
Avaliação de Entrada INGLÊS 2º ANO GABARITO

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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E s c o l a E s t a d u a l E d u c a d o r P e d r o C i a 
“Se você pode sonhar, pode realizar” – Walt Disney
Atividades Intensivas
Avaliação Processual de Entrada – LEM – INGLÊS
Data: ____/___/_____ Turma: 2° anos - Professora: Cíntia Suzan Rosa
Nome: __________________________________________ nº ________
H1: Reconhecer o uso de algumas preposições em contexto
1. Complete the sentence:
Nick lives _____ a farm, but I live ______ Goiania and most part of my relatives live ______ as small village near Annapolis.
a) at – at – at
b) on – at – on
c) in – at – at
d) in – in – in
e) on – in – at
2. He is sitting [atrás] the house.
a) In front of
b) Behind
c) On
d) Next to
e) Under
3. In cyberspace, we can talk, exchange ideas, and assume personae of our own creation. We have the opportunity to build new kinds of communities, virtual communities, in which we participate with people from all over the world, people with whom we converse daily, people with whom we may have fairly intimate relationships but whom we may never physically meet.
– After I read the text above, I could realize that my friend Christine has a terrible problem: She lives __________ 1204. Reality Boulevard but her husband lives __________ cyberspace!
a) in – in
b) in – on
c) on – at
d) at –on
e) at – in
H2: Reconhecer o uso dos conectivos consequently, when e before;
4. In the developing world salaries are low. _____ goods can be produced more cheaply.
a) Also
b) Yet
c) Consequently
d) But
e) On
In a 1975 survey, only 27 per cent of people over age 40 claimed to understand English, whereas among 15-20-yearolds, the proportion was over 87 per cent. There is also evidence of quite widespread use in family settings. In such an environment, therefore, it is not surprising that a local variety ('Singaporean English') should have begun to emerge.
Malay-medium education was introduced, with English as an obligatory subject but increasingly being seen as a value for international rather than intranational purposes – more a foreign language than a second language.
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language David Crystal – CUP, 1995
– Sinônimos para THEREFORE (texto sobre Singapura) e para RATHER THAN (texto sobre Malásia) são, respectivamente:
a) however – more than
b) altogether – before
c) thus – despite
d) as a consequence – and
e) consequently – instead of
6. Fill in the blanks of the following sentences with the appropriate option:
I. They deliver the mail __________ ten o'clock.
II. __________ it was raining, we went for a walk.
III. Don't eat so much __________ you go bathing.
IV. He ran away __________ he saw the policeman.
V. You won't win __________ you try hard.
a) I. after; II. While; III. unless; IV. before; V. until
b) I. until; II. Before; III. after; IV. while; V. although
c) I. unless; II. When; III. until; IV. after; V. before
d) I. at; II. Although; III. before; IV. when; V. unless
e) I. before; II. Until; III. although; IV. unless; V. when
H3: Reconhecer o uso dos pronomes relativos (who, that, where, when);
7. Mark the option that complete correctly the sentences below:
The car, __________ was a taxi, exploded.
Mrs Jack, __________ I like very much, is my teacher.
My brother, __________ phone you just heard, is a doctor.
a) which, whom, whose.
b) which, who, who.
c) that, who, who.
d) which, that, which.
e) that, who, which.
8. Leia o trecho do texto publicado na Revista Nature, em 11 de julho de 2012.
Gene mutation defends against Alzheimer’s disease
Rare genetic variant suggests a cause and treatment for cognitive decline.
By Ewen Callaway
Almost 30 million people live with Alzheimer’s disease worldwide, a staggering health-care burden that is expected to quadruple by 2050. Yet doctors can offer no effective treatment, and scientists have not been able definitively to pin down the underlying mechanism of the disease.
Research published this week offers some hope on both counts, by showing that a lucky few people carry a genetic mutation that naturally prevents them from developing the condition. The discovery not only confirms the principal suspect that is responsible for Alzheimer’s, it also suggests that the disease could be an extreme form of the cognitive decline seen in many older people. The mutation – the first ever found to protect against the disease – lies in a gene that produces amyloid-β precursor protein (APP), which has an unknown role in the brain and has long been suspected to be at the heart of Alzheimer’s.
O pronome relativo which, em destaque no segundo parágrafo do texto, refere-se a:
a) APP.
b) the disease.
c) older people.
d) a gene.
e) the mutation.
9.) Escolha a alternativa correta para completar a frase a seguir:
It was Eiffel __________ constructed the metal framework.
a) whom
b) which
c) whose
d) why
e) who
H4: Usar formas verbais do presente e do passado simples em um texto informativo;
10.) Com base no texto retirado do site English Experts marque verdadeiro ou falso:
A dedicated teenager
Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at a school. She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to open a small restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.” 
Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane doesn’t have everything she wants but she works hard.
a) Jane help her mother in the afternoon. 
b) Jane doesn't study English at a university.
c) She doesn't like meat. 
d) Her brothers don't love to study.
e) Jane wants to be a teacher.
a) ( F ), ( V ), ( F ), ( V ) e ( F )
b) ( V ), ( F ), ( F ), ( V ) e ( F )
c) ( F ) , ( V ), ( V ), ( F ) e ( V )
d) ( V ) , ( F ), ( V ), ( V ) e ( V )
e) ( F ) , ( F ), ( V ), ( V ) e ( F )
11.) Relacione as colunas de acordo com a ideia de cada estrutura verbal grifada nas frases:
1. We have been to that city before.
2. They’ve just talked to Mary about the problem.
3. Coffee appeared in Europe for the first time in the 17th century.
4. I’ve worked hard since I got to the United States.
5. After Joe had repaired many trucks, he received his mechanic’s license.
( ) ação concluída no passado.
( ) ação em andamento (começou no passado e continua no presente).
( ) ação com passado indefinido.
( ) ação recentemente concluída.
( ) ação no passado anterior à outra também no passado.
A ordem correta encontra-se em:
a) 3; 4; 1; 2; 5
b) 4; 3; 5; 1; 2
c) 5; 1; 4; 2; 3
d) 3; 2; 4; 1; 5
e) 4; 5; 1; 2; 3
12.) Assinale a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III das frases a seguir:
He __________(I) me a favor 2 months ago.
They __________(II) an attempt to escape.
I __________(III) an important decision last night.
a) did –made – made
b) made – did – made
c) did – made – did
d) made – made – made
e) made – did – did
H5: Reconhecer, identificar e usar o futuro (will) para fazer previsões;
13.) Marque a alternativa cuja frase NÃO esteja no Simple Future.
a) She will watch TV tonight.
b) We will travel next week.
c) They didn’t watch TV.
d) I will study for the test.
e) Paul will paint the house. 
Observe o texto abaixo:
14.) As linhas da canção de Bob Marley nos fala que:
a) in the future, things will be better than today.
b) he is not worried about theworld’s problems.
c) we have to ignore what is happening to the world.
d) nowadays things are different from the past.
e) everything will be all right soon.
Leiam o texto abaixo para responder à questão 15:
My plans for the future
I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life and I will have a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and I will help her. We will be more than husband and wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job and I will love my job. My family will be a very special family and we will love each other. In our family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.
- Allan Jones –
Rich: rico 
Wife: esposa 
Serious: sério 
Feel down: sentir-se triste
Too: também 
More than: mais do que 
Best: melhores 
Job: trabalho, emprego 
Each other: um ao outro 
There will be: vai haver 
Faith: fé 
This: este 
Dream: sonho 
Her: ela, a ela
15. Mark True or False – Verdadeiro ou Falso
A. Allan Jones will not have a happy life. (………)
B. Allan Jones won’t have children. (……..)
C. Allan Jones will feel down every day. (………)
D. Allan Jones will have a very good wife.(………)
E. Allan Jones will have faith.(……..)
F. Allan Jones will love his job, his wife and his children.(………)
a) ( F ), ( V ), ( F ), ( V ), ( F ) e ( F )
b) ( F ), ( F ), ( F ), ( V ), ( V ) e ( V )
c) ( F ) , ( V ), ( V ), ( F ), ( V ) e ( V )
d) ( V ) , ( F ), ( V ), ( V ), ( F ) e ( V )
e) ( F ) , ( F ), ( V ), ( V ), ( V ) e ( F )
H6: Reconhecer o uso de estruturas verbais para expressar desejos e expectativas (hope to, wish to, would like to);
16.) A sequência correta é:
a) 7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9, 10
b) 4, 7, 1, 8, 3, 9, 5, 2, 10, 6.
c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
d) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
e) 10, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5
17.) Lauren is anxious to drive. She hopes she **** her driver's test soon.
a) passed
b) will pass
c) pass
d) anxious
e) drive
18.) Selecione a alternativa cuja frase não apresente um verbo modal.
a) You mustn't take medicine.
b) She had gone to Brazil.
c) May I ask you a question?
d) We must obbey the law.
e) You shouldn’t drink much.

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