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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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É comum ver nos discursos de empresários e políticos o pensamento ufanista sobre as maravilhas de 
nosso agronegócio, dizendo que a produção brasileira “alimenta o mundo" e que nosso gado é "verde". É 
um discurso que lembra a propaganda do Brasil Grande, de triste memória, e tenta pôr uma grande 
sujeira para baixo do tapete. 
 Os estrangeiros já sabem: nossa exploração agrícola, soja à frente, já destruiu 4 de cada 10 
hectares de cerrado. Nesse ritmo, esse ecossistema estará extinto em 20 produtividade do mundo: uma 
vaca ocupa, para engordar, um hectare de terra, cada vez mais frequentemente roubado à Amazônia. 
Com os mesmos metros um agricultor europeu produz alimentos nobres e caros, para alimentar e 
enriquecer seres humanos. Enquanto isso, nossa soja alimenta porcos na China. 
Se computarmos o dano irreversível ao meio ambiente, bem público que destrói com a devastação da 
terra, e o so­marmos aos subsídios e às generosas rolagens de dívidas dos grandes produtores, o cálculo 
revelará um agronegócio insus­tentável. Em vez de alimentar o mundo e enriquecer os brasi­leiros, ele se 
tornou uma destrutiva usina de insumo indus­trial barato. 
É um modelo que ameaça (ao invés de garantir) o objetivo de dobrar a produção mundial de alimentos 
em 35 anos para receber 2 bilhões de novas bocas. Para fazer sua parte, alimentar os brasileiros e ganhar 
dinheiro exportando comida de gente, não de suínos, é necessário mudar a es­candalosa cultura de 
desperdício do campo brasileiro. 
Quando se trata de plantar para dar de comer a reba­nhos, a chamada "taxa de conversão" é muito baixa: 
uma vaca dá três calorias de carne para cada cem calorias de grãos que come para engordar (sim, 3%); o 
porco produz dez calorias, e o frango, 12, para cada cem que conso­me. É melhor o aproveitamento da 
vaca leiteira (40 calorias no leite) e da galinha poedeira (12 no ovo, para cada cem consumidas). Em 
outras palavras, gerar proteína animal é sempre um péssimo negócio, e o boi é o pior de todos. 
E como funciona o agronegócio brasileiro? Metade de nossa produção agrícola é ração de animais a 
preços irrisórios. E a estrela de nossa pecuária é exatamente a carne de vaca. Enquanto isso, importamos 
feijão e outros alimentos pagando mais caro. 
O Brasil viveu até hoje com a falsa impressão de que a água e a terra eram bens infinitos. Essa visão está 
em xe­que com a crise hídrica, causada em parte pelo desma­tamento da Amazônia e do cerrado. Num 
país em que a água escasseia, quase 70% de seu consumo é para irrigação de áreas de cultivo. A pecuária 
é um mata­borrão: suga 11% de nossa água ­ mesmo consumo dos 200 milhões de humanos do Brasil. 
Com o desmatamento para abrir pastos, fontes de água são destruídas e o regime de chuvas muda. O 
gado não somente consome verdadeiras cachoeiras em seu processo de engorda, como já produz 
escassez antes mesmo de ocupar os extensos hectares de floresta que destrói. 
Gastamos água, que falta a humanos, para matar a sede infinita das vacas e regar a soja que vai ser 
exportada a preços irrisórios. Enquanto isso, continuamos a nos ufanar de uma opção econômica que está 
nos consumindo a todos, com a água e a terra fartas que um dia este Brasil ganhou de presente. 
(SERVA, Leão. Agronegócio e a morte da Amazônia. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 24 nov. 2014. Cotidiano.) 
Com relação aos aspectos morfossintáticos do texto, assinale a opção correta. 
a) Nos fragmentos "É um discurso que lembra a propaganda do Brasil Grande [ ... ]." (1 ° §) e "[ ... ]dizendo 
que a produção brasileira 'alimenta o mundo'[ ... ]." (1° §), os termos destacados pertencem a mesma 
categoria gramati­cal. 
b) Em "[ ... ] lembra a propaganda do Brasil Grande, de triste memória, e tenta pôr uma grande sujeira 
para baixo do tapete. " (1° §) e "Se computarmos o dano irreversível ao meio ambiente, bem público que 
destrói com a devastação da terra, e o somarmos aos subsídios [ ... ]" (3° §), os termos em destaque 
exercem funções sin­táticas distintas. 
c) Os vocábulos destacados em "[ ... ] e o somarmos aos subsídios e às generosas rolagens [ ... ]." (3° §) e 
"Enquanto isso, continuamos a nos ufanar de uma opção econômica [ ... ] ."(9°§) apresentam a mesma 
classificação sintática. 
d) Nos fragmentos "[ ... ] um agricultor europeu produz alimentos nobres [ ... ] . " (2° §) e "Enquanto isso, 
nossa soja alimenta porcos na China [ ... ] . " (2 °§) os termos em destaque exercem a mesma função 
e) Os termos destacados em "Essa visão está em xeque com a crise hídrica [ ... ] . " (7° §) e "Com os 
mesmos metros quadrados, um agricultor europeu produz alimentos nobres [ ... ] ." (2° §) pertencem a 
categorias gramaticais distintas. 
Assinale a opção em que o termo destacado exerce função sintática idêntica a "É um modelo que ameaça 
(ao invés de garantir) o objetivo de dobrar a produção mundial [ ... ]" (4º §) . 
a) "O Brasil viveu até hoje com a falsa impressão de que a água e a terra [ ... ] . " ( 7° §) 
b) "Num país em que a água escasseia, quase 70% de seu consumo [ ... ]."(7° §) 
c) "[ ... ] para cada cem calorias de grãos que come [ ... ] ." ( 5° §) 
d) "[ ... ] nos ufanamos de uma opção econômica que está nos consumindo a todos [ ... ] ."(9° §) 
e) "[ ... ] antes mesmo de ocupar os extensos hectares de floresta que destrói." (8° §) 
Em ''Não é à toa, visto que o nosso gado tem a pior produtividade do mundo [ ... ]." (2° §), o elemento 
coesivo destacado expressa a ideia de 
a) condição. 
b) explicação. 
c) conformidade. 
d) consequência. 
e) proporcionalidade 
Em "O Brasil viveu até hoje com a falsa impressão de que a água e a terra eram bens infinitos. Essa visão 
está em xeque com a crise hídrica, causada em parte pelo desmatamento da Amazônia e do cerrado." (7° 
§), é possível afirmar que o autor usou a estratégia argumentativa de 
a) exemplificação. 
b) comprovação. 
c) contraposição. 
d) generalização. 
e) comparação. 
Assinale a opção em que a forma verbal em destaque evidencia que há a construção de uma ideia 
a) “Enquanto isso, continuamos a nos ufanar [ ... ] " (9° §) 
b) “Quando se trata de plantar para dar de comer [ ... ] ." (5º §) 
c) “Se computarmos o dano irreversível ao meio ambiente [ ... ]." (3º §) 
d) “O gado não somente consome verdadeiras cachoeiras [ ... ]." (8º §) 
e) “E como funciona o agronegócio brasileiro?" (6° §) 
Em "O Brasil viveu até hoje com a falsa impressão de que a água [ ... ] ." (7° §), o termo sublinhado 
apresenta­se como 
a) um advérbio de tempo. 
b) uma conjunção subordinativa temporal. 
c) uma preposição essencial. 
d) uma palavra denotativa de realce. 
e) uma palavra denotativa de inclusão. 
Assinale a opção na qual a forma verbal em destaque está flexionada no mesmo tempo que: "[ ... ] para 
matar a sede infinita das vacas e regar a soja que vai ser exportada a preços irrisórios." (9º §) 
a) “Com os mesmos metros quadrados, um agricultor europeu produz alimentos nobres [ ... ]." (2° §) 
b) “Para fazer sua parte, alimentar os brasileiros e ganhar dinheiro exportando [ ... ] ." (4° §) 
c) “Nesse ritmo, esse ecossistema estará extinto em 20 anos." (2° §) 
d) “Em vez de alimentar o mundo e enriquecer os brasi­leiros, ele s·e tornou uma destrutiva [ ... ]." (3° §) 
e) “[ ... ] Brasil Grande, de triste memória, e tenta pôr uma grande sujeira para baixo do tapete [ ... ] ." (1° 
Leia o trecho a seguir. 
 “Com os mesmos metros quadrados um agricultor europeu produz alimentos nobres e caros, para 
alimentar e enriquecer seres humanos." (2° §) 
Em qual opção a reescrita da sentença acima resguardou o significado original e manteve as exigências da 
norma padrão? 
a) Nobres e caros alimentos produzidos, um agricultor europeu,enriquece e alimenta seres humanos com 
os mesmos metros quadrados. 
b) Alimentos nobres e caros para alimentar e enriquecer seres humanos, com os mesmos metros 
quadrados, produzem­se um europeu agricultor. 
c) São produzidos, com alimentos nobres e caros para um agricultor europeu; os mesmos metros 
quadrados para alimentar e enriquecer seres humanos. 
d) Para alimentar e enriquecer seres humanos, são produzidos com os mesmos metros quadrados, por um 
agricultor europeu, alimentos nobres e caros. 
e) Um agricultor europeu, para alimentar e enriquecer seres humanos com os mesmos metros quadrados, 
produz alimentos nobres e caros. 
Em "[ ... ] é necessário mudar a escandalosa cultura de desperdício do campo brasileiro." (4 ° §) a oração 
em destaque é subordinada substantiva 
a) objetiva direta. 
b) completiva nominal. 
c) predicativa. 
d) subjetiva. 
e) indireta. 
Leia o trecho a seguir. 
“É comum ver nos discursos de empresários e políticos pensamento ufanista sobre as maravilhas de nosso 
agronegócio, dizendo que a produção brasileira ‘alimenta o mundo’ e que nosso gado é 'verde'." (1° §) 
Pode­se afirmar, em relação ao trecho acima, que: 
a) constitui o argumento principal do texto. 
b) serve de base para a primeira conclusão. 
c) exalta o ufanismo dos empresários e políticos. 
d) faz uma avaliação objetiva do assunto do texto. 
e) apresenta um argumento de teor falacioso. 
Assinale a opção em que o elemento destacado antecipa ideias presentes na conclusão do texto. 
a) "[ ... ] de triste memória, e tenta pôr uma grande sujeira para baixo do tapete." (1° §) 
b) "[ ... ] é necessário mudar a escandalosa cultura de desperdício do campo brasileiro." (4° §) 
c) “É melhor o aproveitamento da vaca leiteira (40 calorias no leite) e da galinha poedeira [ ... ] .” (5° §) 
d) "O Brasil viveu até hoje com a falsa impressão de que a água e a terra eram bens [ ... ] .” (7° §) 
e) "Gastamos água, que falta a humanos, para matar a sede infinita das vacas [ ... ] .” (9° §) 
Marque a opção em que o termo apresentado retoma corretamente o segmento destacado no trecho 
entre aspas. 
a) “Nesse ritmo” (2° §) – “[ ... ] dizendo a produção brasileira 'alimenta o mundo' e que nosso gado é 
‘verde’.” (1° §) 
b) “O cálculo” (3° §) – “Se computarmos o dano irreversível ao meio ambiente, bem público que destrói 
com a devas­tação [ ... ]” (3° §) 
c) “Taxa de conversão” (5° §) – “Para fazer sua parte, alimentar os brasileiros e ganhar dinheiro 
exportando comida [ ... ]” (4° §) 
d) “Mais caro” (6° §) – “Metade de nossa produção agrícola é ração de animais a preços irrisórios.” (6° §) 
e) “Essa visão” (7° §) – “O Brasil viveu até hoje com a falsa impressão de que a água e a terra eram bens 
infinitos.” (7° §) 
Marque a opção em que o segmento destacado introduz um esclarecimento a respeito do que foi 
apresentado anteriormente no texto. 
a) “Enquanto isso, nossa soja alimenta [ ... ].” (2° §) 
b) “[ ... ] que ameaça (ao invés de garantir) [ ... ].” (4° §) 
c) “Em outras palavras, gerar proteína [ ... ].” (5° §) 
d) “[ ... ] causada em parte pelo desmatamento [ ... ].” 11 (7° §) 
e) “[ ... ] antes mesmo de ocupar os extensos [ ... ].” (8° §) 
Leia o trecho abaixo. 
“Com os mesmos metros quadrados, um agricultor europeu produz alimentos nobres e caros [ ... ] .” ( 2° 
Assinale a opção em que o elemento destacado possui o mesmo valor semântico que a palavra sublinhada 
no trecho acima. 
a) Aqueles garotos ali na frente sempre andaram em bando. 
b) Ela pediu demissão sob um pretexto não convincente. 
c) O corpo se nutre de alimentos para nossa sobrevivência. 
d) Age­se dessa forma, entre os índios, por tradição. 
e) Soubemos do acontecido por alto, sem muitos detalhes. 
Quanto à estrutura e aos processos de formação de palavras, marque a opção correta. 
a) Em pensamento, ocorre a derivação, e o sufixo indica maneira de pensar. 
b) A palavra agronegócio é formada por hibridismo, com base no latim e no grego. 
c) Na palavra insumo, tem­se a derivação prefixal, e o prefixo indica movimento para dentro. 
d) A palavra agrícola possui sufixo que indica qualidade, constituindo a sufixação. 
e) Na palavra irrisório acontece prefixação, e oi­ é um elemento que indica negação. 
Considerando a teoria dos elementos da comunicação e das funções da linguagem, é possível afirmar que 
o texto “Agronegócio e a morte da Amazônia” 
a) é centrado no emissor, por isso predomina a função expressiva; apresenta também marcas do canal 
b) possui como centro o receptor, daí a função conativa; é possível ainda identificar marcas de 
c) centra­se no código, então a função é metalinguística, porém, com traços de linguagem referencial. 
d) centra­se no assunto e no ponto de vista do autor, as funções predominantes são a referencial e a 
e) possui duas funções predominantes, por causa das intenções comunicativas do texto: a referencial e a 
Assinale a opção que explicita a tese do texto. 
a) O agronegócio tem o apoio de grandes empresários e políticos. 
b) Os estrangeiros já conhecem nossa produção agrícola. 
c) o modelo do agronegócio brasileiro está superado há décadas. 
d) As maiores ameaças à Amazônia são a pecuária e a soja. 
e) A atividade agrícola brasileira tem baixa lucratividade. 
Os vocábulos que iniciam parágrafos, como “Se” (3° §) e “Quando” (5° §), colaboram para que se 
mantenha no texto a 
a) coesão formal. 
b) coerência figurativa. 
c) estrutura enunciativa. 
d) coesão narrativa. 
e) coerência argumentativa. 
Assinale a opção em que a relação significativa está corretamente indicada entre parênteses. 
a) “Não é à toa, visto que o nosso gado tem a pior produtividade [ ... ] .” (2° §) ­ (consequência) 
b) “Em vez de alimentar o mundo e enriquecer os brasileiros [ ... ].” (3° §) ­ (oposição) 
c) “Quando se trata de plantar para dar de comer a rebanhos [ ... ].” (5° §) ­ (simultaneidade) 
d) “Essa visão está em xeque com a crise hídrica, causada em parte [ ... ]." (7° §) ­ (meio) 
e) “Com o desmatamento para abrir pastos, fontes de água são destruídas [ ... ] .” (8° §) ­ (favor) 
Paulo tinha fama de mentiroso. Um dia chegou em casa dizendo que vira no campo dois dragões da 
independência cuspindo fogo e lendo fotonovelas. A mãe botou­o de casti­go, mas na semana seguinte 
ele veio contando que caÍra no pátio da escola um pedaço de lua, todo cheio de bura­quinhos, feito 
queijo, e ele provou e tinha gosto de queijo. Desta vez Paulo não só ficou sem sobremesa, como foi 
proibido de jogar futebol durante quinze dias. Quando o menino voltou falando que todas as borboletas 
da Terra pas­saram pela chácara de Siá Elpídia e queriam formar um tapete voador para transportá­lo ao 
sétimo céu, a mãe decidiu levá­lo ao médico. Após o exame, o Dr. Epaminondas abanou a cabeça: "Não há 
nada a fazer, Dona Colá. Este menino é mesmo um caso de poesia''. 
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Histórias para o Rei – 10ª ed. – Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2007) 
No título do conto de Drummond, linguagem chamada 
a) Paradoxo. 
b) Metáfora. 
c) Preterição. 
d) Eufemismo. 
e) Antífrase. 
Kayla Matthews _March 29, 2017 7 minutes 
Losing your job to robots is no longer a sci­fi fantasy. Some estimates say robots may take over more than 
five million jobs across 15 developed countries. Machines could account for more than half the workforce 
in places like Cambodia and lndonesia, particularly in the garment industry. 
The good news: there are some skills robots can't embody, and if you have them, there's no need to 
worry about losing your job due to robotic advancements.Better yet, many of them are transferable, 
meaning they can help you advance your career, even if you need to change industries. 
Here are four skills that can keep your job from being handed off to a robot. 
( I ) _______ Skills 
Robots seem smart. However, they only know what their programmers tell them. There are some 
exceptions, such as robots powered by machine learning that gel smarter through acquired feedback over 
time. Even so, people able to demonstrate the ability to work out solutions using analytical thinking, such 
as 1T personnel, can feel confident about job security during the rise of robots. 
( II ) ______ Skills 
This broad group of skills applies to many jobs, whether you're leading a team of 20 people who are hard 
at work developing a new iPhone app or maintaining an upbeat, productive workforce at a Fortune 500 
company. People often depend on robots to complete segments of projects, but those machines can't 
manage huge organizational accomplishments from start to finish. Also, robots can't feasibly handle all 
the things human resource experts do. 
( III ) ______ Skills 
Even the most advanced robots can't genuinely practice the crucial skill of understanding what people 
feel. This skill is especially useful if you work for a charity, support statistically disadvantaged segments of 
the population, or assist people in the healthcare industry. 
( IV ) ______ Skills 
One inevitable thing about robots is they malfunction. When that happens, people need to know how to 
read error cedes, make educated diagnoses, and perform repairs. ( ... ). 
{Abridged from https: / / www. makeuseof.com) 
The headings below have been removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III) and (IV). Choose the 
option that contains the correct heading sequence to complete the text. 
a) Personnel Management / Empathy / Hardware Complex Problem­Solving 
b) Hardware / Personnel Management / Empathy /Complex Problem­Solving 
c) Hardware / Complex Problem­Solving / Personnel Management / Empathy 
d) Complex Problem­Solving / Empathy / Personnel Management / Hardware 
e) Complex Problem­Solving / Personnel Management /Empathy / Hardware 
By Jaylan Boyle, Senior Contributing Reportar -March 9, 2010 
RIO DE JANEIRO ­Late last month, fresh from playing a key role in Operation Unified Response, the 
international humanitarian aid mission to assist Haiti after the disastrous earthquake, the U.S. aircraft 
carrier USS Carl Vinson made a stopover in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the trip was to strengthen 
bilateral military relations, and a number of U.S. sailors also took part in a series of volunteer exercises in 
the city. 
"We appreciate the strong relationship that has developed between the military forces of our two 
countries. lt is an interaction based on mutual respect, and our intention is to further strengthen our 
partnerships and joint missions," said Thomas Shannon, the U.S. Ambassador of Brazil. 
On February 27th, sailors from the carrier were involved in volunteer work that involved painting facilities 
at two Recreio public schools, Escola Municipal Vice­Almirante Alvaro Alberto and Escola Municipal 
Vice­Almirante Paulo Moreira. They were joined by about 20 of their fellow Brazilian sailors, and had the 
opportunity to get to know their colleagues and share experiences of life in the navy. After work was 
completed, the two schools were presented with photo collages commemorating the visit. 
Another project that U.S. sailors participated in took place at the People's Central lnstitute, a local 
community center in the Gamboa neighborhood which was founded by an American missionary over a 
century ago. The center helps local working parents by offering a daycare service, and provides a venue 
for the hosting of various cultural and sporting activities. 
ln addition to helping with painting and other maintenance tasks, the sailors, perhaps wearied after their 
labors, were well defeated by a team of local children in a friendly game of soccer. Ali of the children were 
given a USS Carl Vinson baseball cap and packed lunches. 
The goodwill mission also involved further sporting fixtures between the sailors of both nations, although 
results have not been reported. A reception for around 400 guests was also held aboard the carrier. 
International media was mainly focusing on the positive aspects of the visit: the only aberration on that 
theme was a French Agency reportedly questioning the motive of the mission, seeing it as an attempt to 
sway Brazil's government into buying American military hardware. 
(Abridged from http: / / riotímesonline.com) 
According to the text, it is correct to state that 
a) an American ship made a stopover in Rio on her way to a humanitarian mission in Haiti. 
b) state schools were painted by American and Brazilian sailors on February 27th, 2017. 
c) the Brazilian kids received something to eat plus a souvenir of the American vessel. 
d) American sailors played soccer against Brazilian sailors but were defeated. 
e) international media focused on the purpose of the visit: the purchase of military hardware. 
What is the correct option to complete the text below? 
Late night on 08 April _____ distress call was received from _____ foreign merchant vessel MV OS 35 
(Tuvalu registered vessel), which was attacked and boarded by pirates in _____ Gulf of Aden. 
______ Indian Navy ships Mumbai, Tarkash, Trishul and Aditya proceeding on deployment to _____ 
Mediterranean responded to _____ call and rapidly closed _____ merchant vessel by _____ early hours of 
09 April. 
{Adapted from http: / / www. marineinsight .com/ shipping) 
a) a/ a / Æ / Æ / Æ / the / a / Æ 
b) a / a / the / Æ / the / the / the / the 
c) the / a / the / an / the / a / the / an 
d) a / the / the / Æ / Æ / a / a / Æ 
e) the / Æ / a / the / a / the / the / the 
What is the correct option to complete the paragraph below 
This article wasn't written by a robot ­ but the next one you read _____ have been. Robots are already in 
our midst, and you _____ be surprised what they _____ do. Robots are reporting on earthquakes, sports, 
and writing huge numbers of Wikipedia articles. Odds are pretty good you've already read articles written 
entirely by robots without realizing it. 
(Adapted from https: / / www.makeuseof.com) 
a) mightn't / can't / should 
b) can't / might / can 
c) should / can't / can 
d) can / could / should 
e) might / might / can 
Read this paragraph. 
lf you would list the reasons why IBM's growth isn't what management wants it to be, geographic 
dispersal probably wouldn't be in the top ten. WFH only works if you can actually assess on an ongoing 
basis what work is getting done, but then again that's true for in­office work as well. Lazy managers 
assume work is getting done if you're in the office, just as delusional ones assume everyone works 
productively and independently if they are remote. But if the actual performance goes down due to lower 
motivation and wasted time, then it is a problem. 
(Adapted from https: / / www. linkedin .com/ pulse) 
Which option contains a sentence with INCORRECT grammar? 
a) "lf you would list the reasons why IBM's growth isn't what management wants it to be, geographic 
dispersal probably wouldn't be in the top ten." 
b) "WFH only works if you can actually assess on an ongoing basis what work is getting done". 
c) "Lazy managers assume work is getting done if you're in the office". 
d) "[ ... ] delusional ones assume everyone works productively and independently if they are remote." 
e) "But if the actual performance goes down due to lower motivation and wasted time, then it is a 
problem."QUESTÃO 26 
Which option best completes the paragraph below? 
About a century ago no one _____ about a marine engineer, but today it _____ as established as any 
other famous ones. Over the last 100 years, engineering as a field of study _____ and diversified far 
beyond what _____ imagined prior to this period. Not only this, it has also branched out into various 
specialized fields that 
great progress. Most of these new fields are aligned to any of the basic engineering branches like 
mechanical, electrical, civil, electronics, computers etc and have something or the other incorporated 
from them. One such branch is called marine engineering. 
(Adapted from http: / / www. Marineinsight. Com/ careers) 
a) would have heard / is / has developed / could have been / have achieved 
b) heard / has been / developed / could have / have been achieved 
c) had heard / is/ has been developed / could be / have achieved 
d) would hear / is /. would have developed / could have been / achieved 
e) have heard / has been / had developed / could have /have been achieved 
Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below? 
Scientists _____ Duke University _____ the US named a new genus of ferns discovered throughout the 
Americas _____ pop superstar Lady Gaga. When examining the ferns' DNA, the scientists spotted the base 
pair sequence G­A­G­A ­ just like the singer. They also noted the ferns display gender fluidity, a major 
theme _____ Lady Gaga's work. 
(Adapted from http: / / blog. oxforddictionaries.com) 
a) at / in / after / in 
b) of / of / before / at 
c) at/ on / before / on 
d) of / in / after / at 
e) on / of / after / on 
Which option completes the paragraph below correctly? 
Some missions require _____ specialized talent ­along with the training and the nerve to accomplish the 
most dangerous and _____ of tasks. Eliminating threats. Defusing bombs. Rescuing those in distress and 
salvaging vital equipment from _____ depths. Members of the Naval Special Warfare I Naval Special 
Operations (NSW/NSO) communities take on the most impossible missions and target the most _____ 
(Adapted from https: / / www.navy.com) 
a) highly / dauntless / treachery / elusive 
b) highly / daunting / treacherous / elusive 
c) higher / daunting / treachery / delusive 
d) high / daunting / treachery / elusive 
e) high / dauntless / treacherous / delusive 
Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below. 
Our mind likes _____ our brain into that it's right. Over time, this leads to us _____ biases. Biases can be 
positive or negative, but it's important _____ these deeply rooted subconscious factors. 
(Adapted from https: / / www.makeuseof.com) 
a) trick / believe / create / to identify 
b) tricking / believe / to create / identify 
c) to trick / believe / to create / to identify 
d) to trick / believing / creating / to identify 
e) trick / believing / to create / identifying 
Which option completes the paragraph below correctly? 
Scientists _____ for the objectivity, but that they don't have a sense of humour. When Dr Vazrick Natari 
_____ the white tufts capping the head of a new species of moth he _____ around Baja California, one 
person _____ to mind: Donald J Trump. Explaining why he _____ Neopalpadonaldtrumpi for the organism 
in 2017, Natari said: 'The specific epithet _____ because of the resemblance of the scales on the frons 
(head) of the moth to Mr. Trump's hairstyle'. 
(Adapted from http: / / blog.oxforddictionaries.com) 
a) are known / isn't meant I was seen / discovered / carne / was chosen / has selected 
b) know / doesn't mean / saw / was discovered / was come I was chosen / has selected 
c) are known / doesn't mean / saw / discovered / carne / chose / has been selected 
d) are known / isn't meant / saw / discovered / was come / was chosen / has selected 
e) know / doesn't mean / was seen / was discovered / carne / chose / has been selected 
By Mass Communication Specialist 1 st Class 
Byron C. Linder, Pacific Partnership Public Affairs 
Story Number: NNS180326-20 Release Date: 
3/26/2018 1:34:00 PM 
PACIFIC OCEAN (NNS) − Pacific Partnership, with 2018 marking the 13th iteration of the event, brings 
together a vast array of personnel from countries including the U.S., United Kingdom, Australia, and 
Japan. ln each demographic, you'II find personnel who are on their first, second, or even third trip to the 
Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). 
But only one participant this year can claim the crown of "most familiar firsthand" with the FSM islands. 
He is Lt. Matt Thomas, an audiologist stationed at Navy Environmental Preventative Medicine Unit 6 in 
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, with 18 years of service in the active duty and Reserves. 
This is Thomas' third time to Yap ... but ninth overall to Micronesia. He's not a diving enthusiast, exploring 
the countless reefs under the sea in his off duty time. Nor is this his ninth Pacific Partnership ­ indeed, it is 
his first time as part of the mission. Rather, he has made it his focus to bring his specialty of audiology to a 
place where there is no native support, time and time again. 
A native son of EI Paso, Texas, and University of Texas graduate, Thomas found himself working for a 
baseball team and being less than impressed with the "grunt work" the job entailed. "During my breaks, I 
would read, mostly history. I was a history major, and I wanted to work overseas when I got out of 
college, but I was not doing that. So I put it all together and figured the Navy would be the way to make 
that happen," Thomas explained. 
Thomas pursued a career as a surface warfare officer, but it was during a deployment to Djibouti in 2010 
that he began not just a transition from the Reserves to active duty ... but to a whole new field. "The 
medical field was my avenue to go from the Reserves to active duty, and audiology offered me the chance 
to take the prerequisite courses while I was deployed. I took eight classes that one summer in Djibouti, 
applied to every school that I could, and got accepted," Thomas recalled, adding he maintained Reserve 
service while balancing a full­time class schedule. 
Navy Environmental Preventative Medicine Unit 6, Thomas' command, has significant operational 
presence in the area. But it was force of will, he said, that got him to the FSM. 
(Abridged from http://www.navy.mil/) 
According to the text, it is correct to state that: 
a) Lt Matt Thomas has worked in active duty for 18 years. 
b) Lt. Matt Thomas has been to Pacific Partnership before. 
c) lt. Matt Thomas intended to work abroad alter graduation. 
d) Lt. Matt Thomas started in the Reserves as an audiologist. 
e) Lt. Matt Thomas took one summer off to prepare for college exams. 
By José Luis Pefíarredonda, 26 March 2018 
We're all being graded every day. The expensive plane tickets I bought recently have already popped up in 
my credit score. The fact that l"ve stopped jogging every morning has been noted by my fitness app ­ and, 
if it were connected with an insurance company, this change might push up my premiums. [ ... ]. And, yes, 
my desirability and efficiency as a worker is also up for evaluation and can be given a number. 
HR departments are crunching increasing volumes of data to measure employees in a more granular way. 
From software that records every keystroke, or the 'smart' coffee machines that will only give you a hot 
drink if you tap it with your work ID badge there are more opportunities than ever for bosses tomeasure 
behaviour. Some analysts think this industry could be worth more than $1 billion by 2022. 
One big aim of data collection is to make "predictions about how long an· employee will stay, and it may 
influence hiring, firing, or retention of people" [ ... ]. 
One problem with this approach is that it's blind to some of the non­quantifiable aspects of work. Some of 
the subtler things I do in order to be a better writer, for instance, are not quantifiable: having a drink with 
someone who tells me a great story, or imagining a piece on my commute. None of these things would 
show up in my 'job score'. "A lo! of the qualitative aspects of work are being written out," says Moore, 
"because if you can't measure them, they don't exist". 
The dilemma of data 
There are several good business reasons to collect data on employees ­ from doing better risk 
management to examining if social behaviours in the workplace can lead to gender discrimination. 
"Companies fundamentally don't understand how people interact and collaborate at work," says Ben 
Waber, president and CEO of Humanyze, an American company which gathers and analyses data about 
the workplace. He says that he can show them. 
Humanyze gathers data from two sources. The first is the metadata from employees' communications: 
their email, phone or corporate messaging service [ ... ]. The second area is data gathered from gadgets 
like Bluetooth infrared sensors which detect how many people are working in one particular part of an 
office and how they move around. They also use 'supercharged' ID badges that, as Waber says, are beefed 
up with "microphones which don't record what you say, but do voice­processing in real time." This allows 
measurement of the proportion of time you speak, or how often people interrupt you. 
After six weeks of research, the employer gets a 'big picture' of the problem it wants to solve, based on 
the analysed data. lf the aim, for instance, is to boost sales, they can analyse what their best salespeople 
do that others don't. 
Waber sees it as "a lens of very large work issues, like diversity, inclusion, workload assessment, 
workspace planning, or regulatory risk". His business case is that these tools will help companies save 
millions of dollars and even years of time [ ... ]. 
(Abridged from http://www.bbc.com) 
According to the text, it is correct to state that: 
a) the writer's insurance company is well aware of his exercise routine and rewards him for that. 
b) data collection industry will definitely be worth more than one billion dollars in four years' time. 
c) employers can't use data collection to manage social behaviours in the workplace. 
d) companies are writing down a lot of the qualitative aspects of work to assess their employees. 
e) Humanyze has access to the content of the conversations the I D badges record. 
Which option completes the text below correctly? 
[ ... ] The lost submarine _____ during an expedition _____ by Find AE1 Limited in December 2017, more 
than 103 years after it _____ near the Duke of York lslands in PNG, ending one of Australia's longest naval 
Defence Minister Marise Payne said the images collected during the expedition _____ that the boat's 
guardrails _____ and hatches appeared to be shut. "These first assessments from the expedition indicate 
that the AE1 _____ to be in a state for underwater operations." 
(Adapted from http//: www.defence.gov.au/news) 
a) was discovered / led / disappeared / showed / were stowed / was configured 
b) discovered / was led / was disappeared / showed / were stowed / configured 
c) discovered / led / disappeared / were shown / stowed / was configured 
d) was discovered / was led / was disappeared / showed / stowed / configured 
e) discovered / led / was disappeared / were shown / stowed / configured 
Which option completes the text below correctly? 
A Beijing company has unveiled spectacularly futuristic designs for a pollution­busting, elevated bus 
[ ... ] Song Youzhou, the project's chief engineer, claimed the busses could be produced for 20% of the 
price of an underground train and rolled out far more quickly since the _____ infrastructure was relatively 
sim pie. 
The project has been greeted with _____ in China, where traffic jams have grown as the country _____ 
the United States to become the largest car market on earth in 2009. 
However, _____ over the _____ was tempered by the fact that a virtually identical contraption was 
unveiled at the same expo in 201 O without catching on. lts _____ ? A Chinese engineer by the name of 
Song Youzhou. 
(Adapted from https://www.ltheguardian.com) 
a) supporting / anticipated / mistook / excitement / innovative / designs 
b) supportive / anticipation / mistook / excited /innovation / designing 
c) supporting / anticipation / overtook / excitement /innovation / designer 
d) supportive / anticipated / overtook / excited / innovative / design 
e) supports / anticipation / undertook / excitement / innovation / designings 
Which option completes the text below correctly? 
There are cells in the retina of our eye that _____ directly with the brain's biological clock regulators 
located in the hypothalamus and this pathway is most affected by light. These neurons _____ to be most 
affected by light waves from the blue spectrum or blue light. This is the kind of light most prominent in 
electronic lights from computers and smartphones. This _____ a modem challenge that can adversely 
affect our natural sleep­wake cycle. 
Additional factors that can hamper sleep _____ pain conditions, medications for other conditions, and the 
increased demands and connectedness of modem society. 
(Adapted from http://theconversation.com) 
a) communicate / have been found / has become / include 
b) communicates / had been found / had become / includes 
c) communicates / has been found / has become / includes 
d) communicate / had been found / had become / includes 
e) communicates / has been found / has become / include 
Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below? 
I believe _____ responsibility is first and foremost ___ adult altitude. lt is _____ result of human action 
and necessitates _____ sharing of meaning with others. li requires us to collectively adhere to _____ 
notion behind _____ idea of _____ responsibility, which of itself is a responsibility. 
(Adapted from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse) 
a) Æ / the / a / a / a / the / Æ 
b) Æ / an /the/the/the/ the / Æ 
c) the / Æ / a / a / the / an / the 
d) the / an / the / Æ / a / the / the 
e) Æ / Æ / the / Æ / the / an / Æ 
Which option completes the text below correctly? 
Marines of any age can now conduct the rowing portion of the PFT if they have a medical chi! proving 
they are incapable _____ completing the running test. (Cpl. Jeff Drew/ Marine Corps) 
The Marine Corps is making changes _____ its Physical Fitness Test, allowing Marines to replace the three­
mile running portion of the PFT _____ a 5,000­meter stint on a rowing machine. 
Marines seeking to do that will require a medical chi! to prove and explain why they can't run. Sul it will 
allow fil and hard­working Marines to still earn a top score _____ their fitness test without risking 
unnecessary injury. 
lt comes at a time when the entire military is wrestling _____ issues of standards and fitness. 
(Adapted from https://www.navytimes.com) 
a) of / to / with / on / with 
b) in /to/ with / by / for 
c) to/ from / with / by / with 
d) of /for/for/ on / about 
e) to/ for/ for/ by / for 
Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below. 
Everyone _____ encryption, particularlywhen they _____ sites that _____ personal information. Don't 
trust a page that _____ for passwords but isn't encrypted. Do check out the address bar: if the beginning 
_____ "HTTPS", that's a sign of encryption. 
(Adapted from http://makeuseof.com) 
a) needing / visited / requires / ask / reads 
b) need / visit / require / asking / read 
c) needs / have visited / requires / asks / reading 
d) needs / visit / require / asks / reads 
e) need / visited / require / asking /reading 
Which option completes the paragraph below correctly? 
Pacific Partnership 2018 consists of more than 800 _____ stationed worldwide and embarked aboard [ ... ] 
Military Sealift Command expeditionary _____ USNS Brunswick (T­EPF 6), working side­by­side with _____ 
to be better prepared for _____ and disaster response situations. 
(Abridged from http://www.navy.mil) 
a) U. S. personnel military / fast ship transport /counterparts host nation / aid potential humanitarian 
b) U. S. military personnel / fast transport ship / host nation counterparts / potential humanitarian aid 
c) U. S. military personnel / transport fast ship / nation host counterparts / aid potential humanitarian 
d) Military U. S. personnel / fast transport ship / host nation counterparts / humanitarian potential aid 
e) U. S. personnel military / transport ship fast / nation host counterparts / 
potential humanitarian aid 
Mark the sentence that is INCORRECT. 
a) I thought the gap year would be a good experience and if I enjoyed it, l'd stay in the Navy. 
b) lf left unchecked, it can double the amount of fuel needed to sustain operational speeds. 
c) lf I just did the courses they required me to, l'd reach the "minimum threshold capability". 
d) lf the new coating continues to perform well, it is likely to be rolled out for all the vessels. 
e) lf I knew their families are present at the ceremony, I will pass on my best wishes to them.

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