
Ensino e aprendizagem questionary

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1. Krashen's theory of second language acquisition consists of five main hypotheses: the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis, the Monitor hypothesis, the Input hypothesis, the Natural Order hypothesis, and the Affective Filter hypothesis.
2. Which of the following skills are considered mostly receptive ? Listening and reading.
3. We all agree that the employment of new media has a huge influence on teaching and learning languages. That´s correct to say that applying technological tasks at our public shools: Can be a difficult task
4. Mark the only sentence which expresses a myth about the English language learning: Children learn second languages quickly and easily.
5. By 1966, there was an im portant spread of English language teaching all over Brazil. This was due to: The franchising system
6. Mark the only option which is not a consequence of studying English as a foreign language in a globalized world: English has the same prestige as French as foreign languages
7. In order for the scaffolding to be effective, if a child asks a question about a particular topic, the adult may first ask the child, "Well, what do you, think about that?" Once the adult knows what the child thinks, he can: decide which ideas to confirm and which ones to extend
8. Louise is a novice teacher and she thinks the Community Language Learning has several weaknesses. Discuss at least three of them:
The lesson can take unexpected and even dangerous directions. The method is pitched directly at the emotions and attitudes of the learners, and can release negative as well as positive emotions. The approach may awaken interpersonal hostilities that are difficult to control or channel into more positive directions. These may, in fact, destroy the very cohesion and solidarity which the method is supposed to create. There may also be
difficulties in trying to use the approach with learners who, due to their previous learning experiences, may be antagonistic towards the teacher for taking a low classroom profile, and may express the belief that the teacher is not doing his/her job. If this method or any other were to be imposed on a group of unwilling learners, it would be highly unlikely that a positive climate will emerge.
9. Susan has been studying English for 7 years and she is still at the lower intermediate stage. She thinks she can't progress in her learning because she has a lot of difficulty with languages. Which of Krashen's hypotheses can explain Susan's process of foreign language acquisition: The Affective filter hypothesis. Krashen claims that learners with low self-steem and low motivation are more likely to create a "mental block" that prevents comprehensible input from being used for acquisition.
10. Mark the sentence with the word which best completes the following sentence: Globalization and the status of English as a ___ language are affecting the teaching and learning of English worldwide: World
11. Who says that A language is what native speakers say, not what someone thinks they ought to say? Structuralists and behaviorists
12. Mark the only option which does not favor critical reflective teaching? Teaching as a solitary process
13. Complete the sentences below with the parts of the brain and what they are responsible for in the process of language acquisition:
2 - 3 - 1 - 4 / 1) The area in front of the fissure of Rolando is. 2) The upper part of the temporal lobe is. 3) The lower-back part of the frontal lobe is. 4) The area at the back of the occipital lobe is . (2) the main area involved in auditory reception. (3) primarily involved in the encoding of speech. (1) relevant to the study of speaking and writing. (4) used for the processing of visual input.
14. Which of the following can be considered language learning strategies? All of them . (1) repeating new vocabular on a daily basis; (2) interacting with native speakers of the language; (3) reading newspapers in the foreign language; (4) listening to songs in the foreign language.
15. Which of the following is NOT one of Krashen's hypothesis of language acquisition? The Behaviourist Hypothesis
16. Complete the sentence with the most suitable word: "It can be said that, semiotics is a fundamental issue to be considered in language teaching pedagogy, because it helps the individual to develop his ___ at all l evel s of perception: Cognitive facilities
17. Mark the option which best completes the following statement; "Input hypothesis is concerned with: 'acquisition', not 'learning'
18. A teacher in a very traditional school used to practice verbs showing the students cards with personal pronouns such as I, You, She, etc. She had two other cards: a red and a green one which she chose to show the students if they were right or wrong. We can say this teacher bases her lessons on a/an ___ approach: Behaviorist approach
19. Mark the strategy which would grarantee a better teaching of second languages at public schools: Improve teacher´s academic formation at universities
20. Vygotsky´s theory: Views the development of language as a complex interaction between the child and the environment
21. Proponents of these methods believe that if learners can be encouraged to adopt the right attitudes, interests and motivation in the target language and culture, as well as in the learning environment in which they find themselves, then successful learning will occur, and that if these affective factors are not right, then no set of techniques is likely to succeed: The proponents follow the humanistic tradition.
22. Choose the method or approach which places an emphasis on creating a physical environment that makes students feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible. The method or approach is: Suggestopedia
23. In recent years has been on the dev elopment of classroom tasks and activiti es which are consonant wi th what we
know about processe s of second language acquisition, and which are al so in keeping with the dynamics of the
classroom itself . By reading t he prev ious st atement you can infer:
That´s true because t here´s not a perfect m ethod
therefore teachers should be responsible for their choices
24. The statem ent that ther i s no perfect m ethod leads to the idea that: Teachers are responsible f or the choice of
strategies and ways of learning/teaching
25. An objective ev aluation of m et hods is not just an assessm ent of l earner´s l anguage attainments; it al so inv olv es an
objective attribution of : He learni ng that has t aken place to the teaching that has been done.
26. Discuss the f ollowing statement; " Is there an ideal m ethod?" There is no ideal method. Each m et hod has
adv antages and disadv antadges. Teachers hav e to dev elop tasks to suit their students´needs.
27. The stage i n a child's language dev elopm ent known as "babbling" usually occurs during: 25 - 50 week s
28. W hat's the difference between l earning styl es and language l earning strategies? Learning styles are general
approaches to learning a subject (f or example, one can f av our a m ore analytical or gl obal style, or be consi dered
to be a vi sual or auditory l earner). On the other hand, l anguage learning strategies are specific actio ns taken to
f acilitate the learning process.
29. W hich of the f ollowi ng is NOT an ex ample of language handicap? Colour blindness
30. Read the following account f rom a language learner: "When readi ng a text i n Engli sh and coming across any
unknown v ocabulary, I nev
er stop reading t o ch eck t he m eaning of the word. Instead, I try to guess the m eaning
from context ." Thi s use of l anguage learni ng st rategies is an example of: Com pensatory strategies
23. In recent years has been on the development of classroom tasks and activities which are consonant with what we know about processes of second language acquisition, and which are also in keeping with the dynamics of the classroom itself . By reading the previous statement you can infer:
That´s true because t here´s not a perfect method therefore teachers should be responsible for their choices
24. The statement that ther is no perfect method leads to the idea that: Teachers are responsible for the choice of strategies and ways of learning/teaching
25. An objective evaluation of methods is not just an assessment of l earner´s language attainments; it also involves na objective attribution of : He learning that has taken place to the teaching that has been done.
26. Discuss the following statement; " Is there an ideal method?" There is no ideal method. Each method has advantages and disadvantadges. Teachers have to develop tasks to suit their students´needs.
27. The stage in a child's language development known as "babbling" usually occurs during: 25 - 50 weeks
28. What's the difference between learning styles and language learning strategies? Learning styles are general approaches to learning a subject (for example, one can favour a more analytical or global style, or be considered to be a visual or auditory learner). On the other hand, language learning strategies are specific actions taken to facilitate the learning process.
29. Which of the following is NOT an example of language handicap? Colour blindness
30. Read the following account from a language learner: "When reading a text in English and coming across any unknown vocabulary, I never stop reading to check the meaning of the word. Instead, I try to guess the meaning from context ." This use of language learning strategies is an example of: Compensatory strategies.
31. Which of the following is an exampl e of SELF-WRITING? Journal
32. Which of the following is a role of a teacher in the FL classroom? Facilitator.
33. Mark the best option. Teaching is a very personal activity, and it is not surprising that individual teachers bring to teaching: Very different beliefs and assumptions about what constitutes effective teaching
34. Teaching is a very personal activity, and it is not surprising that individual teachers bring to teaching very diferente beliefs and assumptions about what constitutes effective teaching: I completely agree with the statement .
35. Mark the only option which does not make part of the beliefs about present curriculum processes? Repetition of patterns
36. Which quality is implicit in the type of collaborative and cooperative environment? Trust
37. Each brain hemisphere has its role and can be more involved in the performance of certain activities than in others." This is the definition to the concept of: Dominance
38. The brain area primarily involved with intellectual functions is the: Cerebral cortex
39. Mark the option which best completes the statement ¿. Vygotsky advocates that the role of a psychologist should be to understand how human social and mental activity is organized through culturally constructed: Artefacts
40. Ricardo takes reflection as part of his teaching process. He thinks that a reflective teacher makes a deliberate move to allow teachers thinking critically of their teaching practice so that their students can: Maximize their learning.
41. Carolina is a teacher involved in the reflective process. Whenever she gives a task and notices her students are not following it properly, she is able to stop and change directions. The process she uses is: Reflection-in-action
42. ___ language strategies are those which enable learners to manipulate the language material in direct ways: Cognitive
43. In line with the recent shift of emphasis from the notion of training to that of development, the idea of teacher exploration or an exploratory approach functions as a sort of: Liberating tool for teachers from the pressure of identifying a best or better way of teaching.
44. Which tools do not make part of individual self observation: Supervisor´s visits
45. In the process of teaching/learning foreign languages, who should be more interested in observing classroom practices: Teachers themselves
46. You´re a teacher/technologist and you feel your role is changing dramatically due to the convergence of internal and external forces that dictate how new technologies can be used for language learning in an institution. What are they? Mention at l east 3: 1- the fact that social software and collaborative technologies hold extraordinary potential for language teaching and learning. 2- the reality that there are specific, user -centric technologies that are now a normative means for our students to communicate, collaborate, and play with their peers. 3- the acknowledgement
that there are security -oriented institutional constraints imposed upon technologies for teaching and learning in most academic settings that may limit the scope and the range of any technology used for teaching. 4- the analysis of the way in which we teach language and promote cultural literacy in the foreign language classroom.
47. Which of the following levels of proficiency demand a more teacher -centred approach to teaching: beginner, intermediate or advanced? Why? Beginners. Teachers have to provide learners with more language at this stage
48. What are the principles for the Communicative Method in Semiotics? One option does not apply: Activities should be imaginary
49. We can say that English is recognized as lingua franca because: It has official or special status in at least 75 countries
50. Which of the following statements are true about Krashen's Acquisition-Learning hypothesis? 1 an d 3 - (1) There are two independent systems of second language performance: the acquired and the learned system . (2) The "learned" system is the product of the subconscious process. (3) The "acquired" system is a very similar process to the one a child undergoes when learning a first language.
51. The process of understanding the way a language system works via its structures and rules is called: Learning
52. Sociocultural perspectives on language learning, as influenced by the work of Vygotsky (Lantolf & Appel, 1994; Warschauer, 1997), provide a complementary position that considers language learners in direct relation to: their social and cultural surroundings and condition
53. Language learners engaged in computer -mediated contact with others for example, in chat rooms where writing becomes speaking tend to produce more language than in: In face-to-face discussions
54. Pedro Miranda is a very diligent young teacher. He has been teaching English for two years and uses institutionalized English language learning based on culture-specific prescriptive norms. You can say: he is wrong because that may result in establishing them as auxiliary members of the culture they teach, something not in harmony with their own self -image.
55. In language teaching, the teachers use different methods depending on the goals and objectives of the course. Taking into consideration the students' needs, a variety of materials are used for different purposes in the language classroom . Besides their linguistic and pedagogic
value, most of these materials have semiotic value. Discuss symbols presented in different methods: EX: the British flag and London clock tower symbolize the British Society in general. The double-decker buses practised in dialogues in several methods help the language learner to get to know more about the social and cultural cues in the target language. Such sym bols also fasten the cultural acquisition of the foreign language learner. 
56. Social software tools challenge the language teacher/technologist to examine critically the current pedagogical practices for language teaching. Social software, by its very nature, is about creating: Communities and connections.
57. Sara uses the collaborative model of teacher development and that implies that her students: to own responsibility for the learning processes and outcomes Need
58. What are the principles of situational language teaching? Mark the sentence which is not correct: Analysis is better than analogy.
59. John is a student at intermediate level of language learning. His teacher has revised the first and second conditionals in a previous lesson and today he is going to be exposed to sentences in the third conditional. This is the first time he will come across samples of language in the third conditional but the teacher is going to make reference to what they know about the first and the second in order to expand on the subject of the third conditional. This is an example of which of Krashen's theories? The Natural Order Hypothesis.
60. Mark the only option which does not complete the following sentence:" Technology in second language teaching is important because it: also presents negative effects of computer use in terms of inexperience or aversion.
61. Which of the following is NOT a correct complement to the following sentence: A child learns a first language mostly by: Reading language
62. Teachers must be aware that when they are dealing with language and always choose a certain variety that can contribute to: Exclusion in the minds of students.
63. The globalized world has changed the relationship among nations in relation to foreign languages because: There are new comercial relationships.
64. That is NOT proper to say that distance learning programs can: Be in accordance to each teachers beliefs.
66. Which of the following items listed below are examples of EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION? 1, 2, 3 only - (1) Money (2) Grades (3) Positive feedback (4) self-determi nation.
67. Peirce developed a semiotic theory that is at once general, triadic and pragmatic. Mark the statement which is NOT correct: It´s triadic because it brings two terms into relation: the sign or representamen and the interpretant
68. When teaching children educators should be attentive to the following aspects EXCEPT one. Choose the one item that does not apply to young learners pedagogy: Rules should be taught by means of abstract concepts.
69. When teaching the spoken language, the concern with the natural flow of language is known as: Fluency
70. Which concept, according to Van Lier, does not concern an ecological approach to language and language learning? Structural knowledge
71. One of the differences between SPEAKING and WRITING is that the former is "time-bound, dynamic, transient" while the latter is "space-bound, static, permanent". Having this in mind we can say that: A written message can be acessed at any time.
72. The theory which states that the learner brings knowledge which will help him decode the message in a given text is known as: Schema theory
73. The study of language as it is used in a social context and its effects on the interlocutor is known as: Pragmatics
74. Karen was told that if her level of English was intermediate or above, she would be granted a scholarship in London. For this reason, she started studying English and got to the level of proficiency she needed to get the scholarship. The situation desccribed is an example of: Extrinsic motivation
75. ___ motivation is that which arises within the learner. It does not need any sort of reward as the only reward will be the activity itself : Intrinsic
76. Joana is a Brazilian student of English. While watching films, she makes a list of interesting expressions she hears and tries to put them into use. By doing so, she is making use of : Language learning strategies.
77. Mark the only option which does not make part of the tenets which have an impact on a learner inter-language progression: Learning of meaningless rules
78. "An important characteristic of child language which started to receive attention is that it is rule -governed, even if initially the rules children create do not correspond to adult ones. Discuss the statement: As early as the two-word stage, children express relationships between elements in a sentence, such as possession, negation or location, in a consistent way. Also, it has been demonstrated convincingly that when children produce an adult-like form which is the result of the application of a rule, such as for example adding s to dog in order to produce the plural form dogs, they are not merely imitating and repeating parrot-fashion the adult language around them.
79. Anna is a language learner who has started studying English many times because she loves the language. She thinks she cannot speak English well because she doesn't have an aptitude for languages. The factor that affects her learning is a/an --- one: Affective.
80. In the field of psychology, the pre-eminent role for the environment which was argued by Skinner in shaping the child´s learning and behavior was losing ground in favor of more: Developmentalist views of learning
81. Jones is an experienced teacher. He gives some clues when using routines. What are they? Mark the onl y one which does not fit the actions of an expert? Follow a book and use its exercises because he believes that can guide him
82. Learning consists of acquiring organizing principles through encountering experience. This makes part of a lesson: Which is learner centered
83. Teachers can understand the link between their private troubles and broader political actions by: Consulting literature and theory
84. Which of the following is fundamental in a child's process of learning a first language? The mother’s input
85. The process of natural assimilation of a language via interaction, in which the learner has active participation in the language learning process is called: Acquisition
86. There were two moments in Brazil which changed the way people viewed the English language in 1930 and 1935. They were: Brazil was viewed as a strategic point and as a strategic necessity with regard to a possible war in Europe.
87. By 1966, there was an important spread of English language teaching all over Brazil. This was due to: the franchising system
88. Which of the following skills are considered mostly receptive? Listening and reading.
89. Both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that as children develop language, they actively build a symbol system, which helps them to understand the world but they they differed in the way in which they viewed how language and thought ---------------. Interact
90. In the field of psychology, the pre-eminent role for the environment which was argued by Skinner in shaping the child´s learning and behavior was losing ground in favor of more: developmentalist views of learning
100. Elisa realized that in a class not all learners can be at the same level of linguistic competence at the same time. So when designing a syllabus, she remembers to consider what Krashen calls------------------ natural communicative the input
102. Mark the option which best completes the following statement; "Input hypothesis is concerned with--------" acquisition', not 'learning
103. According to Krashen, the acquired system and the learned system are two ------------------systems of second language performance. Independente
104. According to Krashen, the ------------ acts in a planning, editing and correcting function when three specific conditions are met: that is, the second language learner has sufficient time at his/her disposal, he/she focuses on form or thinks about correctness, and he/she knows the rule. Monitor
105. Pedro is a student with high motivation, self confidence and a good self image and a low level of anxiety. We can say that he is better equipped for------------------a second language. Acquiring
106. Mark the only option which does not favor critical reflective teaching? Teaching as a solitary process
107. Learning consists of acquiring organizing principles through encountering experience. This makes part of a lesson: which is learner centered 
108. While the teacher´s planning decisions provide a framework for approaching a lesson, in the course of teaching the lesson that framework may be substantially revised as the teacher responds to ---------------. student´s understanding and participation.
109. Teachers can understand the link between their private troubles and broader political actions by: consulting literature and theory.
110. Complete the sentence with the best option. A syllabus (also curriculum) stands for a description of the ---------- of a course of instruction. Contentes
111. The Audio- lingualism consists of a highly coherent and well developed classroom pedagogy, with clear links between --------- theory and practice
112. Proponents of these methods believe that if learners can be encouraged to adopt the right attitudes, interests and motivation in the target language and culture, as well as in the learning environment in which they find themselves, then successful learning will occur, and that if these affective factors are not right, then no set of techniques is likely to succeed. The proponents follow the humanistic tradition
113. As teachers with the desired skills, knowledge and expertise, we have a great deal of power in the classroom and it is our responsibility to set ----. The atmosphere we set will determine whether the students non- linguistic emotional needs are met in the classroom; interpersonal classroom climate
114. Mark the only option which does not make part of the beliefs about present curriculum processes? Repetition of patterns
115. When the differences between teachers¿ and learners¿ beliefs are not reinforced, the consequences of not doing so are likely to be --------------- on the part of both teachers and learners: mistrust
116. Any language teaching program reflects both the culture of the institution as well as collective decisions and beliefs of------------- individual teachers
117. The opinion that grammar errors should be corrected immediately may be part of teacher ´s ------------ beliefs
118. In a reflective process you start by recognizing that you and your students: are key persons in learning environment.
119. It is possible to say that reflective teaching may turn teachers to be researchers because of its dimension of-------- self-inquiry
"learned" syst em i s the product of the subconscious process. (3) The "acquired" system i s a v ery similar process
to the one a child undergoes when learning a first language.
51. The process of understanding the way a language system works vi a its st ructures and rules is called: Learning
52. Sociocultural perspectiv es on language learning, as i nfl uenced by the work of Vygotsky (Lantolf & Appel, 1994;
W arschauer, 1997), provide a com plementary posi ti on that considers l anguage learners i n direct relation to: their
social and cultural surroundings and condition
53. Language lear ners engag ed in comput er -mediated contact with others¿f or example, i n chat rooms where writing
becomes speaking¿tend to produce more language than i n: I n face-to-f ace discussions
54. Pedro Miranda i s a very diligent young t eacher. He has been teac hing English f or two years and uses
institutional ized English language learning based on cul ture-specific prescri pt iv e norms. You can say: he is wrong
because that m ay result in establishing them as auxiliary m em bers of t he culture they teach, something not in
harmony with thei r own self -im age.
55. In l anguage teaching, the teachers use diff erent methods depending on the goals and objectiv es of t he course.
Taking i nto consideration t he students' needs, a v ari ety of m aterials are used f or diff erent purposes i n the l anguage
classroom . Besides their linguistic and pedagogic v alue, m ost of these m aterials hav e sem iotic v al ue. Discuss
symbols presented in different methods: EX: the Briti sh fl ag and London clock tower symbolize the British Society
in general. The double-decker buses practised i n dialogues in sev eral methods help the language learner to get to
know m ore about the social and cultural cues i n the t arget language. Such sym bols also f asten the cultural
acquisiti on of the foreign l anguage learner. Others ex am pl es may be given
56. Social software tools challenge t he language teacher/technologist t o examine critically the current pedagogical
practices f or l anguage teaching. Soci al software, by it s v ery nature, is about creating: Comm unities and
57. Sara uses the coll aborativ e model of teacher dev el opment and that im pli es that her students: Need t o own
responsibi lity f or the learning processe s and outcomes
58. W hat are the principles of si tuational language teaching? Mark the sentence which is not correct: Analysis is better
than analogy.
59. John is a student at interm edi ate lev el of language learning. His teacher has rev ised the f irst and second
conditionals in a previous lesson and today he is going to be exposed to sentences in the third conditional. This is
the first time he will come across sam ples of language i n the t hird conditi onal but the t eacher is going to make
reference to what they know about the f i rst and the second in order to expand on the subject of the third conditional.
This is an ex am pl e of which of Krashen's theories? The Natural Order Hypothesi s.
60. Mark the only option which does not com plete the f oll owing sentence:" T echnology i n second language t eaching
is important because i t: also present s negativ e ef f ect s of computer use in terms of i nex perience or aversion,
61. W hich of the f ollowi ng is NOT a correct complement to the f ollowing sentence: A child learns a f i rst language m ostl y
by: Reading l anguage
62. Teachers m ust be aware t hat when they are dealing with language and always choose a certain v ariety that can
contribute to: Exclusion in the mi nds of students
63. The globalized world has changed the relationship among nations i n relation to foreign l anguages because: T here
are new com ercial relationshi ps
64. That is not proper to say that distance learning programs can: Be in accordance to each teachers belief s.
65. W hat are the principles of si tuational language teaching? Mark the sentence which is not correct: Analysis is better
than analogy.
66. W hich of the f ollowing items li sted below are examples of extrinsic m otivation? 1, 2, 3 only - (1) Money (2) Grades
(3) Positive feedback (4) self-determi nation.
67. Peirce developed a semi otic theory that is at once general, triadic and pragm atic. Mark the st atem ent which is not
It´s triadic because it brings t wo t erms into rel ation: the si gn or representamen and the interpretant
68. W hen teaching chil dren educators should be attentive to the f ollowing aspects E XCEPT one. Choose the one it em
that does not apply to young learners pedagogy: Rules should be taught by means of abstract concepts.
69. W hen teaching the spoken l anguage, the concern wi th the natural flow of l anguage is known as: Fl uency
70. W hich concept, accordi ng to Van Lier, does not concern an ecological approach to l anguage and language
learning? Structural knowledge
71. One of the diff erences between SPEAKING and W RITING i s that the f ormer i s "time-bound, dynami c, transi ent"
while the l atter is "space-bound, st atic, perm anent". Hav ing thi s in mind we can say that: A written m essage can
be acessed at any time.
72. The theory which states that the learner brings knowl edge which will help him decode the message in a given text
is known as: Schema theory
73. The study of language as it is used in a social contex t and it s effects on the interlocutor is known as: Pragm atics
74. Karen was t old t hat if her l evel of English was i nterm ediat e or abov e, she would be granted a scholarship in London.
For this reason, she started studying English and got to the lev el of profi ciency she needed to get t he scholarshi p.
The sit uati on desccri bed i s an example of: Ext rinsic motivation
75. ___ motivation is that which arises wi thin the learner. It does not need any sort of reward as the only reward wi ll be
the activity itself : I ntrinsi c

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