforcernent starteci to yield was 1220kN). Finally the 
compression zone failed at a midspan defieaion of 94mq and the maximum applied load 
obtained during the flexural yielding was 1300M. 
YB 2000 senes - Load vs. Deflection 
Midspan Defiedion (mm) 
Figure 4.1 Load-Deflection Curves for YB2000/0, YB2000/4, YB2000/6, and YB200019 
The photographs in the following pages show cracking pattern obtained at failwe of the 
specimens. The shear failure loads labeled on the specimens in the photos were calculated as the 
shear force at 2m away from the loading point based on less accurate reading from the operating 
console of the testing machine. Their values are somewhat difSerent fiom the ones s h o w later in 
this chapter, which were obtained as the shear force at d, away from the loading point based on 
data from the computerized data acquisition system. 
Figure 4.2 Crack Pattern at the Final Load Stage of YB2000/0 
Figure 4.4 Crack Pattern at the Final Load Stage of YB2OOO/6 
Table 4.1 Expenmental Result for Beams of YB Series and BN Series 
1 The first value shows the strength of batch #1 of concrete and the second one is for batch #2. 
2 Failed in flexure 
4.2 E f k t of Member Depth on Shear Strength 
4.2.1 Effect of Member Depth Observeci in Test Result 
The expenmental results of Specimen YB2000/0 and the specimens in BN series clearly 
shows the significant decrease in shear stress at fdure that occurs as mernber size increases (See 
Table 4.2). The specimens in this table aii contained about the sarne percentage of longitudinal 
reinforcement and their concrete strengths were also very similar. This result atnrms the 
importance of the effea of menber size and it is very simi1ar to the result of Shioya (See Figure 
It is noted that as the member size Uicreases the strain in the longitudinal reinforcement at 
failure decreases. Thus large size elements are more likely to fail in shear and hence it is 
necessary to have an
accurate prediction method for shear strength of such members. 
Table 4.2 Expenmental Result for Beams not containing shear reinforcement 
The fint value shows the strength of batch #1 concrete and the second one is for batch #2. 
The Modified Compression Field Theory explains the eflect of member depth by the 
increase of effective crack spacing which results in large crack widths and decreased shear 
transfer capacity across the crack. The crack patterns of Specimens YB2000/0, BN100, and 
BN50 show very similar pattems regardless of the difference of member depth (See Figure 4.6). 
This indicates that the approach of MCFï to size effect is correct because a member with larger 
depth has larger spacing and wider cracks. For Specimen YB200010, the crack spacing at the 
1 890 
5 .O 
f c 
W a ) 
35.4/3 1 -8 ' 
(X 10-~) 
1 .O 
vw (w 
1 .O8 
middepth is almost d , which is approximately 1.8m according to the calculation in Appendix A, 
and the maximum crack width measured larger than Specimens BNlOO and BNSO. 
WEST YB2000/9 Içouth y ~ ~ o o o / o s 
. . . . a 
. . . . . 
. . . o . . . 
* . . . . . O . . . . . 
- . - 
Figure 4.6 Cornparison of Crack Patterns 
4.2.2 Prediction of Beam's Shear Strength Using Design Codes 
Even though the influence of mernber depth on Mure shear stress has been discussed for 
many years, not al design codes appreciate the eEect sufficiently. In this section, a cornparison 
between the experimental results and predictions using some design codes are made. In addition, 
the specirnens were analyzed using Response-2000. Table 4.3 shows the experimentd results and 
estimation using AC13 18-99, CSA-A23.3-94, and Response-2000. 
The K I code predias ml! the shev apacity for the specimens with relatively small 
depths. However Specimens YB2000/0 (d=1890mm) and BNlOO (d=925mm) had much smaiier 
shear strength than the ones the AC1 code predicts. Therefore it is of a considerable concem to 
use the AC1 code for mernbers with no shear reinforcement which are deeper than about 0.75m. 
The AC1 code requires that beams contain a minimum area of shear reinforcement if the factored 
shear force exceeds O.Sc$,V, and this requirement usually mitigates the concem for its 
unconservative prediction. However, the trend of the size effect shown in Table 4.2 indicates that 
the actual strength can be less than 0.43 (=0.5$.=0.5x0.85) times the predicted strength for 
members with over 2m depths. Besides the 0.54,Vc requirement does not apply to slabs and 
footings. Therefore the shear design according to the AC1 code possibly leads to very 
unconservative design for large depth memben. 
The CSA code, on the other hand, yields conservative predictions for the BN senes and 
gives a close but somewhat unconservative estimate for the failed load of Specimen YB2000/0. 
The unconservative aspect of the predictions seems to increase as the rnember depth increases. 
Hence funher improvernent to provide more accurate predictions seems to be necessary for the 
CSA method with more expenmental data for the shear strength of larger specimens being 
Fairly accurate estimates were made by Response-2000 throughout the range of member 
size. Figure 4.7 compares the load-deflection curve obtained fiom the test of YB200010 with the 
curve calculated by Response-2000. Although the andysis result doesn't take into account the 
dead load of the specimen itself0.e. the curve starts at zero point), the behaviour of the specimen 
was wel1 reproduced by Response-2000 while it predicts somewhat higher stifihess after initial 
crac king. 
Figure 4.8 shows variation of failure shear stress ratio ( ~ 1 6 , d f i ) with beam depth and 
the prediction results. It is evident fkom Figure 4.8 that the CSA code and Response-2000 
represent size effect on shear strength relatively weil. 
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Midspan Deflecb'on (mm) 
Figure 4.7 Shear Force-Deflection Curve for YB200010 
Table 4.3 Prediction for Specimens without Transverse Reinforcement using AC1 3 18-99, CSA-A23.3-94, and Response-2000 
at failure 
Figure 4.8 Variation of failure shear stress ratio with bearn depth 
4.3 Effect of Minimum Shear Reinforcement on Shear Strength 
4.3.1 Effect of Minimum Shear Reinforcement in Test Results 
Table 4.4 summarizes the results of the specimens with transverse reinforcement. Results 
h m Specimen YB200010, which contains no transverse reinforcernent, are aiso included. In 
addition Figure 4.9 to Figure 4.11 compare the load versus midspan deflection relationships of 
YB200014, YB2000/6, and YB2000/9 with YB2000/0. 
Table 4.4 Experimental Result for Bearns of YB Senes 
1 The fist value shows the strength of batch #1 concrete and the second one is for batch #2. 
2 Failed in flexure 
S p ecimen 
Al1 of the specimens with transverse relliforcement showed a signifiant increase in load 
capacity and ductility in cornparison to Specimen YB200010. Specimen YB2000/4 actuaily failed 
in flexure at a load that was almost shear capacity judging fiom the main readings of transverse 
reinforcement. The shear capacity of Specimen YB2000/4 was at least 2.64 tirnes as great as 
Specimen YB200010 due to the presence of just minimum transverse reinforcement. Specimen 
f c 
W a ) 
35.4/31.8 ' 
37.3134.5 ' 
37.7135.0 ' 
35.413 1.8 ' 
YB200016, which contained bigger T-headed bars spaced wider apart than SpecimenYB2000/4, 
gained less increase in shear strength but was still 2.16 times as strong as YB2000/0. The one 
large T-headed bar in YB200019 resulted in this specimen being 1.85 times as strong as 
YB2000/0. Moreover ail three specimens with T-headed bars fded at a peak rnidspan deflection 
PV fv 
which was three to four times larger than that of Specimen YB2000/0. These results prove that 
this srnaii amount of shear reinforcement, A, = 0 . 3 3 Q 7 was adequate to serve as minimum 
590 1 0.33 
shear reinforcernent for these large specimens. 
- * 
Midspan Defiedion (mm) 
Figure 4.9 Load-deflection curve for YE2000/4 
O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 
Midspan Defiedion (mm) 
Figure 4.10 Load-deflection curve for YB2000/6 
Midspan Defiedion (mm) 
Figure 4.11 Load-deflection curve for YB200019 
The crack patterns of the specirnens with transverse reinforcement (See Figure 4.3 to 
Figure 4.5) show well distributed cracks compared to Specimen YB2000/0. In addition it 
indicates that more cracks and smaller crack widths as the spacing of the shear reinforcement 
becornes closer. This is clearly shown in the photographs of YB2000/4&6 at the same load stage 
(See Figure 4.12). In the photographs YB2000/4 end shows relatively more distributed aacks 
and its maximum crack width is 4.0rnm compared to 6.0mm at almost the same location on 
YB2000/6 side. 
This crack behaviour is certainly one of the reasons why, while keeping the sarne amount 
of shear reinforcement, closer spaced shear reinforcement results in a greater increase in shear 
capacity. That is, the capability to control crack width of the closer spaced shear reinforcement 
in bigger shear transfer across the cracks. Figure 4.13 shows the ability of a T-headed 
bar to control cracks. In the photograph, though the side of YB2000/0 has failed, the end with a 
transverse bar has only a few cracks and no visible crack crossing the bar. 
Figure 4.12 Crack Pattern of YB2OOO/4&6 at Load Stage Close to Failure 
Figure 4.13 Crack Pattern of YB2OOOI9 at Failure of YB200010 
4.3.2 Prediction of Beam's Shear Strength 
Estimations of the shear capacity of the specimens were made using AC1 318-99, CSA- 
A23.3-94, and Response-2000. The results are surnmarized in Table 4.5. It should be noted that 
among the three specimens only YB200014 satisfies 600rnm maximum spacing of shear 
reinforcement requirement in these codes. The code predictions for YB2000/6 and YB200019, 
neglecting the violation of the limit, are shown to help in judging the need for this requirement. 
Table 4.5 shows a very good agreement of the failure ioad with the prediction using the 
CSA code while the AC1 code also made a relatively accurate estimate considering that the reai 
shear capacity was somewhat higher than the value shown in Table 4.5 as shear strength. 
Previous research shows members with at least minimum shear reinforcement are tess influenceci 
by the size effect of member size. The AC1 code, which doesn't consider this effect, can be used 
with only a smail loss in safety for large memben with normal strength concretes as long as they 
satisQ the minimum shear reinforcement requirements. 
Response-2000 gives somewhat conservative estimate for specimen YB200014 and it 
predicts that the specimen fails in shear rather than in flexure as really occurred. Figure 4.14 
compares the experimental result and analytical result using Response-2000. 
1 est Result 
1 4 Response2000 Result 
O 5 I O 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 
Mfdspan Deflection (mm) 
Figure 4.14 Shear force-deflection curve for YB2000/4 
Table 4.5 Prediction for Specimens of YB series using AC1 3 18-99, CSA423.3-94, and Response-2000 
1 Failed in flexure 
2 Prediction for shear capacity 
f c 
( M W 
Vcw (kW 
674 ' 
Vcs A 
VR‘S- (W 
0.6 1 
1 .O3 
1 .O5 
O, 87 
O. 74 
V R ~ 
1 .O0 
1 .O1 
at failure 
at failure 
3 1 
3 1 
5 Conclusions and Recommendations 
5.1 Conclusions 
1. It is possible for a 2m deep member made fiom approximately 35MPa concrete and not 
containing transverse reinforcement to fd at the very low shear stress of 0.45 MPa 
Cornparisons with shdower specimens show that this fdure stress is sigdcantiy 
eEected by rnember depth due to iarger crack spacings and wider crack widths. 
AY 1' 2. The addition of a srnaii amount of shear reinforcement (- = 0.33hPa) greatly 
b w s 
improves the shear capacity and ductility of large members. Midspan deflections at 
failure for the specimens with minimum transverse reinforcement were three to four times 
larger than those for the specimen without transverse relliforcement. 
3. The increase in shear capacity due to the presence of shear reinforcement varied fiom 
85% to 164% depending on the spacing of transverse reinforcement. As the spacing 
becarne closer, the capacity becarne bigger because of the better crack control ability. 
However it is noted that adding only one transverse bar at the rniddle of the haif span 
dmost doubled the shear capacity of the specimen. 
4. Methods based on The Modified Compression Field Theory, CSA-A23.3-94 and 
Response-2000, generally predict well the shear capacity for members with or without 
transverse reinforcement and the trend of the size effect was followed by the methods. 
S. It is of considerable concem that the AC1 code predicted shear strength for the member 
without reinforcement more than twice the experimentdly determined faiiure load. 
Recognizing that the AC1 code pemits slabs and footings not to have shear reinforcement 
until the applied factored Ioad exceeds the predicted shear strength, the code may 
possibly produce severely unconservative members especially for large lightiy reinforced 
5.2 Recommendations 
1. Since not only member depth but aiso amount of longitudinal reinforcement has a 
sigmficant effect on the shear capacity of members, tests should be conducted with large 
specimens having amounts of longitudinal reinforcement different than the 0.74% used in 
this study. Other major parameters such as concrete strength should also be investigated. 
2. Although the minimum arnount of shear reinforcement has proved to be enough for the 
specirnens in tfiis resemh, specimens witth higher strengtfi conmte should be tested to 
check the validity of the current design requirements for minimum shear reinforcement. 
3. The results of this research indicate that the spacing of shear reinforcement significantiy 
influences shear strength. Experiments should be conducted to accumulate more data on 
this effea so that the current code rules which prohibit the use of spacings greater than 
600mrn even for very deep members can be verified. 
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